
Senran Kagura: Altered Fates

Alexrenda · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Chapter 7

Ippan stood outside the gates of Hanzo Academy hand-in-hand with Ryouna and Reiko, the latter of whom he had summoned along the way. At last, Ryouna was in disguise and much to her credit, she looked much more ordinary. She was sporting long, black hair with straight bangs and emerald green eyes. She actually reminded Ippan a lot of his sister, but he supposed that was the point since she was going as a sibling. Also, to Ryouna's credit, while she was in disguise her personality shifted considerably. She played the part of a typical schoolgirl perfectly, which served as a pretty substantial surprise. She still seemingly couldn't help but play a perverted person, but it was a completely different flavor to her normal personality so it still didn't give anything away. Now Ippan could see why Suzune had such faith in her espionage abilities.

Ippan didn't bother with a disguise since he had never even seen a Hanzo shinobi before and doubted any of them had seen him. Nor did he bother disguising Reiko since she had the same passive normality effect as his own "normal self" ring, so nobody would question her presence anywhere. Just to be on the safe side, however, he made it normal for anyone at this school to forget everything about him prior to this morning. This was in case Hanzo shinobi had their own dossiers on the Hebijo elites.

"All right ladies, are we ready for our master plan?" Ippan asked his two companions.

Ryouna grinned at Ippan in reply, "Operation: Drown Ippan in Boobies, or DIB, is underway!" Ryouna bounced excitedly, making her boobs jiggle.

Reiko bounced with her and nodded.

Ryouna continued, "We only have one class together, so we should convene during that period and at lunch."

"Sounds good to me," Ippan grinned back at her.

With that, the three of them separated and began to scout the school. Ippan began his walk into the school's courtyard, eyeing the girls in uniform. They were fairly simple uniforms; not traditional sailor uniforms like at Hebijo. A white, button-up, short-sleeved blouse with a navy pleated skirt ending just above the knee. A navy tie was also situated around the neck, giving a fairly professional look to the ladies of the academy. Thanks to Ippan's removal of bras, he could see a few nipple bumps poking through the blouses erotically, and every pair was jigglier than the last.

There was really only one problem with these uniforms, they didn't offer very easy access. Ippan found this out after groping a few of the more buxom girls hanging out around the courtyard before class. The Hebijo uniforms were much easier, since they showed a fair amount of midriff, all he needed to do was slide his hand right under the top. But these Hanzo uniforms were tucked into the skirt, and most of the girls buttoned their blouses all the way up to accommodate the necktie. Ippan thought perhaps a normality change was in order here. He could either go for the completely sleazy route or something a bit more tasteful.

After a few minutes of walking through the halls trying to make a decision, Ippan finally decided to be a bit more tasteful. There was something fun about fishing into uniforms to grab at the goodies, and it often left a nice surprise when he finally got to see them. Plus, watching the girls slowly readjust their clothes after he was through having fun with them was kinda sexy.

"It is normal at Hanzo Academy for ties to be mandatory, but they can be as loose as the wearer sees fit." Almost immediately, most of the students (including the male students) started to loosen their ties. Some only loosened them a small bit while others undid them completely, letting both ends of the cloth dangle in front of them. "It is normal at Hanzo Academy for female students to keep at least three buttons undone on their blouses," Ippan was going to end the statement there, but then got an idea, "the more buttons that are undone past three is a general measure of how perverted a student is."

As soon as Ippan finished his sentence, all of the girls began to unbutton their blouses. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority only undid three buttons. There were a scarce few fours, and Ippan couldn't see any fives, though statistically he knew there had to be some. He knew of at least one, if the shinobi descriptions given to him by Imu were to be believed.

"Sorry! Coming through! Sorry! I'm late!" Ippan was so lost in his own little world that he only barely registered the sound of someone running through the halls in front of him, and by the time he realized she was on a collision course with him, it was too late. He could have evaded the collision without too much trouble, but he was still a bit wary to show off his shinobi abilities and just decided to take the hit.

With a smack the two of them collided and fell to the floor in unison. After they hit the ground with a thud Ippan had a good view of her panties. They were a cute pair with a number of pastel multicolored stripes. As for the girl herself, she looked plain enough, with long dark-brown hair done up into a messy ponytail with a thin white ribbon. She had brown eyes that gleamed with worry as she realized what she had done.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" she hectically began to pick up her books and papers that had become scattered across the floor.

