
Seraph of Deception and Freedom

reincarnated to a world run by bullshit logic, with a trusty mage, a busty fox and more by his side, to help him cover his shortcomings. watch him troll, plagiarize, etc...[OC x harem], mc is not a psychopath, and does not rape

Lucinziel66 · Cómic
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1 Chs

A New Beginning

If you ever heard someone, say that death is painless and that you would have no regrets, then let me just tell you, those people are fucking liars.

It hurts, dying hurts, there is nothing painless about it, do you want to know what it feels like? It feels cold, unbearably cold, like someone turned your blood into ice-cold water, then comes the numbness from the tip of your toes, it slowly spreads and finally enveloping you in its cruel embrace.

Then comes the memories, both good and bad, the regrets and satisfaction. The painful and joyful ones, memories of my mother, the times when she played with me and the day she abandoned me in an orphanage.

And then you close your eyes hoping that heaven is real, but once you open your eyes all you see, is darkness. And before you know it, you spend an uncountable amount of time in there.

Whew, that felt great.

I check for the millionth time for any changes in this black hell,is that racist? Who cares, anyway…

...I don't know. I'm so bored, I want to do something, anything to escape this madness, heck I'm even willing to watch baby shark on repeat if it means ill be able to leave this shithole.

Ight imma sing the greatest song to ever exist. [a/n: looks like he lost it]

Baby shark, do do, do do do do

Baby shark, do do, do do do do

Baby shark, do do, do do do do

Baby shark

Mama Shark, do do, do do do do

Mama Shark, do do, do do do do

Mama Shark, do do, do do do do

Mama Shark

Papa Shark, do do, do do do do

Papa Shark, do-

Then all of a sudden, the black hell inverted, becoming a calming white and a majestic voice resounded through space

"Mortal, I'm zeqe, the god of chance and-are you singing baby shark, STOP THAT INFERANL SINGING!!!", the majestic voice screeched.

And I stopped, what, did you think I was going to annoy him by singing that stupid song. Nope, nada, I'm not stupid enough to fuck with a god-even if self-proclaimed. Anywho…

…Mr. God, what can I do for you?

"hmph, at least you know how to speak properly, if you started demanding things the moment we met I would've have erased you" the seemingly all-powerful god declared.

…see, this is why you should speak respectfully to beings stronger than you, I never understood isekai MCs who demanded things from gods, I mean I understand that the god killed before you lost your virginity but seriously how retarded must you be, to actually talk shit against a god who could kill easily erase you.

Ahem, thank you for your praise, could you please tell me the reason you came to meet me? and could you also tell me where I am?

"ah, such a polite mortal child, tis been a long time since I met someone so polite, anyway let me reintroduce myself. I am the god of chances and travel, Zeqe, i noticed your presence, so I came to give you a chance for a second life, at least that was my original intention", he stated


"since you have been respectful towards me, unlike that one mortal who started calling me a mongrel, thus, I shall I give you three gifts and reincarnate you in a world chosen by chance", he declared

…wait? What? Also, "mongrel" was he speaking about a Gilgamesh fan, and did just tell me that he will reincarnate me cause I was respectful??

"My first gift, will be a pair of eyes, the right eye of item appraisal and the left item of self-appraisal" the god stated

He had me on the first half, not gonna lie, almost thought that I would get a sharingan or something.

"My second gift, a [Random Caster Re-Life] card"

not gonna lie, I have no idea what that means, wait isn't caster the class of heroic spirits who use magic from the nasuverse.

"For your third and final gift, you shall gain my blessing as a god of travel, the blessing to travel to any world you wish, but be warned you only have a few chances to do so" the god advised

Wait-you mean to say you gave me something akin to mystic eyes, a card to summon a heroic spirit and the ability to go to other worlds? Just because I was respectful to you.

"Yes, mortals these days, especially humans, have blinded themselves, they seem not understand that a god does not give a damn of what their gender or race is, to us all you are just ants, some differently colored than the rest, but still ants " the god stated with a smile on his face.


Ahem, so where will I reincarnate to?

"The world of DxD. There is no need to thank me, for I am a generous god but due to the workings of reincarnation magic you won't gain your gifts until you are 6 years old. I hope you live a life filled with happiness", with that the god smiled at me and snapped his fingers.

And I was gone from the white dimension.

"Looks like the child bought my excuse on the reason for his gifts and reincarnation, I completed my side of the contract, Lady deceplie" the god said while looking at the white dimension.

