
Trick or Treat

Back to the Winston Castle.

"Hehe that's also true, I'm sorry, Promised I will not die easily, Hehe only until I see my grandchildren married" Prince Xyl laugh awkwardly.

The crowd listening rolled their eyes for their eyes it was a bad joke and they knew Prince Xyl might not promise properly and had a high chance to do something similar to this. But they never said it out loud they knew Prince Xyl might deny it.

"Father don't joke like that!" Prince Xeon replied

Prince Xyl didn't answer but laugh.

"My little Xeon was too cute," she said to herself.

"Father don't worry I will ensure you will have dozens of grandchildren," Prince June said

"June! " Princess Julia said

Prince Xyl chokes himself a little. He was speechless he never thought his son June was too obedient.

"Oh Dear, You are pretty aggressive my boy, hehe I will expect that," She said it with an awkward laugh.

The two Princes didn't notice the sharp look in the eyes of their father but only Princess Julia did.

"Why are you two are so serious, Never mind, What happened? what was that loud noise?" she asked.

The trio explains to her what happened. She was helpless all she did when she wakes up to let her desires overwhelmed her. While his children panicked of his disappearance.

"Oh dear, your little one's panic a lot do you?" she said it towards the two Prince, With an awkward expression on his face.

The two Prince complained towards their father but Prince Xyl keep joking around. When Princess Julia noticed what Prince Xyl is trying to do she smiled and silently following the father and sons trio.

When they arrived in the room. Prince Xyl was immediately questioned why he disappears.

"I was trying to get fresh air" he replied

"Fresh air? why are you were found by Princess Julia in the West Wing? that was 6 km from here? " Princess Claudia questioned him.

"Wow, I was that far from here? Why this place is so huge?" He replied

"Seriously Father don't tell me you got lost? " Princess Celine ask.

"Father you lost your way?" Princess Claire ask.

Prince Xyl smiles and laughed dryly.

"I was, I just trying to found a place to get fresh air but I realized I seem walking in circles" He replied

"Lost? Did you own this place? " Princess Dana and Princess Fate said in chorus.

He was rather shocked to own something this massive Castle it never sinks in his mind. To think this place can consider a small state already in terms of size.

After the early intermission number, the rest of the day was peaceful. They ate their breakfast.

It was like a circus. The kids were having fun with their father stories and jokes. The four Princesses was shocked and so speechless to what to react on what they witnessing.

Never in their dreams to see the man they four hate having fun with their children. The man that destroyed their hopes and dreams being this way.

They never imagined things to be like this way. His mannerisms are totally different. His usually dominate and arrogant in his aura but now only a father like an aura that he emitted.

After Prince Xyl sends his children to sleep. The Four Princess invite him to talk after an hour in their shared room.

"This not good, they say it was a normal conversation between adult, In girl language that means War," He said to himself.


"You piece of shit, How dare you to act like this like nothing happened?" Princess Claudia roared

"You think when you get the hearts of our children you are forgiven?" Princess Dana said with tears in her eyes.

"You think you are just pretended to forget everything and now to start a new, have you lost your mind!?" Princess Fate said with a cold expression on her face.

While Princess Julia, punch him in the face.

The next scenes were too exaggerated. He was plumbed by the four Princesses. But suddenly the next scenes came from out of nowhere the Princesses was forcing him to make babies with them.


Then Prince Xyl realized it was just his imagination. He felt his mind is so messed up.

"What the hell I was thinking, I think I hit my head so hard earlier maybe, hmm, This dream is so realistic, I wonder when I will dream that Prince Mix life again"

When he arrived at the said room it was silent. So he decided to look around. Suddenly he senses danger around him. It was so strange why would feel a sense of danger in a room that was supposed to be the belong to the four Princesses.

"This is so funny Ladies, If you want to have fun just informed me I will give you one, War it is right?" He roared.

He released a Spell spell that break any magic barrier or optical illusions.

What he saw after mad him mad. Suddenly the whole room turned dark. Someone without special eyesight can't see a thing.

The Four Princesses was terrified they were ambushed earlier in the afternoon by an unknown group of people. They used magic restrictions that made them helpless.

In this world Magician or any magic user is pretty rare hard to deal with. But it was a profession that is hard to master.

They were so guilty they were used to as bait to trap Prince Xyl. Even they don't know what was the curse is about but they are sure that it was the real reason that everything bad had happened to them.

And now that they can see a new light and can start a new life with him together with their children; And this happened.

But when the everything with black the more they were terrified. They don't know what will happen if Prince Xyl again will be gravely injured. He was just recently wake up form death-like state.

A few moments smell of blood filled the air.

When the light came back and the darkness faded the four Princesses was welcomed with 30 dead bodies and 2 men barely alive.

Princess Dana fainted and Princess Fate shirk with fear; While Princess Claudia and Princess Julia was shocked by the scene they saw.


The two was left alive in an intention of gathering information so that he will know who is the one trying to kill him and his loved ones.

Unfortunately, the two didn't reply at just keep their mouth shut.



He roared, while the Four Princesses was stun to see The Prince this mad just because of them.

But suddenly the two roared like they are in intense pain.


Their bodies swelled and their skin starts to turn to purple. And the next thing happened is so disgusting.

All the dead bodies around there was a worm went outside their bodies and starts to explode one by one.

Lucky Prince Xyl was fast enough to react in the situation. Like it was not the first time this had happened to him.

The first thing he did he rush to the four Princesses and made a magic barrier to protect them for the Soul Chain Soul Trap. And teleport to the room where his children slept.


He roared just before he teleported with the four Princesses. He knows the person behind this is watching in the shadows.