"No worries, I should have been paying more attention," Ippan started to help her, stealing glances at her chest, which was pretty sizeable. Her uniform had three buttons undone, pretty typical. Everything about this girl seemed ordinary, aside from her bust which Ippan's pervert instincts told him probably sat at an F-cup, and she had a red scarf she wore around her neck.

Once all of her papers were gathered, he proceeded to help her up, letting one of his hands lift her up by the arm while his other slipped into her top. Her skin was unfathomably smooth. Pressing his hand against her bare breast was an amazing experience, it was so soft he forgot to think for just a moment.

"Whoa, your skin is so smooth," Ippan couldn't help but say out loud, realizing too late that he had drawn attention to the hand inside her top, not that it actually mattered.

She blushed slightly, "Oh, uh, thanks. I make sure to dry brush my skin every day." Ippan had no idea something so mundane could have such incredible results.

"Oh sorry," he apologized and withdrew his hand, which ended up being the most difficult thing he had ever done, "I must be holding you up."

She tilted her head for a moment and then realization dawned on her face, as though she had just forgotten she was in a hurry, "Oh no! I'm really late, sorry again!" With that she ran down the hall again, her breasts bouncing madly as she did so. Ippan wondered what she was in such a hurry for, classes didn't start for another fifteen minutes. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't catch her name. She was cute, if a little plain, but her skin… by Kami he hoped he got to see and feel more of her at some point.

Ippan arrived at his first class early to introduce himself to the teacher ahead of time. When he got there a man that he assumed to be the teacher was standing outside. He looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, a dignified man in an all-black suit and tie. He had medium-length hair silver with age but only a few wrinkles on his face. When Ippan approached the man looked at him with piercing light brown eyes.

"Are you my new student?" He asked.

"If you are Kiriya-sensei and this is the math class, then yes."

"I am and it is. It's a pleasure to meet you, remind me of your name?"

"Ippan Sanzou." Ippan almost forgot to use the fake name Imu had come up with for him.

"Sanzou, that's right. Come with me." He walked into the classroom with Ippan in tow. Since there was still ten minutes until class started, there was only one other student in the room. She looked quite pretty with long, black hair and a really big pair of breasts. Three buttons undone.

"I hope you'll get along with your fellow students," Kiriya said. "though not too well. You're here to learn after all."

"Of course," Ippan replied to the teacher but kept his eyes glued to the long-haired girl staring out the window. Her eyes were a striking shade of dark blue, and her posture was perfect, like the posture of a princess in her seat. Except there was something else there…

"I don't take kindly to having distractions in class…" the teacher continued to drone on about the rules of etiquette and what-not, things that didn't really concern Ippan with the rings on. Instead he continued to nod along but was busy trying to figure out what it was about the girl's posture that seemed strange to him.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks, just like it had with Hikage the day before. She was faking it. She was a shinobi.

Ippan was very curious at this point. If she was a shinobi and in one of his classes, it would be a good idea to figure out who she was. Once Kiriya had dismissed Ippan he walked over to her, doing his best to fake his own idle stance just in case.

"Hello there," Ippan greeted in a friendly tone as he approached. "I'm Ippan. And you are?"

The girl looked at him and smiled, though it was sort of a polite smile, not really a genuine one. "Ikaruga. It's nice to meet you," her manner of speaking was very formal, it was pretty obvious she came from a wealthy background. The pieces were already falling into place, Ippan had just met his first elite shinobi student.

"Likewise," He wanted to get her a bit more comfortable with his presence. It didn't seem like she was annoyed or bothered by him being near her, but she definitely gave off an awkward vibe. Like she didn't quite know what to say. Ippan figured she needed a nudge to make her feel a bit more comfortable, perhaps his presence was intimidating to her. It was worth a shot, anyway.

"Hey, stop me if you've heard this one," she looked at Ippan curiously, "knock-knock."

Her eyebrow perked up curiously, "Who's there?"

"Little old lady."

"Little old lady who?" Ippan could practically see the gears in her head turning, trying to figure out the answer.

"Oh, I didn't know you could yodel," it took a second, and he could see her lips moving as she silently mouthed what she said again. Suddenly it came over her in a crashing revelation, and he saw her chuckle, covering her mouth politely as she did.

