
Serving the person I hate Milady Cannibal

a known cannibal of fellis was given a servant who had quick bodily regeneration, though that was one of the people she traumatized dearly...I need to learn how to make better synopsises

Nekona_Shirofumi · Adolescente
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2 Chs

introduction (chapt 0.5)

chop the neck,

crack the spine

taste the flesh

eat it fresh how divine

a rhyme sang by a bloody minded human or atleast that's what she is physically...

a person well known for her act of cannibalism,murder and purr sadism,the country itself can't stop her no matter what they had done...and the more they try the more lives lost...

one day a student messing with random chemicals accidentally involved another student who hangs close to her lab...

she had a mutation which caused her to have powerful regenerative abilities,tho not immortal since she was still susceptible to diseases all it helped was physical regeneration like that of a lizard but more spontaneous!

the school had a plan tho it seemed cruel in their perspective

it was to use her as a sacrifice to the nechinian cannibal, a person who can regrow a limb,take a bullet and regenerate any bodily organ was a perfect solution...

though there seemed to be a past history between the cannibal and the regenerative student...for to be uncovered through the story I will tell...

stay tuned ;)

written by: Nekona Shirofumi