

Max pushed and pushed until he felt like he couldn't take it anymore and he ejaculated inside Maria, in front of his own mother.

Completely without strength, Maria fell to the ground with a happy smile.

[+100 sex points]

[New achieved]

[Pregnancy: you have made a woman pregnant.]

[+1000 sex points]

Maxwell couldn't believe what he saw. Not for a moment had the idea of ​​getting Maria pregnant crossed his mind.

Besides that he found out that he could also fulfill the so-called achievements to earn more sexual points.

"How can you do this?" Her mother asked with a blank look and her face a little flushed.

"What thing?" Maxwell asked confused.

"What do you ask? Do you know what your father will do to you when he finds out about this?" Olivia squealed a little scared.

"That?!" Max asked nonchalantly. "Kill me? Do you realize that I am one of the few children he has been able to have? On top of that with the rare lightning element."

Max shrugged.

"Even if I was mad with anger, it wouldn't kill me." And even if he wanted to, it wouldn't be that easy for him. He thought to himself. "Maybe you don't understand because you look at it from your perspective. A commoner and forgotten concubine, but you and I have completely different states. He hasn't touched you for years and the only time he did it again after I was born, It was after I woke up. I sure hoped that you could give him another child with the lightning element. The same thing happens with Maria, she has been completely forgotten by him. But if he does not want them, I am more than willing to have them by my side. . "

Olivia gritted her teeth with tears in her eyes.

"None of this is okay in the goddess's eyes."


Max clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"And if it's so bad. Why hasn't the goddess come to stop me?"

Olivia was completely silent and didn't know how to respond. In a panic, she started running into her room.


Max couldn't help sighing. Olivia was very stubborn and apparently religious, convincing her of her will cost a lot.

But just seconds after sighing, Maxwell realized.

I'm going to be a dad !!

He felt weird to say the least.

An 11-year-old boy was going to be a father.


Half an hour later, Maria woke up from the little dream in which she had fallen, took a bath, changed and walked to her room completely oblivious to the fact that she was carrying her child in her womb.

Max couldn't stop thinking about it, even after a long time. His head was spinning around and around thinking of many possible scenarios and they wouldn't let him sleep.

With nothing else to do, he went for a tour of the castle, which curiously had not yet fully explored. There were many places that were still a mystery to him. How for example, the room of his father and many of his women, the dungeons of the castle since he was never especially tempted to go to such a humid and unsanitary place.

His feet moved on their own, without the trusted guidance of his mind. He just walked and walked aimlessly.

Without even realizing it, Max was in the highest tower of the castle. An always lonely place, but as he turned the corner, a totally incredible scene took him out of his thoughts.

His father, the Duke of Rodmandy, was completely naked having sex with a woman.

The woman placed her hands on the wall, while she lifted her firm round ass, happily receiving Magnus's penis.

This is not strange at all, if the duke wanted to have a woman in his crotch he could do it very easily ... But not that woman.

Because that woman, she was precisely the wife of his own son Marcus, Penelope.

Just as Max could clearly observe them as they crossed the corner, they in turn saw him.

"Maxwell!" His father exclaimed in surprise.

"Ahhhhh." Penelope squealed slightly and hastily covered you.

"What are you doing here?" Magnus asked a little annoyed.

"The big question here is: what are you two doing here?" Max replied with a smile.

"Insolent!" Shouted magnus. "Is this how you talk to your father?"

Max wasn't freaked out one bit by his father's tantrum. Instead he sighed.

"Could you please stop trying to intimidate me and try to shut me up? We both know who's wrong here and it's not exactly me."

Magnus gritted his teeth in shame upon seeing Maxwell's calm and slightly teasing demeanor. He just wanted to give that kid a good punch, but if he did he knew Maxwell wasn't going to stand still, they would inevitably cause a great ruckus and be caught.

"Don't worry father. I will say absolutely nothing of what I saw." Max knew that he could not continue to enrage his father, after all he was the duke and in a moment of madness he could disinherit him.

"Mmm" Magnus looked at him intrigued, but mostly doubtful. What happened here today could not leave the world for nothing.

"Is seriously." Max raised his hands in surrender.

But Magnus couldn't be entirely sure, but the next second he had a great idea.

"Okay I'll believe you, but on one condition." He said his father dre his as he lifted his finger and pointed at the still completely naked Penelope, covering her breasts. "Fuck her!"

"That?!!" Max couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Fuck her." His father repeated before the surprised eyes of Maxwell and Penelope. "Only then will I be sure that you will not tell anyone. Because you will be an accomplice."

Max swallowed hard and looked at Penelope. Brown eyes, small nose and mouth. Her hair was black and she cut down to her shoulders. And a small mole was in a corner of her lips that were accentuated a lot with her white and thin skin. Her breasts weren't as big as Maria's, but they were firm and pink. Her ass wasn't that big but they made a beautiful sight with her slim figure.

"Is seriously?" Max swallowed again and confirmed.

Magnus frowned when he thought Maxwell didn't want to. But to his surprise and without waiting for confirmation from him, Maxwell began to undress. He ran his tongue over his lips and said.

"You don't know how long I waited for this."