"Okay, my turn," she replied. Ippan put his hand on his hip, actually a bit curious what she could come up with. "A guy walks into a bar…" she pauses for effect, "he says 'ow'." It was Ippan's turn to have the gears turn, and when they aligned, he let out a hearty laugh.

"All right I'll admit, that wasn't too bad," Ippan said.

She already seemed more comfortable with him being there. Spy work and espionage wasn't Ippan's forte for nothing. He lifted his hand up and hovered it toward her chest, slipping it inside her top. Her gaze followed the movement of his hand, but she made no effort to stop it, and simply returned to looking back at him once the hand had reached its destination. Her skin wasn't quite as smooth as the girl Ippan met in the hall, but it was still erotically soft.

"So Ikaruga, what's your year?"

"Third," she said, a blush evident on her cheeks but not distracting it seemed. "The idea of graduating is exciting, but I'm also kind of sad that I won't get to see my friends as much afterward."

"I'm only a second year and I just arrived here, but I think I understand," Ippan was feeling all over her breast through her slightly opened top. He had found her areola, it was wider than he was expecting but also delightfully puffy. He was having trouble locating her nipple though, oddly enough. Perhaps it blended into the areola really well?

"Did you have to leave many friends behind when you transferred?" she asked.

"Actually yeah. A really good friend of mine, in fact. We'd been buddies since we were kids. I'm still planning on calling him up and hanging out with him, but it will be hard finding the time, you know?" The fact that Ippan couldn't find her nipple was actually starting to disturb him. Surely she had nipples, everyone had nipples. He wondered if she lost them in some accident, but there was no hint of scarring or anything. But there was something…

"Must be really lonely then," she said, slightly deflated.

"A little, that's why I'm hoping to make new friends here. I'm just not used to needing to, so I'm not very good at it. I mean, the ice breaker to our conversation was a knock-knock joke."

She laughed, making her breast bounce a fair bit. With a bit of probing Ippan finally found that the "something" he found a moment ago was in fact a little divot, and he was then excited because that meant she had the rare and elusive inverted nipple, just like Murasaki. He took a few steps so he was standing to the side of Ikaruga without the desk between them, and she turned to continue facing him. He quickly undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse. He was excited to see them now.

"It seemed effective enough on me," Ikaruga admitted, not at all concerned with the unbuttoning of her shirt, "and you seem like a nice guy. Maybe I should introduce you to some of my friends."

Ippan finally managed to yank open her shirt enough to see her breasts on full display, and sure enough, she had innies instead of outies. That was unbelievably hot.

"And judging by how focused you are on um… those, I'd say you'd get along with at least one of my friends really well."

Ippan decided to act slightly embarrassed, "Oh, uh, it's not a bother, is it?"

"For you? Not at all," she smiled warmly, "it's a bit annoying when Kat does it, but it's normal for you." Taking that as an open invitation, Ippan pressed both palms against her flesh with delight, cupping the massive breasts in each hand and feeling their weight. His cock was threatening to tear a hole in his pants, and it probably would have by now if not for the whole clothes-being-made-of-chakra thing. He was then reminded of the normality he had made while in the café, he'd nearly forgotten it.

"Hey Ikaruga, would you mind pressing your breasts together with your arms so I can titfuck you?" Her eyes widened for a moment, but it wasn't in shock at what Ippan said as much as it seemed like she was shocked at herself for forgetting her manners.

"Oh! Absolutely!" she pressed her breasts together with her arms as Ippan undid his pants to release his member. Feeling it against the cool air of the classroom was wonderful, as opposed to it being confined to the inside of his clothes. When Ikaruga saw it her blush intensified slightly, at this point Ippan knew the reason, a reason that never stopped filling him with pride.

He shuffled forward carefully, allowing his member to slowly get engulfed in her huge breasts. Ippan let a moan escape his lips as he felt the tit-flesh wrap around him in an almost loving fashion. He wanted to take this slow so he could savor the fantastic feeling, so he only moved his hips slightly, moving gradually but with purpose.

"Ikaruga," Ippan heard Kiriya, whose presence he had totally forgotten about until now, get the attention of the girl.

"Yes sensei?" she looked to him; her arms still being held in place.

"That is awfully considerate of you, helping out a new classmate like that. Keep it up."

