
Serina: The Alpha's Mate

As far as she could remember, she’s been able to hear voices in her head even if the person wasn’t really talking to her. She got into fights because of this and her parents got into argument because of her. She thought she’s abnormal. She thought she’s different. She thought that she’s something nonhuman. And so, Serina learned to block the voices in her head when she turned 10 years old. She kept her secret from everyone including her parents. She didn’t want to be sent to a mental hospital just in case they’d think she’s going insane. From then on, she was able to live a peaceful life but, this changed once again on the day she left home to join a mountain camp with her friends. They found themselves getting deeper into the forest but because the place was truly beautiful, they ignored the fact that they have trespassed someone’s property. They set up their tents and started to chill from the long hours of walk. Lucky for her, she decided to take a look around and found a wonderful lake at the heart of the forest. The water was clear and she could see the blue sky being reflected on the water surface. “I’ll take a dip. Just a short dip and I’ll leave.” She told herself while taking off her clothes. She folded her clothes and placed them on a large boulder before jumping into the cool water with so much happiness. She untied her braid and let her wavy hair fell right past her shoulders and onto the water. “This is amazing.” She whispered while swimming in backstroke. “What are you doing here?” Serina stopped swimming and looked around her. She thought someone crept around and was watching her swim but she didn’t feel any presence of human. She covered her chest with her arms while her eyes scan her surroundings. Then, her eyes caught sight of the most beautiful wolf she had ever seen. *** Nicholas felt the presence of human who trespassed their property but since there were other wolves guarding the place, he didn’t bother himself to check on them. He was currently attending his sister’s birthday party and it would be bad if he leaves the place. He tried his best to ignore it but an unknown force was telling him to go. He followed this link and found himself standing at the edge of the lake, watching the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on. "What are you doing here?" It was just a passing question that someone would normally ask to a trespasser but he didn't expect her to turn around and looked at him. She had the most beautiful brown eyes. It shines when the sunlight hits them and she looked so gorgeous with nothing but water lapping on her bare skin. She looked scared at first, then her expression changed to one of surprise and happiness. "Oh my god! Did you just talk to me?" She asked. Now this caught him off-guard. He didn't know that humans can talk to them in their wolf form. He took a step back with wary reflecting his blue eyes, preparing to leave the place as soon as he could and inform his parents of the trespassers. "Oh no! Please don't leave yet." She swam towards his side of the lake but she realized that she was naked. "Wait a sec. Can you turn around so I could change?" Like a perfect gentleman, Nicholas turned around to give her the privacy she needed. When she chuckled, he realized how foolish he was. Following her instruction only proved that he was talking to her so, he decided to disobey her order and looked back but he instantly turned his head away as if he was scared to face her. If he was in his human form, he'd probably have a hard on pressing on his jeans. He just found the sexiest body on earth and smelled the sweetest scent in his whole life. If possible, he just wanted to snuggle close to her, inhale her scent and get intoxicated. “I’m Serina and you?” Cover isn't mine It's edited by a friend All credits to the rightful owner.

_frieyaVida · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
135 Chs


Nicholas finally caught a glimpse of Serina's face once again but unlike him, who was happy and excited to see her, Serina only frowned and looked away. She didn't even return his smile.

"This building belongs to the senior high school students." The secretary of the headmaster stated as she was chosen to give their new student the campus tour. "You won't really be spending so much time here but just in case you needed, you can come here. From the ground floor of this building to the sixth floor consists of senior high students only."

"I see," Nicholas replied softly, nodding his head in agreement but he was actually agreeing to something else. He had this notion that Serina could be his mate since he caught a whiff of her scent but he was wondering why she wouldn't respond to anything coming from him. It turned out, she was still young and not of age. Werewolf mates can only feel the pull to each other when both are of age.

"Next is the science building." The secretary mentioned. "Your father told the dean that you will be taking several courses in science, too. Just to let you know, this building is used by both the college students and the senior high school students but there will be schedules to follow so, you don't have to worry about the crowd."

They continued to walk, gaining attention from every student who caught sight of them and earning a squeal here and there. Nicholas didn't care about the reaction of other women. He only wanted to see Serina's reaction when he was around. They went to the university clinic, the cafeteria, the gym, the library, and many other buildings that carry the history of Royale Academy for 70 years.