"OnE fAvOuR, tHaT wIlL bE aLl YoU wIlL bE gEtTiNg" spoke a voice which could easily deceive the laws of existence and even the god of chance and reincarnations couldn't help but shudder.

…afterall gaining a favor from the second strongest being in existence is no trivial thing.


In a bedroom filled with five beds, four of which are unoccupied, while in the last, a single child laid on the bed staring off at the space in front of him, with midnight blue hair, purple eyes and a face which would make any woman's maternal instincts go into overdrive, his purple eyes staring into seemingly nothing, if it not for the heaving of his chest, one might think that he was a doll.

"Finally, I can finally summon someone to protect me", I said aloud to myself, hopefully.

This last six have been hell, every time I would see a member of the church, or anyone who seemed strange, I felt I was about to die.

Why? Cause I'm the son of the worst mother ever, Serafall fucking Leviathan, who happened to be a devil, and devils are technically hated by all most everyone, especially the church, I don't know if I am a half-blood or a pure-blood, all I know is if an exorcist or a fallen found me, I might as well kill myself to spare them the trouble.

…that means I haven't trained myself nor have I even tried using magic, since I was afraid someone part of the supernatural would sense my magic power, or something.

So that's why today is the happiest day of my six-year-old life, since today I gained my gifts.

Let's try the eyes first.

Getting out of the bed I walk towards to the mirror and stare at my reflection and continue staring at it.

Ok, looks like staring hard is not going to work. How about…

"[self-appraisal]", I stated out loud, lacing my voice with the intent to appraise myself.

[ID: kaiser shitori (Sitri)

Race: Devil/ fallen

Origin: deception and freedom


Greater blessing of travel (+)

Innate magecraft:

Deception: human

Deception: native]

…the hell? I'm a half-fallen and half-devil? If the church finds out there going to burn me at a stake.

Also, what's with the (+) in my blessing? And what the hell is [Deception: human] and [Deception: native].

Focusing on those two intently using my mystic eye of self-appraisal gave me additional information on them.

[Greater blessing of travel

3 uses left]

[Deception: human

Deceives all the sense into thinking that you are an average human with no supernatural qualities]

[Deception: native

Deceives the world into believing that you belong there]

…the fuck? I guess I finally know why my mother put me in a human orphanage, the [Deception: human] probably made me seem like a human to their senses, and from what I remember the devil society is one based on strength, so maybe she abandoned me for my own safety.

Or maybe she just didn't want to deal with a child with no redeemable qualities, wait, it says supernatural qualities. That means I could've practiced magic, that means I've been holding back on using magic for no reason, also my fears for being found out and killed, were all useless.

I fell onto my knees and started cursing aloud

"Curse you, Zeqe the god" (a/n: curse you, perry the platypus)

That day the normally quiet and polite child broke down and started cursing.


The sky covered by a blanket of stars that stretched to infinity and the silver moon which seemed akin to a dream.

The clock struck midnight in the orphanage, while everyone else was asleep, a single child opened his eyes which were filled fear and anticipation, and got down from his bed and tiptoed slowly towards the door.

The child slowly and quietly raised his right hand-which had a strange red tattoo like symbol on the back of his hand-and turned the door knob which showed the hallway of the orphanage, on the right side were the room of the matron and the caretakers, while on the left side were the girls room and a few storage rooms.

(a/n: his command seal looks like Hakuno kishinami's)

The boy stepped out of the room while slowly closing his door, and turned left.

While slowly tip-toeing he stared at his command seal, with unhidden joy.

While reaching the end of the hallway, he turned to the last door and opened it.

The inside was mostly empty, with a bit of moonlight shining through the window, it looked like all the other storage rooms, except for the person standing on the centre.

Standing at a height of 156cm (5 feet and 1.4 inches), her normally white hair appearing with the colors of the rainbows due to the moonlight dazzling on her, her vibrant purple eyes twinkling with wisdom, mischief and something unknown to the child, her immaculate white robe did little to hide her ample bosom, black stockings covering her plump thighs.

One of the greatest magus's to ever exist, the flower magus, the wizard to the once and future king and the king of fools, MERLIN!

"Master, if you keep staring at me like that, you're going to make me pregnant~" the flower magus sang with mischief.

And just like that she ruined my perfectly well-crafted monologue, I glared at the magus with slight annoyance and puffed up my cheeks to show my indignation, but all that accomplished was for her to stare at me with eyes filled an unidentifiable emotion.

"anyway merlin, did you find all the relevant information that you needed?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity towards the information she found.