Her blush intensified, but this time it was just bashfulness at being commended, "Thank you, sensei." The first time this happened in the café, Ippan acknowledged what had happened but never truly savored it. The very idea that an authority figure like his new math teacher viewed something like her letting the boy titfuck Ikaruga to his heart's content as something positive let alone doing him a favor was incredible. In Kiriya's eyes, it wasn't perverted at all, it was common courtesy, and she was just helping out a new friend by letting him fuck her luscious melons. Ippan was beginning to think that normality may have been the best one he'd come up with yet.

He continued to buck his hips, still going slow but much faster now than when he started. Ippan really couldn't help it much, as he felt himself nearing climax his muscles just seemed to act entirely on their own. He was peripherally aware that other students had begun to trickle into the room, and while some took notice of what was happening, none of them saw it as anything sexual at all. A few of his classmates even congratulated Ikaruga like the teacher had.

This reaction was threatening to send Ippan over the top, and it did. With one final and intense thrust, he began to unleash his load between Ikaruga's gorgeous tits. At first his ejaculation was entirely between her breasts, causing the sticky white cream to ooze out from between her cleavage as Ippan gave it a hearty creampie. At some point, though, he couldn't help but jerk his hips forward in an attempt to get deeper between them, and as he did the tip poked out and Ikaruga gave a gasp of surprise as a long rope of cum almost hit her eye by accident, and another spurt ended up in her mouth; but as soon as she tasted the cum, she lurched forward and took the rest of Ippan's loads directly between her lips.

He groaned as he felt and heard her gulping down each mouthful that shot from his shaft. He had to correct himself in that moment, making his cum taste amazing was clearly the best normality he had come up with. He didn't think he'd ever stop being satisfied hearing the hefty and vigorous gulps as his semen was swallowed.

"gulp mmm… gulp mmm… gulp mmm!" Ikaruga seemed to be loving the taste so much that she was actually moaning between her gulps.

Ippan's ejaculation raged on for its usual lengthy time, but finally it ended. After it was done, he had to stagger back to prevent Ikaruga from trying to continue sucking him off. Ippan still wasn't sure his stamina was up to the task of going twice in a row like that. Even his encounters in the café had been paced out with a break between climaxes. There was a bit of a forlorn expression on Ikaruga's face as he pulled away, and a bit more blush than he was expecting. She started to almost desperately scrape up all of the cum on her tits, face, and neck and lick it off of her fingers, breathing heavily as she did. The way she did that seemed almost Ryouna-like to Ippan.

She then began to tidy herself up in general, fixing the uniform Ippan desperately clawed open by buttoning it up again. However, she hesitated on the fourth button from the top, ultimately leaving it undone.

Ippan was elated at this sight. Something about his encounter with her had actually opened her mind and made her even more perverted. Ippan couldn't help but grin at his handiwork.

Before class started, Ippan quickly made a request of Ikaruga, prefaced by "would you mind" of course, to have her inform her friends of the experience she just had with him, including the taste of his cum. If she was indeed one of the elite shinobi, and Ippan was pretty sure this was the same Ikaruga Imu had told him about, then her friends would include her fellow shinobi classmates. If he was lucky, that would mean they might be eager to have a taste before he even made any requests of them.

After getting this request, Ikaruga immediately pulled out her cell phone and started texting and kept doing that until the start of class. She was either using a lot of detail or she had a lot of friends. The rest of class went on without much of a problem. It was a math class, so Ippan didn't even have to think much about it much. He even managed to impress Kiriya a few times by being able to solve some equations without really paying attention to the lesson.

The class ended, and it was time to move to Ippan's second period. He noted that Ikaruga quickly pulled out her phone and began texting again as soon as class ended, and walked out the door with her device in hand.

He was kind of excited for the next class. Something told him that the day's pervy escapades were far from over. The boring math class had recharged his stamina, and he was ready to take on whatever the rest of the day had in store. His next class was an English class, and the teacher was female this time. Perhaps she would be sexy.

Much to Ippan's infinite disappointment, the teacher wasn't sexy. The teacher was in fact an elderly woman, very refined and he guessed she probably looked very pretty in her youth but wasn't much to look at anymore. However, all hope was not lost. As his eyes scanned the room for the female students, he found the holy grail.

