
Severuz Vampires Saga Book 1: Stained Innocence

A human blood bag in disguise who gets paid for ruining people's lives will land in the arms of the magnetic and narcissistic vampire who has a lycan blood that remained dormant...until their paths had finally crossed.

CelestineLemoir · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter Five

Feeling her head throbbing, Christel groaned as she blinked her sleep away. She felt weak and uncomfortable all of a sudden when she realized she wasn't in her own room. The growing turmoil inside her brought shiver down her spine as she finally came to her senses. Her eyes widened and her gaze wandered across the unfamiliar shadowy room. She was lying in a giant bed with black satin sheets that smelled masculine and crisp, as if the one owning it purposely left his scent to it. Its headboard had some scratches, like a wild animal had ran its claws against it. The windows were covered with heavy curtains no amount of sunlight could pass through.

The whole room looked decent and lit with a few dim lights from the ceiling, but the awful stench made her cover her nose. It smelled like blood...and something else she didn't want to know what anymore. That was the only reason she needed to start moving. She pulled herself out of the bed, her knees almost trembled with her lack of strength. Her stomach was already growling, as if it's been days since she had last eaten.

She placed her shaking hands on her stomach, trying to calm it until she realized she's no longer wearing her own clothes. The only thing covering her body was an oversize robe that smelled like a man's aftershave and naturally masculine scent. Reminds me of the man from the old station...

Christel's eyes blinked. The sudden rush of memories made her swallow hard as horror slowly crossed all over her face. Sweat began to build up on her forehead and fear finally consumed her again. Her hand touched the side of her neck she remembered the man had bitten, but in her surprise, the spot was perfectly fine, with no trace of any scar left by his bite.

Was I just dreaming when that happened? But the unfamiliar place stated otherwise. She totally wanted to freak out, afraid that everything that happened was real...so as the vampire who devoured himself with her blood.

Her trembling feet began taking its steps towards the door. A heavy sigh of relief escaped her swollen lips when she turned the knob and realized it wasn't locked. Wait, why does my lips feel like I had an all-night kissing session with someone?

She stopped for seconds. Her front teeth chewed her bottom lip when she felt the pain between her thighs. But I can't remember sleeping with anyone?

Her heart started pounding hardly inside her chest, afraid that someone had taken advantage of her vulnerability while she was unconscious. The fear of yesterday ran through her veins again, and tears started to form in her eyes.

She pushed back her tears and breathed deeply. She wasn't fucked hard by life just to cry at times like this. She needed the strength her trials had given her, even if it seemed to be lost somewhere in her head right now.

Her shaking and freezing hands pulled the door open before she tied her robe properly. The dark hallway was empty, as if she's in a haunted house from the movies. Regardless of her fear and hunger, her desire to get out of the place was strong so she began taking her steps across the hall. Her every step was quiet, her bare feet endured the coldness of the marble floor.

How ironic that sweat began trailing down the side of her face even if the place was chilly enough to make her limbs shiver. Regardless, she can no longer mind how the hell it happened. Her rapid heartbeat was enough for her to keep moving. All that she's thinking about was to find an escape door and run as fast as her weak legs could. Unfortunately, that was the only plan she could think of, considering her current situation. Her rational brain wouldn't cooperate because of her hungry stomach and all she could hold on to was her guts.

Her eyes focused at the end of the hallway. She began picking up her pace as she walked the length towards its end until she finally reached the stairs. Still, the place was empty and all she could hear was her own heartbeat. Her violent heartbeat.

Not minding her pounding heart and her growling tummy, she went down the stairs holding tightly on its railing. The robe she's wearing wasn't helping her aching limbs, and the coldness of the place was making it hard for her to move in her normal pace. Her breathing was getting heavier every minute and her head had started to spin but all she could think about was her life. She needed to survive, for herself, for Carla...and for Wesley. The thought of them worrying about her whereabouts right now made her visions cloudy but she blinked her thoughts away. She can't let her emotions overpower now, or else she won't be able to escape from her captor. Her blood-sucking and intoxicatingly gorgeous captor.

She shook her head. She should never admire that monster. Who knows what he'd already done to her? What if he's the reason behind her swollen lips and aching sex? The idea made her swallow hard, her cheeks turned red all of a sudden.

And why the hell am I blushing?!

She didn't know why, and she didn't intend to find out anymore. Once she's out of that place, she'll find a way for people to know that vampires exist so none of them could suck another woman's blood against her will anymore.