"Sure did, found lots of new information", she spoke in calm manner, while summoning two chairs for me and herself.

As I took a seat on the newly summoned chair, from gods knows where, I turned to her.


"well, I did confirm what you said, the age of gods is still active, also I learned that the humans are the weakest and that that there basically being exploited by most factions", she stated with a neutral tone-too neutral.

Ok, not anything new, after I summoned her 3 days ago and gave her the information I know about this world, she said that she wanted to check for herself, afterall my knowledge of this world is not great.

Why? Cause I only the watched the first season of highschool DxD, and all my additional knowledge came from fanfiction.

"also I met one of those stray devils you talked about, and had to put it down, the so called evil piece will be excellent research material, oh, I also had a little looksy on those scared gears, they were some well-crafted mystic codes, can't wait to tear them apart~", I guess for a magus, things like sacred gears and the evil pieces will be excellent research material.

I wonder if she could teach me, just imagine firing of big fuck-off beams at my enemies makes me giggle .

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned heavy, Merlin's eyes usually filled with mischief turned solemn.

"Master", she spoke seriously, even though I only known her a few days, her seriousness took me off guard.

"I wish to form a faction, a faction made up of humans, I observed a lot, the biblical god gave humans those mystic codes to protect themselves but, the devils are reincarnating them as their servants and enslaving them, the fallen are killing any sacred gear holder deemed dangerous due to their sacred gears, this worlds version of me did a good job giving humans the ability to use magic independently, but it's not enough, the human magic system is too inefficient, I do not want the legacy of humans to be one of enslavement, so Master, lets form a faction". She spoke resolutely.

I'm not a particular fan of the peerage system, I believe everyone should be free to do whatever they want, but…

"I just want to be free, to travel wherever the winds take me, I- "but she cut me off before I could finish

"What will you do if the other factions deem you a danger for whatever reason, will you run away?"

"I have you by my side, I'm pretty sure we will be alright", I spoke confidently, yeah, I have merlin by my side so everything will be alright, also for some reason her cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Ahem, even if it is so, I'm not currently strong enough to ensure your protection, from what I found out my strength is currently at the peak of high class according to this world, but I'm confident to reach the top 10 within a decade" she stated confidently

"See, everything will be al- "

"That won't be enough, even if we both become strong enough, a strength of a few will not be enough, unless you are strong enough to destroy the world within a moment's notice"

She's not wrong, no matter how strong I get if other factions deem that I am a threat they will join forces to end me, but if I have a strong faction backing me then they will have to fear retaliation, but…

"anyone, if we are to make a faction then lets make it open to anyone, vampires, werewolves, devils, anyone, as long as they seek freedom anyone should be able to join. Oh, and also, I'm not going to take responsibility for managing it, I don't want to be buried in paperwork" I stated the last line with absolute seriousness, I have watched enough anime to know that paperwork is the path to hell.

"well me neither, I had enough headaches with Camelot, not making that mistake ever again", I guess we both had the same Idea.

…wait is it just me or is everything going too fast? And didn't I accept her proposal a bit too easily.

"So…what do we do now?" I asked while staring at her.

"Hmm, you said that you wanted me to teach you magic right?" she asked while tilting her head to the side-cute, and I just nodded my head while thinking how cute she looked, she's easily the most beautiful person I have ever seen

"Ara~Ara~, you just thought that I looked cute didn't you? My Lil' master is so lewd~"

Can she read minds? Or something

"anyway", merlin got up from her chair and came in front of me, and held her hand in front of me.

"would you like to be my disciple, in wisdom and mischief?", she asked me.

I didn't answer, instead I just grabbed her hand as confirmation and she just smiled that beautiful smile of hers

The past six years have been difficult, but from today onwards im pretty sure it will get more difficult

Looking up at merlin-curse you child body-I stared at her beautiful smile and wondered if we will ever be more than student and teacher, but that will be something for the future me, the present needs to become stronger.

Also need to become taller, my neck hurts looking up at her

And thus, we left,

The next day Japan experienced one of the worst blizzards to ever,, it felt like Mother nature was angry, very angry.



How was it? anything to improve? If you see anything that needs improvement, please tell me.

*Gets up from chair*



Ahem, also I still haven't decided what type of fighter he will become.

For pure magic route type M

For magic and Warrior route type MW

For magic assassin route type MA

For magic lancer route type ML

Also I will post 1-2 chapters a week

That will be all see you next time

Bye, bye

Words: 2880