
Sentinels & Nightmares

In the aftermath of the devastating Seattle Incident, Daniel awakens in the mysterious world of Locbroalm, far removed from the desolation of Earth. In this realm where magic and cultivation reign, a grand struggle against a looming menace, The Nightmares, unfolds. As ancient wars scar the land and extinction looms, Daniel finds himself thrust into a world shaped by the Creed of Sentinels. Will he seize this second chance and fight against the encroaching darkness, or will he succumb, fading away into the sands of time? The journey ahead holds the key to his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of calamity. _________________________________________________69 Thanks for tuning in, hope you guys enjoy the book! ,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"-

ReignyDays · Fantasía
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47 Chs

The Mind Is A Powerful Thing

After Daniel stepped through the entrance, his sight was greeted by a vast hall with thousands of doors across the matt black walls.

The air was warm, the memory of walking into his apartment resurfaced as he slowly observed the Hall.

Twenty columns of Dark Spruce Wood held the ceiling up, which stood twenty meters above him. The floors were a subtle black stone, which resembled the sea bed of a dark river. A maroon colored carpet led to the fireplace and the terminal off in the distance.

To his right a fireplace crackled, it's flames glowing with a gentle orange light. There were three couches set up in a square around the fireplace, with throw blankets and pillows on them.

'So cozy...'

From that fire, the warmth of home caressed his skin, and his heart softened. The strength that would normally sustain him slowly left him.

He fell to his knees as hot tears poured down his face. The layer of petrified stone which covered his heart slowly began to melt away. Allowing his flesh to breath and contract once again.

The Hearthfire provided a release for all the pent up stress, homesickness and pain one would feel during their travels, and for a moment, Daniel allowed his pent up feelings to flow.

As the moments passed, the fleeting pain disappeared, and his heart slowly regained its serenity.

'Alright..' Daniel stood up and walked towards the center of the hall where the terminal made of the same wood and stone was placed.

Once he was near, his room number popped up and a white door materialized before him.

After arriving in front of the door, he pressed his hand against the door.

In that split second, the Hall Of Hearthlight scanned Daniel's hand and confirmed his identity.

A soft click resounded within the hall before the door opened.

After stepping into his room, he was surprised by what he saw. The floor, walls and ceiling were the same exact plain white marble; a slight chill hung in the air compared to the warmth of the Hall.

'Are these really the accommodations for students?' Daniel continued walking around.

'How lame. It's more like a mental warden than a dorm room.' Daniel shook his head as he thought to himself.

The little dorm he got consisted of a five foot hallway which turned at a forty five degree angle and then continued for a few more feet before leading directly into the living room. To the left of the living room, there was another room which was most likely the kitchen.

The Hall and the living were separated by a wall past the entrance to the living room. The hall at the end branched out into three separate rooms. Each the same size. About twenty-five by twenty-five feet.

'I wonder.. What if it resembled my ideal apartment?'

Suddenly the floor morphed into a matt black tile with streaks across its surface. Some of the walls turned matt black with some a soft grey and others a matt blue.

The trim turned into a maple wood finish. The living room had a cream colored carpet.

'Oh, so it's the same as my Armor, it responds to thought.'

Daniel began to morph and reshape the dorm, quickly becoming a loft. The rooms were switched into a bedroom, a gym room and a study.

After an hour of grueling work, Daniel plumped down on his ass with a satisfied smile.

Almost everything was black except for the splashes of color here and there.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Daniel heard someone knocking at the door. He immediately began to straighten his clothes as he walked over.

Daniel waved his hand and the center of the door turned transparent.

The one standing in front of the door was none other than the Old Man. Casually picking his nose as he waited for him to answer the door.

Daniel reached over to the door knob and opened the door.

"You Old Geaser, how am I to rest if you coming knocking before the rest kicks in?" Daniel raised his head so that only his nostrils and the lone bat in the bat cave stared down the Old Man.

"My god, not even a couple of hours away from you and I somehow forgot your sarcastic mug you call a face!" The Old Man Palmed Daniel's face and shoved him to the side as he strode in.

"I came here to help you set up... the dorm space... How the F...." The Old Man was stumped for words!

"Old Man, how'd you like to become my personal fly trap? With that jaw dropped you'd be decent!" Daniel continued to poke at the old man.

The Old Man turned around and grabbed Daniel by his arms as he shook him lightly.

"How'd you do it‽ How were you able to transmute the dorm space‽"

"Because I am amazing!"


"Stop playing you little bastard! I'm the only one with the authority to transmute the dorm space!"

"Eh? Is this true you old fart‽ No wonder it felt like I was trying to shape horse shit! It was so sticky compared to my armor!" Daniel felt injustice from the very bottom of his heart!

"I broke out in sweat as if I was constipated because this old fart didn't give me the authority to properly shape the dorm? INJUSTICE!" Daniel spoke to himself outloud.

'Is this emotional manipulation? Turning white into black?' The Old Man's chin trembled as cold sweat poured down his forehead in frustration.

"Alright, Alright! Enough, please be serious with me, young Daniel." The Old Man gave in, this future disciple of his really had a way with words.

"Ok." Daniel immediately regained his composure and casually walked over to his living room where he sat on the nearest couch.

The Old Man's Eye lid twitched at the incredibly seamless switch in demeanor.


And Another One!




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