Of course she didn't wanted her blood to gush down that vampire's throat, regardless of the sensation his bite had made her feel. No one in her right mind would want that in the first place...Right?

Her body shivered with the sudden blow of cold breeze from the open window. She found herself in the first floor of the empty house, its window was getting slammed against its frame as if a storm was about to hit the area. Oh, great. She told herself before she walked towards the giant front door.

"Shit!" She cursed under her breath when the door didn't open. It was locked and her only way out was the high window that's getting slammed by the wind.

Her situation left her with no choice but to push the mahogany side table. She placed it in front of the window and stepped on it. She slid herself out and jumped, but her left foot hit a sharp stone, making her groan in pain as blood began to drip out of her cut. Could things get even worse?!

She pulled herself up and tried to walk lightly but the pain was nerve-wrecking. Her eyes scanned the place, but when she spotted three men from a distance, her pools widened and she began to run despite of the pain she's feeling that had added to her chills. Her heart pounded more violently, and her intuition told her to run faster but with just a blink of an eye, she was already surrounded with more men with tremendous desire written in their blood-colored eyes. Their fangs were in display, so as their hunger for her dripping blood and pulsating veins.

"S—Stay away!" She screamed but they began getting closer, until one finally held her wrist tightly while some fought with each other to get their fangs in her neck.

"Lemme go—ahh!" Her terrified and painful scream echoed as she felt her skin being bitten. Her eyes shut and tears started to trail down her face. They savored her blood, not minding her terrified scream for help. She can feel her dizziness getting worse as they suck on her, draining the life out of her vulnerable body.

Her limbs gone weaker, but before she could let out another scream, their fangs were pulled out from her wrists and neck. Their groans only lasted for seconds, until she suddenly felt quiet...and a familiar scent lingered in her nose.

Her knees gone weak and her sobs slipped out of her lips. She covered her face with her hands. The smell of her own blood disgusted her, and the pain of being helpless in a strange place cut deep through her heart. She promised herself to never look pathetic and weak again, but here she was, crying like the woman she used to be, feeling incapable of protecting herself in a monsters' territory.

Her body shivered when she felt someone scooped her from the ground. She struggled to get off the person's arms but it didn't let her go that easily. Her teary eyes opened and met a pair of familiar scarlet pools. Only this time, it was burning with anger and frustration. His jaw was clenching and the sides of his lips were covered with blood.

The men were already lying on the ground—lifeless, with eyes widely open in a horrifying manner and their hearts were pulled out from their bodies.

"Who told you to step out of my house, hmm?" His deep voice terrified her even more.

She almost stopped breathing, as if his intense gaze was consuming her remaining strength. His movement was swift, but the loud slam of the front door made her shudder in fear. It was him. She can never forget that handsome face...and his dangerous gaze.

Her eyes glanced at the broken door. The man kicked it hard enough to get it off the wall but he didn't seem to care about the damage he had made. His eyes remained focused on hers, until they finally reached the same room she had woken up in.

The man placed her on the bed in a sitting position before he bit his wrist and placed it in near her lips. "Drink." He commanded in a serious tone.

She lifted her gaze, enough to see his face then shook her head. "N—No way."

His pools darkened, trying to scare the shit out of her. "Don't make this hard for you. My blood will heal your wounds."

She gulped but her eyes remained on his, unable to move but afraid to show anymore sign of weakness. He seemed to lose patience with her already. His other hand fisted on her frizzy hair and pushed her head for her lips to taste his blood. Her eyes shut as she tasted the rust-like bitter liquid. It gushed down her throat, making her want to throw up with its awful taste.

Christel almost caught her breath when he finally let go of her hair, but the sudden rush of impenetrable electric waves and ribbons of power overwhelmed her body, making her eyes open widely as she breathed heavily. There was something in his blood. Something no amount of medicine could level...

He licked his own wrist while staring at her intently, waiting for her to explain herself from escaping. As if someone in the right mind wouldn't do that.

He took a few steps away and folded his arms in front of his broad chest, making Christel gulp as her eyes traveled down his open collar. Cliché but sexy. He's pale but his complexion suited him pretty well, so his black long-sleeved polo that was folded up to his elbows. He was indeed a sight. A feral yet gorgeous predator in jeans and sleeves.

