
Senjo Academy

Before in ancient times where Gods and Goddess from different pantheons had made an alliance to defeat the ones who defy the Gods. Under the name Thanathos they plunge the world into a Millennium long war. Needing the help of the mortals the Gods gave blessings of their power to the mortals whose bravery stood above others. When Thanathos was defeated they swore that this war will never stop, as long as there is a believer of Thanathos, The War of Divinity will never end. The Gods have retreated to the high heavens and gave the mortals their blessings to fight Thanathos. Now in the modern world people with blessings became common place, and many schools provide education on how to become warriors of the Gods. This is the story about how I became the greatest warrior.

SigneusFauxkai · Fantasía
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6 Chs


We waited for Aoi to come back so that we can launch our plan of attack, though we have no idea of Class 1-A skills but as long as we do not falter, victory will be ours. Aoi lands beside us, and we set up in the center of the arena, looking to flank them once they have reached the defense. But then suddenly a lightning strike in the area of our defense. "Go to them, they might need help, Aoi you have the more versatile skills go fight with the frontlines and Luke go with Ao-" Luke cuts me off "They don't need me there because they already have firepower I'll just slow them down" another lightning strikes "We have no time to argue, you are the smartest guy there they need someone to oversee the battle and provide on-the-spot plan changes. They need a leader. I'll provide support when it's time to strike." Luke went silent, then turned around, "I hate that you're right…you be careful." Then Aoi flew back carrying Luke.

I carry on to our original path then I hear someone coming quick I find a place to hide in and as soon as she got past, I quietly followed her. After a while he stops and climbed up a tall tree, I planned a surprise attack and climbed up a tree close to where she's at and loaded my bow aimed then said "Hi there". She turned around shocked and tried to attack, but I reacted quickly and shot the branch she was standing on, causing her to fall. I jumped down as she landed and loaded my bow again and aimed at her head. "What are you planning?" I asked, "Interrogating me isn't gonn--" I unsummon my bow and put my elbow in her neck and pushed her to the ground, and held her there. "I'm going to ask again... What. Is. Your. Plan?" she struggles and tries to kick me off, but I kept her on the ground. I got tired of her struggling I sat on top of her and, summoned my bow again and loaded it "Fire Piercing Arrow: Omega" a Dark orange flame emerged from my arrow "3..." I can see her shaking from fear, but still not saying anything. "2… I'm not going to hesitate letting this arrow go through your head." I about to let the arrow go, "WAIT!!!!!!!!" I'll talk…there is no attack. Not all of our forces are there I am assigned at this spot, but there are only a few of us at the distraction attack and are probably distracting your allies right now, but the main attack will be there after your troops are tired, SO GIVE U- wait what are you doing?" I tied her in a tree and got rid of any weapons she might have. "If you want to go back to the locker rooms just shout "I quit" then went back as fast as I can.

When I got back, they were in a frenzy, Luke is trying his best to lead, but the class would not listen. The front lines are not backing down. Senshi is fighting someone I could not make out who, but someone pushed him back. I saw a glimpse of the weapon, it was a staff forged from black iron and gold designed with a bit of jade…it was simple but unmistakable. It's… The monkey king. I jumped into the fray I loaded my bow, shot at the staff to offset it before it hits Senshi, and landed in front of them both. "Play nice you two" I said then the opponent jump back and Senshi got up bumped my shoulders "I didn't need your help" I took a deep breath and smacked the back of his head and told him "Not. The. Time. Now fall back and let me handle this, we need you for their plan later." I walked in front of Senshi, and he said ""need me, huh?" alright fine" then heads back to recover I look back for a bit then back at the opponent sitting at the top of his staff. "Kinda rude, don't ya think? Jumping in our battle like that?" I ready to fire, "I did what I had to do." He came down from his staff and said, "Well since I'm feeling kinda good right now what say you and I duel right now" I smile then flames emerged from my bow "Sounds good to me monkey" he laughs and says "NOW THAT'S THE SPIRIT. The name is Saruno btw Saruno Hari." I nod and told him "My name is Yagi Sasagawa" I look in to his eyes and as he looked at mine its like we both understood what is about to happen next. I threw an arrow up in the air, and then we got to our fighting stances.

As soon as the arrow landed on the ground. Saruno swung the staff and got longer, and almost hits me, but I managed to dodge and fired an arrow targeting his temple but the way he fights is almost an exact copy of the monkey king himself. Very unpredictable… It's almost impossible for me to hit him unless… I smirk. "Hey Saruno, beside power, what else did he give you?" He looked at me confused, but still answered my question. "Well he did give me the most powerful blessing than any of YOU COMBI-- " while he is monologuing I shot his temple with a normal arrow causing him to fall down on his face. "Damn arrogant monkey." I turned around to walk back then saw the ground cast a shadow of a big pillar and I dodged instantly to see Saruno standing up and when his eyes open it was glowing red. "You think I'm that it's going to be that easy to defeat me? That's really insulting, you know…" I smirked and said "Well kind of" he swings his staff barely managing to dodge I loaded an arrow and tried to shoot, but his movement was throwing me off. I got to find a hint of hesitation from in his movement I let him hit me with a barrage of attacks then after that I fell on my knees then he approached me "looks like you didn't put up much of a fight either, lost one" then before his last barrage of attacks hit me I managed to fire an FPA to his shoulders making him drop his staff and fall back "Never be too sure of anything monkey" I loaded my bow again aimed at his temple "Mercy?" he said then we chuckled "Just say you surrender" I know the pride of the monkey king is high it's what he is known for, so I know he isn't going to surrender that easy. "Alright, alright I…WON'T SURR--" I fired an FPA making him go unconscious I made sure he stayed down. After that I went back to our base, my classmates were just looking at me "We're not done yet. This is only their phase one, get ready for phase two. We need to get as much rest as we can."

We decided to dispatch scouts to see if there are any movements in the enemy base. As we waited. Me and the rest of the class talk about our next plan of attack. Next is the final clash, and we need all hands-on deck.

Sorry this took too long to publish but i had too quarantine because of COVID and now I'm fine again and I hope i can write more after my exams.

SigneusFauxkaicreators' thoughts