
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Three angles of sad love

"He holds no personal grudge against me," the woman averted her gaze, her countenance turning cold. "However, the Manchus and I bear a deep-seated animosity. He is Kangxi's trusted confidant, amassing power through corruption and bribery. Even if I were to eliminate him, I would bear the consequences."

Silently, the woman added a thought from the depths of her heart: she had received an invitation from someone. This would likely be her final act of assistance before their paths diverged indefinitely. From this moment onward, their paths would be severed, and it seemed unlikely they would ever meet again.

"A young and captivating woman harboring no grudge against the Manchu Qing Dynasty?" Song Qingshu sifted through the characters in the original work within his mind, and suddenly, a spark of enlightenment ignited. Leaning in slightly, he spoke, "Could it be that the girl is the former Princess Ajiu of Ming Changping?"

Zhu Yu furrowed her brow, regarding Song Qingshu warily. "Who are you, and how do you know who I am?"

Song Qingshu cast a fleeting glance at the exquisite woman before him, his eyes brimming with sympathy. Ah Jiu was a tragic figure in the original narrative—born into the last emperor's family, witnessing the collapse of her nation and the destruction of her kin. Her own father severed her arm, and she fell in love with Yuan Chengzhi. However, Yuan Chengzhi had already formed an alliance with Xia Qingqing and, after the Chaoyang Peak incident, agreed to rendezvous with Yuan Chengzhi in Tibet's Xuegu after ten years.

The outcome was well-known. For a decade, regardless of Xia Qingqing's presence, Yuan Chengzhi never sought her out...

Zhu Yu sensed the intense emotions lingering in Song Qingshu's gaze, causing her considerable discomfort, prompting her to clear her throat.

Returning to his senses, Song Qingshu offered an awkward smile. "Princess Ajiu, please forgive my impertinence. I am well-versed in martial arts tales, and thus, I could surmise your identity."

"But you haven't yet revealed your surname," Zhu Yu remarked, feeling that while the other party seemed acquainted with her background, she remained ignorant of his. Curiosity compelled her to inquire.

"I am Song Qingshu," he replied, offering a slight bow. Then, he voiced the question that plagued his mind, "Princess Ajiu, you harbor deep enmity towards the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Despite the impending conflict between the Song and Qing Dynasties, may I inquire if there are any obstacles preventing you from assassinating Qing envoys within the Song Dynasty?"

As Zhu Yuxuan heard his discontent with her intentions, she assumed Song Qingshu was a loyal subject of the Song State. Unable to contain herself, she felt compelled to explain, "Song Gongzi, please do not misunderstand. A Jiu acted rashly and without due consideration. I never anticipated that it would potentially lead to war with the Qing Dynasty... It's just that we stumbled upon information suggesting that Wei Xiaobao's mission was secondary this time. The primary objective was to dismantle the Shandong Golden Snake Camp. I grew concerned... concerned that the final resistance against the Manchu Qing Dynasty would crumble as well. Hence, I devised a plan to assassinate Wei Xiaobao as a last resort..."

"Ajiu girl's motive likely revolves around Yuan Chengzhi, the current leader of the Golden Snake Camp," Song Qingshu remarked with a smile, though his heart felt a pang of sympathy. Although he had never laid eyes on Xia Qingqing, he presumed her talents and beauty surpassed that of Ah Jiu. Yet, Ah Jiu had been unfortunate enough to be forsaken by Yuan Chengzhi. However, this misfortune for Ah Jiu could be seen as a stroke of immense luck for other men.

Interrupting his train of thought, Ah Jiu felt a mixture of embarrassment and shyness. After all, she had been the loser in the love triangle involving Yuan Chengzhi and Xia Qingqing.

"I have done my utmost, and now the rest is in the hands of Brother Yuan and his fortune," Zhu Yu replied, forcing a smile. She raised her head and addressed Song Qingshu, "Thank you for your mercy today, Mr. Song. Jiu has pressing matters and needs to hasten to the Western Regions. Farewell for now, and we may meet again in the future."

