
Into The Wolf's Den

N, Alex, and V all woke up coughing. Thankfully, Hadir had put gas masks on the trio.



"Sister!" Hadir shouted, running over to Farah after noticing her on the ground, even with the gas mask.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed, pushing the startled Hadir away.

Coughing, N managed to utter out "Hadir, what have you done?!"

"We had no choice, N! All bets are off now!" Hadir said in response.

"No, not like this!" Farah said. collapsing.

"Sister? SISTER!" Hadir screamed, trying to shake her awake.

"N! Alex! V!" Hadir desperately called out to the trio who were placed on small cots a couple feet from each other.

"You three, listen to me!" Hadir said, stirring awake V.

"I stole the gas from those Russian dogs to help us! Only to help us!" Hadir said, panicking.

"Tell Farah. Tell her, you three!" Hadir said, as the trio once again lost consciousness.

The light of the sun beamed through the bunker as the 4 once again regained consciousness.


Alex was the first one to get up, ignore the burning pain that seemed to be coming from everywhere, followed shortly by Farah.

Pulling up his gas mask, Alex looks around the bunker, dazed.

"N...? V? You two up?" Alex weakly called out.

"N! V!" Uzi called out, rushing to the two drones.

"Alex!" Kyle called out, helping the weakened man up.

"I-I'm ok Uzi-"

"Like hell you are!"

"Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!" Farah screamed, as if she had come to kill someone, and didn't do so.

"He's gone." N weakly said, collapsing, but Uzi catches the drone.


"F-Farah, stop. Farah stop!" V shouted, stopping to cough like a madwoman as they made their way up the stairs to the helicopter.

"It's Hadir. Hadir's the theif. He said he'd give the Russians karma, but..." N said, cutting himself off as he hung his head.

"I-I'm sorry Captain. I should've seen the signs earlier-" V began.

"No, no. It's okay, Lieutenant, there was no way you could've known."

"I swear I'll kill him... I'll fucking rip him limb from limb." Uzi mutter under her breath.

"We need to un-ass this target, NOW!" Price barked as the unit made their way to the heli.

"My brother always wanted to..... Fight without rules. Now, he's broken all of them." Farah said.

"Still can't believe I trusted the bastard." Uzi snarled.

"Hadir went north, he was picked up by AQ fighters in the foothills." Laswell began.

"Willingly or by force?" V asked.

"We don't know." Laswell said.

"I'm sorry Farah." N said.

"Your brother," Alex began

"Is a terrorist." Farah said, cutting Alex off.

"Is an American asset, who is either with or in terrorist hands." Laswell said, standing in front of the projected map.

"Hadir's fight is not with us." N said, standing up.

"Now, he could've killed everyone when he stole the gas, but he didn't. He chose not to." He continued.

"How do you know this?" Farah asked.

"Because I was there. Trying to stop it." N admitted.

Farah rose up, a mixture of hate, anger, bewilderment, and sorrow in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" She asked.

"We believed it was Al-Qatala, didn't know it was him who had the gas." N answered.

"Well, we know now, Lieutenant." Laswell said, defusing the situation.

"And we're going after 'em tonight." Laswell announced.

"I'll come with you." Farah said.

"You'll be hunting your own brother-" V began.

"He's not my brother. Not anymore." Farah said coldly.

"Barkov's gonna put a bounty on Hadir's head." Laswell said.

"Alright, well let's get 'im first then." Price said.

"Any fuck-ups or further complications and we're at war with Russia." Laswell cautioned.

"Well then don't complicate it." Price said, smiling.

"This is a bad idea, Farah." Alex said.

"We protect our own here." Farah replied.

"Not usually what that means." N chimes.

"It does 'ere." Price said.

"I want Farah on the team, I'm not asking." He continued.

"Fine. You have execute authority. All of you." Laswell said.

"Okay, let's brief up." Laswell said, as the others sit down.

"Imagery confirms Hadir was in possession of the remaining stolen gas when he made contact with Al-Qatala's most brutal enforcer, The Butcher. Surveillance tracked their vehicles to a residential complex in the Aqrus Mountains, believed to be The Wolf's stronghold. Alex and Farah will hold orbit for secondary clearance, while Bravo Six leads the assault force to locate the chemical agents, retrieve Hadir, and neutralize Sulaman."

"We're in the AO, lights out."

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" V said.

"Yeah, let's nail this bastard." Kyle said, sitting on the edge of the helicopter, putting on his night vision goggles, noticing N waving to him from the other helicopter, with a cheery smile, the latter getting an elbow to the ribs by Alex.

"Actual to 3-1, hold orbit." Price said into his radio.

"Roger, Actual. Standing by." Alex said.

"Lifter 1, visual on target, 15 seconds out." The pilot of the helicopter Kyle, V, and Uzi was on said.

"Roger, 1. NODs down people, we're on." Price said.

"Sinner-1, take overwatch." Price radioed.

"Check, Sinner-1 on overwatch." Sinner-1 said, as the helicopters landed in the stronghold.

"Movement." Sinner-1 said, rifle at the ready as the trio hopped out of the helicopter.

Dashing to cover beside the door, Price swung a sledgehammer at the door, opening it while Kyle and V aimed their rifles inside.

