
The Shamans

Kintan was silent after hearing Clarissa's whole story about human history while still in Yamani. As it turned out, the time zone changed by the Queen was so far away that humans could multiply that much in 200 Earth years, but on the other hand, in this world, in Yamani, the time that Yamani creatures spent without humans was surprisingly short.

1 year on Yamani is equal to 100 years on Earth.

They only fasted without eating humans for two years, but when the little creatures returned, they were as crazy as if they hadn't eaten them in ages. Yet many also say that humans are still able to keep in touch with the wrena in Yamani, borrowing strength for their welfare. If it weren't for that, the mystical world in Nusantara couldn't be that rich, even after 200 years of living apart from Yamani.

The history of mystical things on Earth may now be lost. Humans may have been far more advanced than before, and it was impossible for them to believe in such absurd histories. It would be very easy to snatch humans back to Earth because of their ignorance.

No matter how many hundred years pass, the power of the creatures in Yamani will still win against the technology that humans created. They could not possibly realize how great and terrible the power Yamnai beings possessed, especially if they did not believe in such mystical things.

It had been two weeks since the announcement from Hindia. They have 6 weeks to thwart it. That's what Kintan thought, although she didn't know if she could do that or not.

Fighting the Queen is the same as fighting Candrasa. If she didn't have a level of strength as high as the Candrasas, then it would be very difficult for goods only to profit from reaching the Queen's land.

"Is that wish so impossible, huh?" thought Kintan.

"So what about Dirga?" Clarissa finally asked, making Kintan realize that she had all the explanations she wanted in order to trust Clarissa.

"You shouldn't have your expectations too high," Kintan muttered under her breath, glancing at Clarissa. "It's true, Dirga saved me and some of my friends. But it seems that at that time, her preparations to move us were not very mature, so when we entered Yamani, he failed to put us in a safe place, and instead made us fall apart.

"There were those who fell, drowned, and entered the tsunami because of the giants who couldn't contain themselves. Some were thrown into another layer of soil, some were immediately caught by the Yamani creatures, and some, like me, survived, were thrown at L-05 and not in a crowded area.

"I haven't seen Dirga since that day. I kept trying to look for him everywhere, I tried to find all my comrades, but instead of meeting in person, I got news of their capture and death. The rest are just people who are already reluctant to fight, like Jane or Arta."

Clarissa fell silent upon hearing that. "Only six weeks left before they travel to Earth and then drag humans here," Kintan muttered, making Clarissa glance at her. "We should be able to meet with those who are left, asking for help to thwart that plan. I'm sure Dirga still cares about us, even though Arta and Jane are gone."

"Then how do we find Dirga?" Clarissa asked the girl.

The two of them were silent for a moment. Clarissa couldn't put any more faith in the two creatures in front of her. Previously, it didn't even work. No Putra, no even Kintan, both are the same. Too many fantasize but do not know the solution to solve it all. At least they need better information, from anyone, to find traces of Dirga, then they can move properly.

"There are some well-known information dealers in L-04. Do you guys know about that?" Kintan asked the two people.

Clarissa sighed at that, "I've done it before, it's meaningless."

Kintan raised an eyebrow, not really believing this Senior Worker in front of her. She knew she wasn't as strong as Clarissa, but she was sure she also knew more than she did. She was sure of the information she had during her time as a traveler this past year.

"Are you sure?" Clarissa looked at the girl with a confused look, her eyebrows furrowed, showing an expression of not understanding Kintan's question.

"Miss, if you think about using a commoner's point of view, then you won't find many loopholes in this crazy world. I've been around all layers of the earth except for the bottom three, I know the craziest parts, where the greedy creatures who refuse to obey the rules of this world reside." Kintan then looked at the two people in front of her and said, "The problem is, if we lose in terms of money and power, then we will never be able to get what we want from them."

"Who do you mean?"

"The Shamans."

Clarissa hadn't heard that term in a long time. She had heard of it once when she was a child. Everyone said that "shaman" is a term for creatures who are reluctant to obey any kind of orders from the Queen. They consist of various creatures, including humans.

Most of them love magic, and they are willing to do anything to gain that power or knowledge. In general, shamans are those who love science, but on a very unnatural level. They can do anything to complete their research. Long ago, there was a big case where the Shamans tried to create a creature capable of defeating the Queen, but the creature was easily defeated by the Candrasa. The Shamans concerned had also been defeated.

She thought, since then the Shaman had been exterminated for being so arrogant and daring against the Queen.

But it didn't.

"How do you know that name? I thought they were extinct?" Clarissa asked in disbelief.

"Travelers are often targeted as victims of their abduction, I don't know what research they are currently doing," replied Kintan casually, "I heard that some humans who have supernatural powers also live there."

"Humans don't have any power if they don't grow old," Clarissa said quietly, completely unable to believe what Kintan had just said.

"I think so too," replied Kintan casually, "That's why I'm curious about these Shamans. Maybe they have a lot of valuable information that you have never thought of? As an ordinary people?"

Putra sighed upon hearing this, "I've heard of rumors about Shamans, but I don't know where they are hiding."

Kintan smiled, hearing that, "I know."