Sitting in the back of the class, with her legs up on the desk flashing her blue striped panties, was a girl whose uniform was unbuttoned as much as it could possibly be, yet still tucked into the skirt. This gave Ippan a glorious view of her massive cleavage and a glorious insight into her personality.

She had dark blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a constant grin. Could this be the one? She certainly fit the physical description Imu had given Ippan of the elite he had been looking forward to meeting most, Katsuragi. There was only one way to find out. Luckily, he had been assigned the seat next to her.

Ippan walked over and held out his hand to greet her, "Hi, my name is Ippan Sanzou."

She initially didn't look that interested in him, but upon hearing his name her eyebrow quirked up curiously, "You had class with Ikaruga last period, right?" She asked. Her voice was a little husky.

"I did, she was very kind and polite," Ippan smiled, remembering the titjob fondly. "Do you know her?"

"Do I 'know' her? She's my best friend. And her boobs are some of my favorite to grope." She made lecherous groping motions with her fingers for emphasis and even gave a pervy laugh. "I'm Katsuragi by the way."

"Wait, the Katsuragi?" Ippan asked.

"What do you mean?" She quirked her eyebrow again.

"You're the legendary pervert! Your reputation for harassment made you a local hero among my particular circle of friends back at my former school."

She had a slight blush, but her grin just widened to show off her pearly white teeth as she beamed with pride. "Ha! So, my reputation precedes me. I had you pegged for a pervert the moment I saw you. Ikaruga told me that what she did was just a favor… but I bet you still enjoyed it didn't you?"

"Fuck yes," Ippan answered without hesitation, sending her into a fit of laughter.

"I like you already. I'm glad we're desk neighbors… in fact. I might have a bit of a proposition for you."


"See, I may be in the market to get a new pervert apprentice… normally I don't accept male pupils, but I might be able to make an exception for you. But only if you can prove your worth to me. How does that sound?"

Ippan's mind was screaming "YES" as loud as it could, but he didn't want to sound too eager, "What would being your apprentice entail exactly?"

"Have you ever wanted to know exactly where all of a woman's erogenous zones are? How about the best way to grope her boobs to make her powerless to resist? Maybe even the best way to do perverted things while under the pretense of just being clumsy? Perhaps you'd just like an opportunity to test all these things on a live model?"

She was good, but Ippan's rings would have made knowing all of those things unnecessary. Women already didn't resist when he groped them, he could use a normality to make literally anywhere an erogenous zone, and literally any woman could be his live model. Still, he hadn't really asked because he actually cared about any of that, he just wanted to sound like he did. He wondered if she would sweeten the pot if he acted aloof to the idea.

"Hmm, you drive a hard bargain. But I dunno, sounds like stuff I could easily find on the internet."

She frowned a bit, "Find on the—okay fine. You like Ikaruga right? I'll tell you all of her perverted secrets, I know all of the hidden little kinks she has, even a few she doesn't know yet herself."

Ippan shrugged, "What good are perverted powers if I only know how to use them on one woman?"

She grinned again and folded her arms, making her massive breasts pop up rather pleasingly. "All right, how about all of my closest friends and favorite squeezes?"

That was more like it, "Deal!"

She made her pervy laugh again, "Don't get too excited though, remember you still have to prove your worth. If you can't complete these simple tests, I won't even consider it."

"Bring it on!"

"Heh heh, all right. I have a number of tasks for you to complete throughout the day, at the end of the day I will meet you at the front gate of the school and you must have completed each task and provide proof of your completion."

"Understood," Ippan nodded.

"The first task, you must bring me the panties of five different girls. I don't care how you get them, as long as you do."

Easy enough. All Ippan would need to do is walk up to someone and casually remove their panties. His subconscious was already working out a way to make this one more interesting, though.

"The second task is to infiltrate the girl's locker room while they are changing and take pictures."

Also pretty easy, he wouldn't even need to hide. It was a good thing his phone had a camera.

"The third task is to grope the breasts of at least ten women."

"How would I prove that one?" He asked, pretty sure he'd groped at least ten sets of breasts already today.

"Oh, I will know. I am the pervert guru after all," She beamed. "Those won't be your only tasks, just the ones I need you to complete before I even consider you."

This would be a piece of cake.

The bell rang to announce the start of class, so after introductions were made Ippan was left to consider his options for the rest of the period. Next would be lunch, and he was looking forward to convening with Ryouna and Reiko.