
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Abandoned City

The travellers scouted the overgrown city's area around them, spread out in a diamond strategic pattern. Dionisus stood as the person in the front, scanning for any potential danger with his enhanced vision. Elizabeth and Hector positioned themselves to the left and right respectively, and with Edward behind, closer to the center of the formation.

Despite being the youngest member of the group, Dionisus took on a position of leadership in this situation. All four of the group members held torches, even Dionisus. It was done deliberately, with the intentions of identification and to help the rest of his companions which couldnt see in the dark.

Edward and Elizabeth were enchanted by the beauty of the area surrounding them, never before had they seen such an otherwordly scenery such as the one present to them. Lush green leaves, deep yellow tree barks, soft pillowy grass with flowers sprouting from them and a variety of unkown plants hanging around casually. Hector on the other hand, had his usual demeanor on display. An unchanging blank face and a calm aura of stoicism following him with every step he took.

In this frozen world, this type of enviroment was basically an untainted oasis. A perfect piece of land, acting a place of rest between the harsh enviroments of Umbra. The travellers trudged silently closer to the center of the abandoned city.

As the group ventured further into the overgrown city, they marveled at the remnants of the once grand Romanesque architecture that dominated the 13th century. Towering structures loomed before them, their imposing presence a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the builders.

Massive stone and brickwork formed the foundations of these structures, their weathered surfaces showcasing the passage of time. The small windows, adorned with intricate tracery, offered glimpses into the forgotten past. The walls, with their grossly thick construction, stood as sturdy fortifications against the elements of the weather.

Despite the over consuming vegetation, fragments of the city's artistic heritage could still be seen. Elaborate sculptures and reliefs, delicately carved into the stone, depicted scenes of religious significance and historical events. Some of these artworks were covered in a dried red liquid, hinting at a violent past that had left its mark on the city.

Inside the dilapidated buildings, the decorative round arches still retained their beauty, even in their partial state of ruin. Their graceful curves and intricate detailing spoke of a bygone era of architectural elegance. While time and neglect had taken their toll, the remnants of the Romanesque style still held an undeniable charm.

Dionisus scoured every corner of the empty city in search of any inhabitants or potential danger. It was to no avail, it seemed that all of this was just a perfect illusion. A place where no enemies ventured into, a place of respite against the freezing wind and the snow. By no means was this city ever to be considered to be of a hot temperature, but at least the colossal trees kept the snow from pilling on the floor.

This unnatural beauty evoked a weird feeling inside Dionisus. Beneath the surface of this apparent beauty, Dionisus couldn't help but feel a tinge of paranoia. There was something unsettling about this thriving flora, something that didn't sit right with the natural order of things. Trees shouldn't grow so abundantly in a world that lacked sunlight and warmth. The sheer contrast between the vibrant vegetation and the frozen surroundings only deepened his unease.

Dionisus couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that gripped him as he gazed upon the unnatural beauty that surrounded him. The vibrant, overgrown vegetation, flourishing amidst the ruins of the Romanesque architecture, seemed out of place in the desolate and frozen world of Umbra.

The dense foliage, with its lush greenery and towering trees, defied the harsh climate that should have rendered such growth impossible. It was as if nature itself had conspired to reclaim this forgotten city, turning it into a sanctuary of vibrant life amidst the lifeless landscape.

With each step, his senses remained heightened, his gaze darting from the majestic trees to the crumbling structures. The mixture of relief and paranoia within him created a constant internal conflict, a battle for power between the spectacular vegetation and the nagging doubt that whispered in the back of his mind.

Just as the group was about to make a turn, something caught the eye of Dionisus. A quickly moving shadow reflected in the corner of his sclera. In a hasteful manner, Dionisus shifted his weight to the left side, bringing his eyes towards the unkown creature. Seeing this, his companions took out their weapons and positioned themselves.

Elizabeth went behind Dionisus, seeking refuge in the rearguard of the group`s temporary leader. Edward and Hector each went to Dionisus` sides, to his right and left respectively. The formation they strategized instinctively, resembled an arrowhead.

The creature quickly approached the group, sprinting quickly in a unpredictable pattern, almost like a leaf being blown away by the wind. It was surprisingly fast, prompting Hector to miss the first shot of his crossbow. In mere seconds the creature covered the distance between them, its bones snapping and clicking as it moved.

In a last ditch effort, Edward lit his sword up and in an endeavor to slash away at the creature, twisted his hips and brought his arms to swing horizontally. Upon the sight of flames, the creature instinctively slowed down with fear, causing Edward`s calculated slice to miss. It was the perfect opportunity for the creature to strike, however it backed away, afraid of the flames emanating from Edward`s sword.

"Shit! What was that?" Edward exclaimed frightfully. Despite him being a Pilgrim, a worker whose job required enough courage and strength to at least endure the hardships of the world outside the kingdom, had just experienced a scene so stress-inducing that he forgot to breathe. "By the looks of it, an undead" Dionisus answered, "It was covered in moss and had other types of plants growing out from under its skin."

The group of travellers werent alone anymore, the weird sensation that rose from within Dionisus had brought him to the truth. Despite there being blood smeared on walls, no corpses could be found. Not even pieces of flesh or anything of that type. The only thing that could be seen alive in this oasis were the plants. They controlled everything, growing out from even the bodies of the dead inhabitants of this forgotten village.

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