
Serendipity's Admiration

"Admiring you was the greatest serendipity." When Rachel Spencer realize that her life could be on the run, Alexander Morgan offers to give Rachel extra protection, in which he knew she wouldn't fully decline despite her not wanting to trouble him. Little did she know, that Alex could even help her reveal more mysteries around her, including the ones they've never seen coming.

allen_stories · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

Rachel's POV...

"Oh my, it really is you," says Jack as he forms a big smile while staring into my eyes.

"Jack," I say as I stare into his blue eyes. I couldn't believe that I'm really standing in front of Jack right now. My childhood friend, my old best friend. After all these years, we've finally meet again, after I thought that it was impossible since I've never told him that I've moved to New York City. I'm beyond happy to see him again. He's still the same Jack knew with his youthful smile.

I couldn't help but feel tears slowly starting to fill my eyes. I've missed him so much, and looking at him right now just makes me feel like I want to make up for the lost time. Without any hesitation, I pull him into a tight hug as I bury my face in his chest, slowly letting the tears run down my face.

"It's you..." I say in a soft tone as the tears continue to run.

Jack hugs me tightly as I got lost in his embrace. "Rachel," he says with a soft tone. "I miss you.."

"I miss you too, Jack," I say while still hugging him tightly. "Damn it. I missed you so much. Did you knew that I was here?"

"Yes," he says. "I'll tell you all about it."

"Ok," I say as we part away from our embrace. We walk out of the kitchen together as we got greet by Nate, Alex, and Liam.

"Wohoo, I sense that the flame of love is alive," says Nate with a sarcastic tone.

"Not funny, Man!" Jack says with an annoyed tone. "Take a seat, Rachel."

I sit down on the long couch in the living room. Jack decides to sit on my right side, while Alex sits on my left side. Meanwhile, Liam and Mate takes a seat on the two single couch in front of us.

"Ok, so who's gonna start first?" Alex ask.

"How about me since I'm obviously the one who needs to give the most explantation here?" Jack says.

"Fair enough," Alex says.

"Ok, so 2 years ago I went back to Minnesota from Paris. I tried looking for you but you were no where to be found," Jack says.

"Jack, I'm so sorry. I wished I could have told you that I've moved to New York a few years after you went to Paris," I say. I feel guilty for losing contact with him after all these years.

"Hey, don't be sorry. You didn't see it coming," says Jack as he gives me a small comforting smile.

"So after that, I continue to look for you. I eventually asked Liam to help me find where you are, since I was starting to worry about you," Jack says.

"And how did you guys knew I was in New York?" I ask with curiousity.

Jack scratch the back of his head with an awkward look on his face. Liam could tell the young boy is having a hard time thinking about what to say to me. I wonder why.

"We have our ways," says Nate casually.

"Like, how?" I ask with confusion.

"Ok, confession time," Nate says while putting his hands in the air. He knew at this moment that there's no other way to explain to Rachel about them.

"We are a gang. So yeah, we eventually found our way to find you," Liam says.

My eyes grew wide hearing what Liam just said. "A gang? As in, a group of gangsters?" I ask.

"Well, we could describe it that way. But we don't kidnap people though," says Liam.

"Or do we end their lifes unnecessarily," Nate says with a cheeky smirk.

My eyes grew wider as my body starts to shiver. What the hell? I didn't expect them to be a part of a gang. This is all too sudden, in fear I hope I am in a dream right now. Knowing that I'm sitting with a bunch of gangsters in one room, I wish that this was actually a dream. I could slowly feel my palms getting sweaty as I try my best to act normal in front of these guys.

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you, Rachel." Jack puts one of his arm around my shoulder. "In fact, there's something else I would like to say."

"What is it?" I ask Jack.

"Actually, I thought that now I've finally found you, I thought you could use some protection from us," Jack says.

"Protection? Why would I need that? I can protect myself," I say. Man, does this guy actually thinks that I'm a kid? I mean, I used to take cardio boxing back in my high school days. He doesn't need to worry about me protecting myself.

Alex glance at me. "Well, you look like you really needed protection when I found you last night," Alex says as he stares at me. "She was being followed by a mysterious man last night."

"What the hell? Who was he?" ask Jack as he almost jump out of his seat hearing Alex's words.

"Did you see his face?" Liam ask.

"The man was wearing a black mask and sunglasses. I didn't see his face," Jack says.

"Do you know him? How long had he been following you?" Jack ask me with curiousity.

"I don't know him. He had been following me for 3 weeks now. He always managed to find out where I work, that's why I always moved to another work place. Sometimes he's with a friend. I've been trying to get away from him, but somehow he always managed to find out where I work," I say as I feel fear starting to fill my body just by the flashback of the mysterious stalker.

"Did he ever stalk you while you were in college or home?" Jack ask.

"No. I don't think he knows where I live, but he always knew where I work after college," I say.

"Maybe he's been following you after college," says Liam.

"Chances are, someone is after you," Nate says with a nervous tone.

My fear grew bigger after hearing Nate's words. "But why?" I ask. "Why would they be after me? What do they want?"

"We don't know," says Liam. "And sadly...sometimes those people don't need a reason to do what they want."

Jack turns his head to look at me who is still in fear after hearing that someone is after me. All my life, I never imagine something as crazy as this to happen. I never imagine to get involve with a gang, and never have I ever thought about being the target of a creepy stalker. This is all too sudden.