She shrugged the thought away and bowed her head. It wasn't right to appreciate him, no matter how mouth-watering his over-all look was. Even his natural scent. His manly and sexy scent... She cut herself off to keep herself from thinking about him in a sensual way. Her hands gripped on the sheets as she tried to gain enough strength to speak, even if her vocabulary seemed to be wiped out all of a sudden.

There was a moment of silence, and the feeling of his intense gaze made her feel more uncomfortable.

She gripped tighter on the sheets. "I need to go home."

"You're already home." The man replied with finality before he took his steps towards her. He reached her chin and lifted her head to meet his gaze. The feel of his fingertips was enough for the hair on her nape to stand to its ends. "And you're not gonna do that stupid move again. There's no way I'll share you with my brother's pets. Do you understand?" His brow arched, waiting for her response.

But she's not little miss pathetic. No matter how scared she really was deep inside, she flashed her fake façade of stubbornness. She pushed him away before she got up on her feet. She suddenly realized her foot wasn't aching anymore and her cuts were gone. So as her hunger she'd felt earlier. She swallowed and gazed at the man, her eyes narrowed to hide her fear behind her blank stare. "You can never keep me. I will always find a way to escape."

Her eyes wandered and found a bottle of whiskey on the side table. She hurriedly reached for it and slammed it on the side of his head but in her surprise, the man showed no reaction as if he didn't mind what she did, but the corner of his lips slowly formed a ghost of a smile. "Now you're making things exciting for me..."

Christel's eyes widened and the broken bottle slipped from her hand. The man took a step forward, making her move backwards in fear until her legs hit the side of the bed. Her body fell on his soft bed where he immediately locked her between his arms. The scorching desire in his eyes was burning her insides, waking up something she never knew existed in the first place.

His head lowered until his warm breath finally kissed her face as if he wanted to see how much he affected her. She shivered, and her eyes remained staring at his while her heartbeat kept on betraying her. She had to admit. It was the most beautiful pair of eyes she'd ever seen, and its mesmerizing effect on her had made her hate herself. Regardless of how terrifying he was, she cannot believe she still found herself getting drawn to him.

"W—Who are you?" She whispered, her voice trembled.

The corner of his lips curved into a lustful smile. "Why don't you try to remember it? You've called it sensually last night, haven't you, darling?"

She blinked, and all of a sudden, the unfamiliar memories of last night came flashing before her eyes. Her lips were slanted against his, her moans filled the dark room, and her arms were curled around his neck as he rocked her naked body hard and wildly...while she was calling his name with his every thrust.


Her hands covered her lips as tears began to form in her eyes again. "W—What have you done?"

The desire in his eyes became tremendous, like a feral animal that's ready to chase her down. His hand reached for her robe, untied it, until her naked body was finally in display before his eyes which he immediately ravished with his feverish palm. Their heat was intoxicating, but the pain of being taken against her will was killing her.

"You slept with me without my consent! That was practically rape!" She screamed in frustration, her body wasn't able to move again just like yesterday.

He lowered his head until he finally reached her ear. His hot breath made the hair on her nape stand to its ends. "Yes, you did ask for that..." His hand touched the side of her waist in a sensual manner before he lifted his head to look at her again. Their gazes locked and his pupils dilated. "Didn't you?"

Christel felt a sudden blast of immense power in her veins that made her feel pushed back in her own body, having no control over it anymore. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her eyes remained staring at his, unable to blink. "Yes, I did..."

His smile widened before he stripped his shirt off, exposing his chiseled abdomen muscle. Every curve was molded to perfection. Every part was exceptionally sexy. And his shoulders, it deserved to be touched, to be felt, to be held on to.

He was beautiful...but she can no longer appreciate him. Not when he's doing this against her will.

Tears were trailing down on the side of her face but her mind seemed to ask for what was happening. He got her under his control again, and here she was, unable to do anything to save herself from this misery.

Yvann lowered his head again and began teasing her lower lip. His heat was vibrating against her bare skin, consuming all her remaining self-control. "Call out my name, Christel..." He whispered before sucking her lower lip. His seductive hand traveled from her belly to the valley of her breasts until he finally cupped one that made her groan in pure ecstasy.

Christel whimpered when he gave her a sensual squeeze. Their fingers intertwined and his body pressed against hers, making her feel the scorching desire his body was emitting. "Yvann..." She moaned against her will, and in just a blink of an eye, her body was already on top of his, following his every command until her sensual moans finally filled his dark room.

As their lips slanted with each other to claim each other's mouth, she knew, this was just the beginning of her new nightmares...