
Seven Devils and a Rose (A Reverse Harem Realm-Travel Fantasy Romance)

One girl. Transported to a realm full of magic and paranormal creatures. A rare pure power. Seven hunky men. A fairy tale with a twist. My name is Alfie. A university student. I’m nothing special. Just your average nineteen-year-old girl doing her best at life. Then that happens. The unexpected. The impossible. The magic. When I first set foot on St. James Manor, a charming old house my parents bought and turned into a retreat for writers, I feel a sense of connection with the magical place. One night, I’m inadvertently transported to another realm. Disorientated and afraid of my new, mysterious surroundings, I’m found by two dark warrior lords, who mistake me for a boy. They even suspect that I am a member of a loose, violent bandit that is raiding their kingdom and kidnapping civilians. Despite having a fun and adventurous soul, I find nothing exciting, as these two gorgeous warriors, tsundere Caleb and gregarious Felix, take me back to their camp and proceed to grill me about my background. When a group of bandits pursues me and I am lost in the wild, dangerous woods, an alluring vision-in-white of a lord appears. His name is Geoffrey, and his enthralling charm fascinates me. Of course, all that I want is to return home. But little do I know that finding a way home is the least of my worries because there are those with dark power who are hunting me down. * * * Seven Devils and a Rose is a reverse harem fantasy romance where the heroine doesn't have to choose, because why would she when she could have all seven hunky heroes as her men? The heroine starts out weak but grows into an OP as the story progresses. The realm has both western and eastern cultures, with a mixture of magic and technology. WARNING: This book contains hunky men vying for the heroine's attention and love, and of course, lots of steamy, sexy time. It's a reverse harem, after all. You have been warned.

Alexia X. · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Devil’s Temptation – Chapter 34

“Oh…” Alfie expressed, looking around curiously. “We’re outside.”

“Do you like stargazing, Alfie?” he asked.

She nodded. “That I do, my lord.”

Caleb turned, and as he moved his arm from her shoulders to wrap around her waist, he said, “Caleb. Call me Caleb.”

Alfie looked at him for a moment, a dazed expression on her face. Then she smiled. “You don’t like me calling you my lord?”

Caleb gave her a grin, knowing she was teasing him. Another quirk of hers he adored.

He said, “No, I don’t. Now wrap your arms around my shoulders.”

“Why?” she asked curiously.

“Because I don’t want you to slip out of my arms,” he said seductively.

Alfie blushed in response, which pleased him.

Once he felt those two slender arms wrapped intimately around his shoulders, Caleb said, “Hold on tight.” Then he gathered his dark qi and, a moment later, jumped high up, and their bodies appeared to have faded and disappeared into thin air. A flick of a second later, they were up in the sky, floating.

“Wow!” Alfie chuckled, tightening her arms around Caleb’s muscular shoulders. “We’re suddenly flying without your winged lion.”

They landed on the top of the roof of the three-story building a moment later. Caleb said, “It’s a basic warrior technique called Silent Move.”

Alfie repeated, “Silent Move. Can I learn such a technique even if I’m not a warrior?”

Caleb thought about this for a moment and then said, “Would you like me to teach you?”

Alfie nodded her head furiously in excitement. “Yes, please. This Silent Move, it’s like a ninja technique, isn’t it? How exciting.”

Caleb wondered how Alfie knew it was one of the secret techniques taught to him and his comrades by ninja warriors from the Yamato Kingdom. Unless the boy had been to that nation and rubbed shoulders with the upper echelons of the country, which he doubted.

He said, “We’ll make a date for that.”

“Yes, please. Then it’s a date.” She grinned brightly at him.



“You know about ninjas?”

Alfie chuckled uncomfortably. “Err…a little…”

A little, eh?

Caleb led her to the middle of the flat roof and then sat down, making himself comfortable. Alfie hesitantly followed suit.

The lord watched as Alfie raised her face and gazed at the sky, admiring the aurora lights that danced and shone before them, with dots of countless stars as a backdrop in the distance.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked, mesmerized at the sight.

Caleb agreed, his eyes never leaving her face. “Yes. Very beautiful.”

“But the stars are not the same here…”

Caleb didn’t miss the slight tremor in that soft voice and wondered why. Is that panic? Fear?

“How are the stars not the same?” he asked, curious.

Alfie said, “The clusters are different. It just confirms to me that I’m very far away from home.”

“Do you miss it?” he asked. “Home?”

Alfie nodded. “I hope everything is okay. When I got transported…I mean lost during my travels and found myself here, I was so scared, but more so, I was worried about my parents and what was likely to happen to them. I mean, I’m still very worried about them and desperately want to tell them that I’m all right and that I’ll find a way to get back soon.” She sighed. “I only wish there was a way for me to get in contact with them.”

Caleb said, “Why don’t you contact them using the WIFI communication system?”

“Where I’m from, there’s no access to that system,” Alfie said with a disheartened sigh.

Caleb thought for a moment and then said, “There is another way, if the other side cannot access the WIFI system.”

Alfie’s interest was piqued immediately. “Really? How?”

Caleb tapped his finger at his temple. “Through dreams.”