"I promise, we are here to protect you. We're gonna find out who that man is," Jack says as he hold my hand gently.

I look at Jack in the eyes. His eyes are filled with hopes and honesty. As I get lost starting at his eyes, I know my friend wasn't lying.

"You can even stay here with us," says Alex.

"Yes. That would be a great idea," says Jack.

"Yes," says Nate, while Liam gives a nod as he looks at me with a small smile.

I look at all these guys one by one. They are all so nice to me, though I've just met them and I'm not even sure if I can trust them. Yet, looking at how caring they are starts to make me feel warm up to them little by little. I'm slowly feeling a little more comfortable with them, though I haven't trust them 100%, I guess it won't hurt to get closer with these guys. Maybe they're not really as bad as I imagined. Maybe they're actually the good gangsters.

"Guys, thank you for the offer. But I can't stay here. I have to go home. My mom's gonna be worry if I don't go back home," I say as I look at them one by one.

"We understand, Rachel. Just remember that we're still here for you," Liam says.

"Yeah. And besides, I'll be going to college with you. I can be your guardian angel," Alex says as he gives me a small smile. I shyly turn my head, not wanting him to see that I was blushing.

"That's actually a good idea, Alex," Nate says.

"Well, that's why I'm here, right?" Alex says with a small laugh.

"Bro, I trust you in protecting my best friend in college. In the meantime, the rest of us will investigate who the mystery stalker is," says Jack.

"These days, a lot of women are getting kidnapped for some gangs own selfish reasons," Liam says. "You have to be careful, Rachel."

Again I can feel myself in fear. Jack pulls me closer to his side as he puts one arm around my shoulder trying to call me down.

"Don't worry, Rach. We won't let anyone touch you," says Jack.

I look at Jack and nod after hearing his words. Somehow his words actually made me feel safe. I rub my eyes as I still feel tired after last night's hangover.

"Rachel, you look sleepy. You should get some rest upstairs," says Alex as he looks at me with concern.

I rub my eyes. "Yeah, I'm gonna take a short nap before going back. My mom's gonna have a lot of questions if she sees me coming back after a hangover," I say as the thought of my mom getting stressed out already worries me.

"Yeah. Get some rest and I'll drive you home after," says Alex.

"Ok. Thanks, Alex," I say before I get up from my seat. "And thank you guys for your concern."

"Hey, no worries, Rachel," says Nate.

"We're happy to help a friend," says Liam.

"Ok, I'm gonna take a nap now. Bye guys!" I say as I walk upstairs to take a nap in Alex's room.

Meanwhile, in the living room...

"So how's the mission?" Liam ask as he walks out of the kitchen with a teapot.

"Good. We got that jerk begging for mercy," says Jack before he takes a sip of his cup of tea. "Before his last breath..."

"Nice," says Nate as he keeps his vision on his phone.

"Well, we're not done yet," says Jack. "We still have to take down whoever is after Rachel."

"Yeah," says Alex.

A few hours later...

Rachel had woked up from her nap and Alex insisted to drive her home for safety reasons, in which Rachel agreed.

"So, how's your head?" ask Alex as he keeps his vision on the road.

"Better," says Rachel.

"I'm gonna pick you up for college tomorrow morning," says Alex.

"What? No, it's ok. I can ride my bike, or take the bus," says Rachel with a surprised tone. "I can go to college myself."

"It's for safety reasons. Besides I promised Jack to look after you in college, and that includes picking you up and driving you back," says Alex.

Rachel feels overwhelmed by the amount of kindness she's receiving from the guys, especially Alex. A random guy she just met who had saved her from a stalker and agreed to protect her in college. She still finds it hard to believe.

"Alex, I appreciate it, but I can protect myself," says Rachel. "You don't have to look after me in college. I'm an adult, not a baby."

Alex takes a glance at Rachel who has her vision on the road, completely avoiding any eye contact with him. Though he only glanced at her for a second, he could tell she was just feeling overwhelmed by all the attention she's receiving from him and his friends. He could tell from her eyes that she really loved the attention they gave her, but deep down maybe she was just uncomfortable in receiving too much since she didn't want to trouble them. Alex could tell that Rachel is an independent and strong girl, in which he finds attractive.

"I promised Jack that I'll take care of you. Besides, it's the least I can do to a new friend of mine," says Alex. "We are friends, right?"

"Of course we are," says Rachel as she looks at Alex. "I just didn't want to trouble you by having to protect me." Rachel then looks away with a frown. She didn't want Alex to think that she didn't consider him as friend because she didn't want him to look after her. She just didn't want to be protected because she didn't want to trouble anyone at this point.

Alex takes another glance at Rachel who now has a frowning expression all over her face. He couldn't help but thought how cute she looks even when she frowns.

"Hey! I understand. Of course we are friends," says Alex. "I was just teasing you."

"Not funny," says Rachel with an annoyed tone.

Alex lets out a small laugh before stopping in front of Rachel's home. "We're here," says Alex.

"Ok. I'll be going now. Thanks!" says Rachel as she opens the car door.

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow morning!" says Alex with a sassy wink.

"Yeah right. Ok," says Rachel before she walks to enter her house.

She's so cute. Alex thought as he drives to exit the neighborhood.

To be continue...