
Seraph's Ruin

Three worlds, once scattered across the cosmos, have collided into the chaotic mess now known as Terra II. Magic, cutting-edge technology, and ancient myths have been unceremoniously smashed together, turning the world into a place where the impossible is a daily grind. The result? A place where survival isn't just a challenge—it's a downright nightmare. Enter Sera and her Crew, Enline Industries—a crew that finds themselves neck-deep in a world full of corporate backstabbers, power-hungry mafias, and creatures straight out of forgotten legends. With her landship, Babel Dynamics, Seraph isn’t just taking on mercenary work—she’s wading through the muck of a world that seems hell-bent on tearing itself apart. Whether it's delivering sensitive cargo in the middle of a damn warzone, dealing with supernatural disasters, or outsmarting criminal syndicates, there’s no such thing as an easy day on Terra II. As rival factions fight for control of dwindling resources, Seraph has to keep her crew alive and make tough-as-nails decisions in a world where everyone’s got a knife behind their back. Trust is a luxury, and loyalty? You can bet your ass it comes at a price. (EnLine as well as the landship being named that doesn't happen until the somewhere in vol 1-at chap 330) ————————— Fuck me. sign for the 5th time the vol overview pdf was fucking changed again..tch. so vol 1- (trials and tribulations)introduce world,part of main cast and all that jazz..and a local war after they move to another region. that's not all as i'm too lazy to write more.[I'll rewrite the first 80 chaps one more time..damn i really do hate myself.] vol 2- (Drama, so much drama)more conflict and higher stakes..shh..read it whenever i come to vol 2. vol 3-(Horizons Fail? ) vol 4-??? vol 5-??? vol 6-??? yes those are the names of the vols. :) support and spread this novel…cuz creation is hard!!!

Kristen_404 · Fantasía
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20 Chs


Sera and Zyra moved cautiously through the dimly lit streets, the quiet hum of the city's underbelly still lingering in their minds. They had emerged from the tunnels only minutes ago, but the tension was still thick in the air. The streets were quieter here, on the outskirts of the city where the lights of the skyline faded into shadow.

Sera kept a close eye on their surroundings, her senses heightened by the knowledge that patrols could still be lurking nearby. Her mind raced, already planning their next move. They couldn't stay in the city much longer; it was too dangerous now. The guards would eventually catch up, and they were already too close for comfort.

As they walked, Zyra's voice broke the silence. "Where to now? We can't just keep running in circles."

Sera glanced at her, considering their options. "We need to get out of the city. There's a forest just beyond the outskirts—if we make it there, we'll have cover. Plus, there's another city on the other side. We can regroup, figure things out from there."

Zyra raised an eyebrow. "The forest? That's a little risky, isn't it? Last I heard, it's not exactly friendly territory."

Sera smirked. "We don't have many choices right now. It's either that or wait until they find us. I'm betting we're better off taking our chances with the trees."

Zyra sighed, clearly weighing the risk in her mind. "Alright, forest it is. But we better move fast. The patrols won't be far behind."

They quickened their pace, keeping to the shadows as they made their way through the city's outskirts. The streets were eerily empty, the usual bustle of city life replaced by a quiet, unsettling calm. The glow of streetlights flickered occasionally, casting long, distorted shadows across the pavement.

As they approached the edge of the city, the tall buildings began to thin out, replaced by industrial warehouses and abandoned lots. The hum of machinery faded into the background, replaced by the distant rustle of trees in the wind.

Sera's eyes darted to the horizon, where the dark outline of the forest loomed just beyond the city's borders. "Almost there," she muttered, mostly to herself. "Once we're in the trees, we can lose them."

Zyra nodded, her steps quickening. "Let's hope they haven't set up perimeter guards out there."

The path ahead was littered with debris, remnants of construction projects long since abandoned. They weaved through the maze of broken fences and crumbling concrete, their movements swift and deliberate. Every so often, the distant sound of sirens echoed through the air, a reminder that the city was still searching for them.

Sera's mind was focused on the goal ahead—the forest. If they could just reach the cover of the trees, they'd have a better chance of staying hidden. The patrols would have a harder time tracking them in the dense foliage, and the rough terrain would give them an advantage over the city's guards, who were more accustomed to navigating urban environments.

As they neared the city's edge, Zyra broke the silence again. "You've been through that forest before, right?"

Sera nodded, her eyes scanning the horizon. "Yeah, a few times. It's not easy to navigate, but it's better than staying in the open. Plus, on the other side, there's another city. Smaller, less controlled. We can lay low there for a while."

Zyra frowned. "And how far is that?"

"Not too far," Sera replied, though her voice lacked a certain conviction. "A day, maybe two if we have to take it slow."

Zyra sighed, clearly not thrilled with the idea, but there was no better alternative. "Fine. Let's just make sure we don't get lost in there. I'd hate to die in a forest because we couldn't find our way out."

Sera chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "Don't worry, I'll get us through. Just keep close."

As they approached the final stretch of road leading to the forest's edge, the sound of engines in the distance made both of them freeze. Sera's eyes narrowed, her instincts kicking in. "Get down," she whispered harshly, pulling Zyra behind an old shipping container.

They crouched low, the cold metal of the container pressing against their backs as they listened. The engines grew louder, and within moments, a patrol vehicle came into view, its headlights cutting through the darkness as it slowly rolled down the road.

Sera held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. They couldn't afford to be spotted now, not when they were so close. Zyra's body tensed beside her, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her blade, ready for a fight if it came to that.

The vehicle slowed as it passed the shipping containers, its headlights sweeping across the debris-strewn street. For a moment, it seemed like it might stop, as if the guards inside had noticed something. Sera gritted her teeth, preparing for the worst. But after a tense few seconds, the vehicle continued on, its engines fading into the distance.

Sera exhaled slowly, glancing over at Zyra. "Close call."

Zyra nodded, her face pale but focused. "Too close."

They waited a few more moments to ensure the patrol was gone, then quickly moved from their hiding spot, making a beeline for the tree line. The forest loomed ahead, dark and foreboding, but it also offered the promise of escape.

Sera's steps quickened as they crossed the final stretch of open ground, her eyes locked on the dense canopy of trees ahead. The air grew cooler as they approached the forest, the distant hum of the city fading into the background. The sound of rustling leaves and chirping insects greeted them as they crossed into the shadowy woods.

Once inside the cover of the trees, Sera slowed her pace, motioning for Zyra to do the same. "We need to stay quiet. The patrols will probably check the edge of the forest, but they won't come in too deep. We just need to keep moving, stay out of sight."

Zyra nodded, her eyes scanning the dark woods. "Lead the way."

Sera took the lead, guiding them deeper into the forest. The trees were thick here, their branches stretching overhead to create a dense canopy that blocked out much of the moonlight. The ground was uneven, littered with fallen leaves and roots that threatened to trip them with every step.

But despite the rough terrain, Sera felt a sense of relief. They were out of the city, out of the open. The forest provided the cover they needed, and with any luck, the patrols wouldn't be able to track them this far in.

As they moved deeper into the woods, the sounds of the city grew more distant, replaced by the quiet rustle of leaves in the wind. The forest was vast, and the city on the other side felt like a distant promise, but for now, they were safe. At least, for the moment.

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