Caleb nodded. “Someone with the correct qi wavelength can do it. Tap into the universe, and in turn, your thoughts or messages can be transmitted into a dream. Why don’t you ask Aria? She’s a mage with the right qi wavelength for communication and connection.”

Alfie’s eyes lightened immediately. “Aria is a mage? And she can help with delivering my message to my parents?”

Caleb nodded.

Excited, Alfie caught Caleb’s hands and clutched them tightly in appreciation. “Then I’ll ask her. Thank you so much, my lord.”

Caleb frowned. “Caleb,” he corrected.

Alfie chuckled and then repeated, “Caleb.”

Talking about the WIFI communication system, Caleb asked, “You managed to tap into Felix’s qi?”

Alfie stared at him blankly, and Caleb explained, “You chatted with him online back in the woods that night.”

“Oh…that… Yes. Back when I was lost in the woods, after Aria and everyone was captured by the bandits, I was so afraid and did my best to connect with someone. Just anyone would have done, as long as they could help pass on the message to the team. The only one I got was Lord Felix. I felt his qi.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Then again, I can chat online with Aria, Brenna, and Leona now, too, since I got to know them more. I can feel their qi and can connect with them very easily.”

There was a silence, and then Caleb said softly and darkly, “Connect with me, too.”

“Eh?” Alfie was pleasantly surprised at his words.

“Get to know my qi,” he said.

Without any warning, the dark lord placed his large, warm hand on the back of Alfie’s head, his fingers digging deeply into her hair. Then he drew her close and claimed her sensual lips that had been enticing him since the first time he had met her in the woods.

A delicate groan escaped Alfie’s mouth, which only served to burn the passionate desire that was stirring deep within Caleb’s being.

Alfie’s lips were soft and sweet against his firm ones, and Caleb wanted more. Thus, he licked, stroked, and urged the delicate flesh to part for him. When Alfie weakly obliged, the lord plunged his tongue in and hungrily devoured the little being that was quivering so delicately in his arms.

Caleb couldn’t help himself and drew her tightly against him, feeling her soft body, which only made him want to strip her clothes off and ravish her.

Fuck! He wanted more. He needed more. And thus, Lord Caleb Harrington, dubbed the Dark Lord of Acaedien, proceeded to suck and devour Alfie’s pure qi while he passionately and wildly kissed her until Alfie was dazed, breathless, and scared shitless.

When Caleb finally moved back, he noted that expression on Alfie’s face, and it nearly broke him.

Tears were brewing in those gorgeous brown eyes, and her cheeks were blushed red, while those sensual lips were swollen red and glistening wet with moisture.

Caleb was so fucking turned on that he thought he’d go insane if he couldn’t claim her as his. Just as suddenly, however, Caleb knew he had gone too far.

Fuck! What the hell have I done? Alfie had trusted him, and now he was about to attack and eat her up?

Feeling guilty, the lord said, as he pulled the quivering Alfie into his arms, “I’m sorry, Alfie. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re scared, aren’t you?”

Face buried deep against Caleb’s chest, Alfie nodded.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Caleb said. “I wasn’t thinking…”

No, there was no excuse for what he had done, and Caleb knew that. The fact that he had lost control of himself because of this overwhelming, powerful desire for Alfie was something that scared him shitless.

Alfie, clutching tightly on to Caleb, said, her voice quivering, “I understand. It’s because of my pure qi, isn’t it? You’re attracted to that. Aria, Brenna, and Leona told me to be careful, but…it’s hard to be careful with you and all the lords, since you’re all so nice to me and—”

“No,” Caleb said. “It’s not that. It’s not the pure qi. Granted, those of us with dark qi are attracted to those with pure qi, but with you, it’s different.” He moved back and gazed into her eyes. “Alfie, I’ve never been like this with anyone. I’ve never felt this drawn to anyone since two thousand years ago.”

Alfie asked, “Two thousand years?”

Caleb nodded and was about to continue explaining when he was interrupted. Brenna’s voice came through loudly via the WIFI connection.


Alfie felt flustered and then said weakly, “It’s Brenna.”

Caleb sighed, more than a little annoyed that they were being interrupted. He said, “Tell her we’re coming.”

Alfie nodded and said loudly, “We’re coming, Brenna.”

“We?” Alfie heard Brenna ask in return.

Alfie was about to explain, but Caleb stopped her by drawing her into his arms again. He hugged her tightly and then planted a gentle kiss on her sensitive lips.

Alfie was pleasantly surprised.

Caleb said softly, his gray eyes smoldering darkly, “Never stop thinking about me and my kisses, little one.”

With that, he stood, pulling the dazed Alfie along with him. A few moments later, they met up with Brenna, who was shocked and surprised to see Caleb with Alfie. Of course, she was shocked and surprised for a second time when they encountered the other six lords as they were about to exit the establishment.

Along the hallway was Victor piggybacking the very drunk Ethan. Beside them, Felix was also piggybacking the passed-out Aaron. Noah was still reading a report on his tablet, while Geoffrey looked amused.

The moment Felix saw Alfie, he asked, “Alfie! What the hell are you doing here of all places?”

Brenna proceeded to explain to them what had happened.