After the tour, Nicholas went to the registrar's office to finally get his study load for the second semester and to buy books and uniforms as well. Since he's got nothing else to do, he went to the high school building and waited for Serina to finish her morning class.

'Criiiiiinnggg! Criiiiiinnggg!'

The dismissal bell rang and everyone immediately stood up to pack up their things. They were ready to take their lunch, be it at the cafeteria or outside the campus. Serina piled up her books one by one and followed the crowd with her best friends toward the cafeteria.

However, the door was blocked and they could no longer move. Students talked in whispers and many women were giggling and squealing softly with their friends.

Serina tapped the student in front of her and smiled with a hint of warning in her eyes. "Can you please make a way? If you want to die from hunger, do not include me. Make way! I want to go out and eat."


"Hmp! Acting like she's the queen."

"Go and eat! I hope you become bloated."

Serina heard it all but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was to get out of the classroom and get herself some food at the canteen. From getting pushed and shoved, Serina finally made it to the front with Hillary and Brigette following closely behind her. She was just about to turn and walked to the other side of the building when she heard her name being called.

"Serina! Serina, wait up!"

It was an unfamiliar voice and when she looked back, she found everyone looking at her. "What?!" She angrily asked while holding her books and bag. "Come out and say what you want to say. I'm quite hungry and you wouldn't like it when I skip a meal."

From the crowd, Nicholas appeared and walked towards her. The students were no longer looking at him but instead, they were looking at her with deathly glares.

"Do I know you?" Serina questioned with impatience clearly written across her face.

"Uhm…we haven't formally introduced ourselves because you left home yesterday. I arrived at your house and I'm currently staying there. You also went to my birthday last week but sadly, you needed to leave with your parents because something happened to your best friend."

Serina listened to his explanation and the more she listened, the more her head throbbed from the oncoming headache. 'How the hell did this guy find me?!' Serina questioned in anger to herself. She wanted to ask his father through their mental link but she was afraid that the man in front of her would know of her power.

Serina blinked her eyes several times, her mouth opening and closing – not knowing what to say at the moment.

"Oh! So, you are that birthday boy." Brigette exclaimed which brought Nicholas' attention to her. "I apologize for not letting her come to your birthday. It's actually my fault."

"Don't mind it. I'm not really mad." Nicholas replied with a faint smile on his lips.

"Have you eaten lunch already? If you haven't, you can join us." Hillary also offered and before Serina could react and stop them, the three already walked a few steps away from her. "Rina! Come on. You wanted to eat, right?"

Feelings the sharp glares coming from the student which could probably poke a hole in her chest, Serina slowly took a step towards them. Step by step, she followed her best friends and a man named Nicholas who suddenly appeared in her life. 'This is going to be a hellish semester. Tsk! How the heck did he figure out that I'm Serina?'

On the way to the cafeteria, many students looked toward Brigette and Hillary before shifting their glares to Nicholas and Serina. In just a few minutes, the news of the transfer student living in Serina's house spread on the campus like wildfire. It was posted in the Royale Academy's public forum and even Serina saw it herself.

But what can she do? Aside from surrendering to her fate, what else can she do to escape his claws?

The four of them finally found a place to sit and Serina placed her books on the table, not so kindly, the table even creaked when she slammed her books on it.

"Are you not happy to see me?" Nicholas asked softly which made Hillary and Brigette smile secretly. "I'm sorry for showing in front of you unannounced."

Serina closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. 'This guy is really shameless. How could he act like this in front of me now?' she really wanted to beat him up.

"Bro, how could you be so unlucky as to fall in love with that manhater?" one student, who was sitting behind Nicholas, joked while throwing Serina a playful wink.

"I don't think so," Nicholas muttered and looked towards Serina who was only looking at him. "I'm really sorry. Let me buy you some food first. What do you like to eat?"

"I can buy it on my own."

"No. Just stay here. If you leave, who else will look after your friends' things? I'll go and get you the food." Nicholas stood up in a hurry and left the table to line up for food.

'He didn't even know what I like to eat. Idiot.'