"There... may be a chance for us to meet again," Song Qingshu said with a tinge of reluctance, realizing there was no reason to detain her. He could only watch her figure fade into the night sky.

Returning to the Yuhua Pavilion, Wei Xiaobao noticed that Song Qingshu had returned alone. He knew that the assassin had eluded capture, but he didn't display any discontent. Instead, he eagerly inquired, feigning concern, and seizing the opportunity to descend the staircase, "That woman with formidable martial arts skills and cunning schemes, where did she wound Brother Song?"

Song Qingshu casually evaded the question, "Apologies, Brother Wei, my skills faltered momentarily, and I lost track of the assassin."

Wei Xiaobao wore a puzzled expression, thinking to himself that Song Qingshu's martial arts prowess clearly surpassed that of the woman, so he shouldn't have been caught off guard, allowing her to escape.

Detecting Wei Xiaobao's expression, Song Qingshu realized he possessed a discerning mind, and ordinary lies wouldn't deceive him. Thus, he resorted to half-truths, "I had the assassin under control, but unfortunately, a mysterious figure clad in black suddenly emerged. The assassin vanished before my eyes. This person possessed extraordinary internal strength and wielded a peculiar and dexterous sword technique. Based on their martial arts prowess and weaponry, I believe it was none other than the renowned 'Golden Snake King,' Yuan Chengzhi."

"Yuan Chengzhi?" Wei Xiaobao inhaled deeply, his belief in the matter reaching eighty percent. He secretly pondered whether he had missed crucial information while pursuing the secret imperial decree and clandestinely dealing with the Golden Snake Camp.

"In that case, how does Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts compare to yours, Brother Song?" This question weighed heavily on Wei Xiaobao's mind. The reason Kangxi and he were eager to recruit martial arts masters from all corners of the realm was to counter the formidable prowess of Yuan Chengzhi.

Curiously, Song Qingshu didn't rush to respond. Instead, he gazed at Wei Xiaobao and asked, "Why, Brother Wei, do you intend to confront Yuan Chengzhi?"

Wei Xiaobao led Song Qingshu into the house, his voice hushed as he whispered Kangxi's secret order. "Brother Song, we are now sworn brothers, bound by trust and loyalty. I shall not hide anything from you," Wei Xiaobao began, his tone filled with a mix of sincerity and concern. "After aiding the emperor in eliminating Obai, I assumed he could finally find respite. Alas, I was mistaken. The emperor continues to bear a heavy burden, plagued by four confounding dilemmas."

Pausing for effect, Wei Xiaobao glanced at Song Qingshu, his eyes filled with a genuine longing for understanding. "Brother Song, do you happen to know the identities of these four confidants troubling the emperor?"

"Given the current stalemate between the Manchu Qing Dynasty and Mongolia, it is likely that Mongolia is one of the confidants," Song Qingshu replied, his mind focused on this particular issue.

"You truly possess a keen intellect, Brother Song," Wei Xiaobao praised, raising his thumb in admiration. He continued, "However, Mongolia is ultimately an external problem. The other three confidants are internal concerns. Firstly, there is Wu Sangui, the Marquis of Pingxi stationed at Shanhaiguan. The emperor fears that Wu Sangui, who betrayed the Ming Dynasty, may hand over Shanhaiguan to Mongolia. Yet, Wu Sangui commands hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, including the renowned Guanning Iron Cavalry, an unparalleled cavalry unit in the world. The emperor is hesitant to take action against him."

"The second predicament involves Hongli, Prince Sheng Jingbao. During the initial struggle for the throne, he and the current emperor were the most qualified contenders. With the intervention of the Queen Mother, the current emperor rightfully ascended to the throne. However, Prince Sheng Jingbao has never relinquished his desire for power. He commands hundreds of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers, and his son, Fukangan, is a formidable warrior as well. Father and son have been engaged in fierce battles against the Mongolian army on the Liaodong frontlines, earning high respect and influence within the military. The emperor fears that taking action against him could lead to disastrous consequences, including a potential collapse of the Great Wall defense."

