
Shades of Fantasy

Ghasi_Pearl · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Do the Honors

"You clean up well, Drake." I complimented, lifting my glass up to my lips again, not breaking eye contact.

His Smirk grew wider, showing a one sided dimple and he breaks the eye contact to grab a glass of champagne.

"Where's Lily?" he asks taking a sip of his champagne as his eyes scan the hall. Drake was a friend of Lily's and sometimes it seems we're both sharing her, so Lily insisted on both of us getting along and in her words 'her best of friends being best of friends.' still don't know if that makes sense though.

She's known Drake from childhood as well, a little longer than she'd known me. Their both mothers were friends, naturally making them friends but I only knew Lily since middle school. Around that time, Drake's parents got a divorce and he had to go abroad with his Dad, causing the separation from Lily.

Although they were distance apart, they still kept in touch and Drake only got back a week ago, hence throwing a welcome slash Congratulations party cause his Company recently opened up a new branch here. I didn't want to attend, but naturally Lily dragged me here after Drake insisted on my presence. Normally, we both do not get along quite well, but we tend to try because of Lily's insisting and I've got to say, Drake turned out to be one hell of a gorgeous greek god, getting every girl's attention wherever he went, not the shy boy with bushy hair, braces and freckles I remembered from middle school. 'not that I'd give him the honors of hearing me say it to him, and he knows it.'

"She's over there..." I nod over to where she currently sits on the young man's lap with a hand resting on his chest "getting herself a one night stand". I say sipping my wine as I watch her laugh again to whatever he whispered in her ear.

He raises an eyebrow as he recognizes who the young man is, "Nate?" he asks with a scoff. "Here I was thinking of how to introduce them, they beat me to it." Nate was a dirty blonde haired young man in a light blue suit, Even from afar one could tell he was quite good looking. He had an arm around her waist and the other holding a wine glass as he kept talking with her, not once looking at anyone else. She had all his attention as she talked and gigged occasionally flipping her hair over her shoulder. "At least she's having fun, what about you?" he asked turning to face me.

"Me?..." I ask with raised eyebrows, surprised that he'd ask. He just kept quiet as he sipped his drink. "...nah, I don't really like parties, but I've gone to a lot that I can't keep count, at least the good wine keeps me busy." I say raising my glass a little.

"hmm...the wine's okay, but would you want to taste the best wine ever?" he asked, dropping his glass and bobbing his head in a direction, gesturing to follow him.

"I'm down for it." I replied dropping my glass as well and I follow him out of the hall. We head to the elevator and he pressed the button to the penthouse on the roof.

The door opened to a breathtaking view of the city lights from the roof to floor big windows of the sitting room. There were couches situated in a C format and a very soft rug in-between. The walls were spotless White and a very big Television mounted close to the ceiling, it looked like a remote controlled it's positioning. There were flower pots situated here and there, giving the place a homely and relaxing feel. I didn't have the time to take in the kitchen I noticed at the other far end, cause he started walking in the opposite direction and I had to follow.

We entered one of the rooms, and a 'wow' escaped my lips. The four walls of the medium sized room was filled with wine of different flavors, alcohol strength, different make, there was an assorted amount on shelves. In the middle of the room, was a table and a few stools round it. The lighting of the room was not doing much to hide them, they were illuminating. "So I take it you're a wine person?" I say still looking around the room, I slide my finger on the shelves as I walk past, taking note that it was indeed kept clean.

He still stood at the entrance, I could feel his gaze on me as I feasted my eyes on the amount of wine all in one room. I turned to him when I didn't hear a reply, and that was when I noticed he'd taken off his suit jacket, leaving his suit shirt with the sleeves rolled up, which looked like it would be ripped off any moment from the amount of muscles it had to hide. He nodded as a reply, then walked to the table which seemed to house a mini fridge and a mini shelf, where glasses of different kinds were lined up. He picked two red wine glasses from the mini shelf and placed on the table with a saucer.

I walked to one of the high stools and sat with crossed legs, not too far from him as I was curious about what he was doing. he pulled out a wine bottle with a distinguishing shape from the fridge and corked it. "Saunders faze.." he said with a genuine smile on his face that reached his eyes. "freshly made, a modern mystery, straight from manufacturer, only 2 bottles in a year, just arrived yesterday, haven't even tried it yet. will you do the honors of tasting it with me?"

"I would be honored." I say, my eyes filled with excitement.