

Beyond the multiverse, there were celestial beings called SENTINEL (Supreme Entities Nurturing and Transcending Infinite Dimensions, Ensuring Life).created to govern life in this dimension of the UNIVERSE from where they originated as sentinel agents who guard it. Their duty is to ensure that life exists on its natural path of progression with no interference from their realm. They are responsible for all matters of the universe (and beyond). This includes protecting life from the threat of invasion by another entity or species of creature.

They are guardians of time, space, matter and energy. In fact they are the most powerful beings ever born. No one knows how many worlds and dimensions exist just out of the reach of their light but they maintain an existence here on EARTH with ease even though some universes do not have such a barrier keeping them out.

They are the masters of creation, of every aspect of reality as seen through their eyes, and they know the past, present, and future. Everything is under their control and they make no mistakes.

However the sentinel world also has faults and weaknesses that can be exploited. These weaknesses cause major problems and conflicts among them because the sentinels do not always see things correctly.

Many sentinel worlds have fallen prey to invaders over the years. They are usually invaded by creatures who don't understand their true purpose, like humans or other sentient beings that wish to destroy the sentinel world. There is nothing the sentinels could do to stop these intruders from doing so. But they do protect them from possible harm and thus prevent further losses.

The sentinel world has suffered numerous defeats at the hands of alien species during those centuries and the Sentinels often have to rebuild worlds in order to prevent the loss of them again.