"This world truly teeters on the edge of chaos. Qianlong becoming brothers with Kangxi, all while vying for the throne..." Song Qingshu was momentarily thunderstruck by the revelations, yet he quickly assimilated the information, accepting the extraordinary circumstances. He continued, "The third confidant must be the Golden Snake Camp in Shandong. Led by Yuan Chengzhi, the rebels possess considerable strength. However, the emperor's concerns regarding Wu Sangui and Hongli are surely lesser than those regarding the Shandong Rebels."

"Indeed," Wei Xiaobao affirmed, nodding solemnly. "The emperor has made numerous attempts to quell the rebels in Shandong, but they elude capture, retreating into the vast mountains like wily snakes. Each time the imperial troops withdraw, they resurface once more, causing havoc. Their audacity knows no bounds. Consequently, the emperor considered employing methods from the martial world to deal with Yuan Chengzhi."

"Alas, Yuan Chengzhi is head of the Huashan School, the Golden Snake King, and a renowned figure in martial arts. His skills are unparalleled, making him a formidable adversary. This is precisely why the Wei brothers and the emperor are desperate to recruit martial arts masters from all corners of the realm," Song Qingshu added, emphasizing the urgency and gravity of the situation.

Wei Xiaobao flashed a mischievous smile and said, "Brother Song, I cannot keep any secrets from you. Pray tell, what transpired in your encounter with Yuan Chengzhi?"

Song Qingshu, having assessed Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts prowess based on their previous clash and Ah Jiu's rescue, calmly replied, "It ended in a draw." He knew that admitting Yuan Chengzhi's superiority would only lead Wei Xiaobao to underestimate himself. Claiming superiority, on the other hand, would contradict the fact that Ah Jiu had been saved. Thus, he settled for a measured response.

Wei Xiaobao's face lit up with delight. "Excellent!" he exclaimed. "With Brother Song, a master capable of matching Yuan Chengzhi, I have enough confidence to befriend Xiao Xuanzi."

Moved by Wei Xiaobao's trust and camaraderie, Song Qingshu seized the moment to offer a word of caution. "Brother Wei, while my martial arts may be on par with Yuan Chengzhi's, news of your intention to confront him has surely leaked. As we make our way back to Beijing through Shandong, along with the Blood Knife Sect's enmity, it will be challenging for my brothers to ensure your safety with limited resources."

A chill ran down Wei Xiaobao's spine, and his expression turned grave. "This is dire! It seems the enemy has uncovered our plans. Should we call for an army escort? But that would undoubtedly alert the snake in the grass, and Xiao Xuanzi will be displeased..."

Sensing the urgency in the air, Song Qingshu feigned hesitation before proposing a plan. "I have an idea, though I am uncertain of its efficacy," he began.

"Brother Song, please enlighten me," Wei Xiaobao implored, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.

"Brother Wei, you could orchestrate a grand spectacle, attracting attention by sending Zhang and Zhao as envoys to the north. Meanwhile, we shall discreetly travel south..." Song Qingshu paused for a moment, preparing to reveal his intentions.

"Why south?" Wei Xiaobao interjected, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't help but wonder if this fair-faced man harbored a hidden agenda.

With a faint smile, Song Qingshu maintained his composure and explained, "During this period, there resides a peerless master in Gusu. If we can persuade him to seek refuge in the Qing Dynasty, we shall have two formidable companions at our side. Need I mention the Shandong Golden Snake Camp?"

"How does this master's martial arts compare to yours, Brother Song?" Wei Xiaobao inquired, his skepticism lingering.

"Without exaggeration, he is no less exceptional," Song Qingshu declared with conviction.

Wei Xiaobao's heart stirred with excitement. The prospect of securing two towering martial arts masters of such caliber would undoubtedly earn him Xiao Xuanzi's adoration. Perhaps, in his exuberance, Xiao Xuanzi might even bestow upon him the prestigious title of a Duke. Lost in his daydreams, Wei Xiaobao couldn't contain his laughter, envisioning a future filled with grandeur and beauty.

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