
Senjo Academy

Before in ancient times where Gods and Goddess from different pantheons had made an alliance to defeat the ones who defy the Gods. Under the name Thanathos they plunge the world into a Millennium long war. Needing the help of the mortals the Gods gave blessings of their power to the mortals whose bravery stood above others. When Thanathos was defeated they swore that this war will never stop, as long as there is a believer of Thanathos, The War of Divinity will never end. The Gods have retreated to the high heavens and gave the mortals their blessings to fight Thanathos. Now in the modern world people with blessings became common place, and many schools provide education on how to become warriors of the Gods. This is the story about how I became the greatest warrior.

SigneusFauxkai · Fantasía
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6 Chs


2043 MODERN DAY JAPAN. The War of Divinity ended 1000 years ago, but the world is still in chaos, with wars breaking out and crimes were running rampant, In this day and age warriors with blessings from the Gods became common place to the point it became a profession offered at academies because of the rising crime rate of every nation. Now we cut back to me, a student with a dream of a warrior with the bravest insignia. My name is Sasagawa Yagi currently 15 years old in the last year of middle school. I was always picked on because no Gods or Goddess would want to give me their blessings, calling me abandoned by the Gods. I hated it, but I knew deep down they were right… I was nothing more than normal kid, but I won't give up.

Today is the end of the school year. I'll still aim for Senjo Academy, the number 1 school for warriors-to-be. "Hey Forsaken" I heard then look back to see trouble approaches, I ignored them then ran away, but surprise they caught up with me and trapped me in the alley "You got a lot of nerve tryna run away from me forsaken." He said then brings out his weapon, the spear and shield of Ares and paced towards me. "W-w-wait, I'm sorry Sensen, I-I won't do it again" I plead as I step back getting closer and closer to the wall. "Shouldn't have ran away, and I thought I told you to stop calling me that you forsaken BASTARD!" he hits me with his shield causing me to bounce of the wall and brought me down to my knees "…please…no…more" I plead, but their smiles suggested they had a different plan I was beaten to no end until the bell rang. "Saved by the bell, consider yourself lucky, punk." I limped all the way to the classroom, then I was greeted with stares of pity.

All throughout the day I felt like shit I want to disappear… skipping the day while I was walking home. I question why I was forsaken by the Gods and Goddesses. "Did I offend them? Did my birth offend them? What did I do to deserve this?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO WRONG?..." As I pace to my home a sudden downpour came I have to take cover since I didn't have my umbrella I ended up at an abandoned shrine that was on the path home. While I was there waiting for the rain to be over I heard a quiet voice "…come…child" It intrigued me and I follow the voice then as I walk inside the broken down shrine the floor below me broke. When I hit the ground, I took my phone out to use the flashlight to see what was around me.

I saw a small mummy like thing covered in silk "hmm fancy" I said as I carefully unwrap the mummy to see an armor resting on a stand I was speechless, I took a closer look at the armor to see there is no rust or any form of degradation. "…take it…child…with it comes…the power…of Hachiman…" the voice reappeared… I'm still a bit skeptical about this, "…you want power…don't you?...take it." I reached my hand out to touch the armor then suddenly a sudden burst of energy erupted, and the armor has bonded together with me then a flashback of the war of divinity came with someone carrying a bow and arrow that stood above all then said "Young one…if you seek the power to stand above any adversary, I shall grant you, your wish and give you my blessings. The blessings of Hachiman. Now go, my child, the world awaits a new warrior that goes beyond the call of duty." The flashback ends or is it a message from a God I look around my body to see the armor has disappeared, but strangely I feel its presence there. I look around to see if there was something I missed, but saw nothing, and so I decided to get myself home. "I'm back" I said as I entered my home "Welcome home sweetie" my mom replied "what happened to you" she asked "I got caught up by the rain, I'll take a shower then take a rest, I'm still full." I said before taking a shower and laying in bed. The day just felt like a wild rollercoaster ride, I went from cursing my life to being grateful. My eyes shut a few minutes after my slumber I hear the sounds of screaming people and the sound of swords clashing, I open my eyes to see fires, blood, and dead bodies everywhere. I was speechless, "see this scene, child? This is my life as the God of war, countless bloodshed, this is what the future holds… it's grim, but it's the truth, as the only child I choose, make sure that this future never comes to fruition. I trust you. I'll come to you again if you ever need guidance now it's time to wake up and train your potential. Now GO!" I jumped awake with cold sweat, I look around to see it's already morning.

School is finally over, which means it's time to study and train for the exams at Senjo Academy, but maybe yesterday was a dream. I stood up to look in a mirror to see if anything changed, "well nothing out of the ordinary…armor?" then a light shines revealing the presence of the armor "huh…guess it's still there" I said as I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower then eat breakfast "so do you have any plans for vacation sweetie?" mom asked me "well I might just train my body, there is this forest that was full of garbage maybe clean it up while I train." I replied as I finished my breakfast and stand to clean it up, "well that's wonderful sweetie, I believe in you" she said as I look back to see a warm smile. She has always supported me no matter what and I didn't know how to repay her "I'll make you proud mom" I replied and gave her a smile then a hug before heading out.

As I make my way into dirty forest, I wondered about how I could conjure a weapon cause all that was given to me was an armor, maybe I'll figure it out once I get there. When I arrived, I was greeted with the smells of rotten garbage that has been left there for a really long time. "Well then, I guess I should start…" I stand there for a while, closed my eyes and focused on my armor until it has materialized "This looks nice…now for the weapon" I thought about what type of weapon maybe a sword but if it's an ancient samurai then a bow and arrow? I look at the trash in front of me and thought I need this to be destroyed then took an imaginary arrow and loaded it into an imaginary bow, took aim then fire "… I guess nothi-" then a sudden explosion erupted, leaving no trace of the trash. I continue destroying every trash I see until I was exhausted, and the forest was clean. "Done… I did pretty well no trees were destroyed, hehe" I said while sitting down "Good job kid" suddenly a voiced popped up, I look around me to see nothing was there "hey kid up here I look up and see a girl dressed in green "I see you have a bow there. Tell you what as a thanks for cleaning the forest, I will teach you how to use your weapon there" she said as I keep backing up and keeping my guard up "as much as I like the offer I think I have to pass, because no offense you look like a hobo…" I turn around and get ready to run, but then I felt a sudden wind pass my ear then I look at the ground with an arrow then I look back at her. "Well, this "hobo" has probably more control over a bow than your child. Now ready to listen?" She said staring at me, I nod "good. I, Artemis, will take you under my wing. Take my lessons to heart kid."

This is my first time writing anything and i hope you like it :)

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