"Don't hurt us, please!" A woman called out from the darkness.

"[They are here!]" One of the Al-Qatala fighters shout, but the man was quickly put down by V. Two suppressed shots to the chest, and the man was on the floor; dead.

"Hands! Now!" Uzi shouted, as V advanced into the bedroom, where wailing was heard.

"[Don't cry, my child. There is nothing to fear.]" Another female consoles her child as V walked in, her left hand changed to a rifle.

"LEAVE US ALONE!" The woman yelled, grabbing the pistol.

"Don't...." V began.

"Leave me and my child alone!" The woman yelled, knees buckling as she aimed the pistol.

"I will, put the gun down. We're not here to harm you." V said.

"Ok, ok, ok. Just, leave my child." The woman said, putting down the gun and scampering over to her boy.

"Clear." V said.

"2-4 and 2-6, holding here." Alpha 2-6 radioed, as V exited the bedroom.

"Breacher set, stand clear!" Kyle whisper-shouted, as the breaching charge went off, and the assault force went in.

"Good entry." Uzi said, making her way to cover, as N knocked out a barking dog.

"Sorry." N apologized.

"Door's our entry point." V said, making her way to the right side of the door.

Bullets made their way past the door and out the door, luckily past V, as the latter deflected the rest of the bullets.

Uzi shoots through the door twice, and opens the door to find the Al-Qatala behind the door slumped over and dying.

Raising her hand, a purple triangle took form on the man's neck as she snapped his neck with a flick of her wrist.

"Left door's all you, Lt." Crown 6-3 said, making their way to the door at the end of the hallway.

Nodding, Uzi bashed through the door, rifle aimed at the 2 women and their child.

"3 unknowns." Uzi radioed, making her way into the bedroom, shooting down the 3rd woman the moment she pulled the gun out of reflex.

"Roger 3." Sinner-1 said.

"Side wall, good breach, goin' rear." Crown 6-4 said, as Uzi met up with 6-3 at the rear door.

"6-3, at the rear door. First deck, clear."

"Lieutenant, let's kill the power. Put these fuckers in the dark." 6-3 says, as Uzi walks into the boiler room, pulling the lever down.

"Killing power." Uzi radioed.


"Second deck, on me." Price said, as 6-3 opens the rear door.

N and V also rush over to meet the others, only stopping at Price's signal near the staircase.

"Hold 'ere." He said.

"Yes, sir." N said.

"Take point, let's go." Price said, as they climbed the stairs just as they did back in London.

"Moving to second deck." V radioed, as they made their way up the stairs.

"[Get rid of it! Shred it, everything!]"

"Got movement. Door, left." N said.

"[Are you sure?]"

"[Yes! Trash it! All of it! Into the shredders, now!]"

N bashed through the door, shooting one of the Al-Qatala in the neck, then stabbing the other through the head, as Price shot down the other Al-Qatala that rushed out into the hallway.

Going back to the staircase and moving to the third floor, one of the deranged fuckers ran out into the staircase.

"[YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD FOR TRESPASSING HERE!]" He screamed, but was silenced by a quick shot to the neck by V, as the team made their way up.

The third floor was eerily silent, with no Al-Qatala presence at all.

"No Hadir... Negative on the Wolf, dry hole." Uzi radioed.

"Copy that. Let's get the lights up and sort 'em out, lads." Price radioed, as the lights came back on.

"All Bravo re-org on the first deck." Price said into his radio.

"Actual to 3-1." Price said into his radio.

"Send traffic." Alex radioed.

"I want you on station for data collection." Price said.

"Copy that."

"Zip drives, discs, stored in the bag. Paperwork goes in the boxes." Alpha 2-3 said.

"We're not cutting bait are we?!" V said.

"Negative, they want to talk."

"[Give me my son! Give him to me now, you brainless AI!]" A woman screamed, as N tightened his tail's grip on the kid's neck. Not enough to choke, but enough to make sure he won't be going anywhere.

"Let 'em go, N." Price said, as N loosened his tail's grip, prompting the kid to break free and run to his mother.

"[You're safe now. Where's the Wolf?]" Price asked in Arabic.

"[Teahouse, underground.]" The woman replied.

"[Thank you.]" Price said, as N gave the woman a friendly smile.

"Lock 'em down, teahouse, on me." Price said, exiting the house along with V, Kyle, N, and Uzi.

"All stations, Bravo is moving to the teahouse for reclearance." Price said, running over to the shed just outside the house, as Alex and Farah get off the helicopter and move in, spotting a wooden trapdoor.

"Tunnels. Open 'er up, V." Price said, as V swung open the trapdoor with relative ease.

Price throws down a glowstick into the tunnels below, glancing at the others circling the hole.

"So, we've got ourselves a gopher." He said, dropping the rope down.

"All stations, tunnel in building 2, makin' entry." Price radioed.

"So, down the rabbit hole?" N said, shrugging.

"Down the rabbit hole." Kyle affirms.

"I'll take point." Uzi said, sliding down the rope along with N, Farah, and Alex.

"Good hunting, we'll be right behind you." V said, glancing down into the hole.

"CONTACT, VEST!" Uzi screams, but it's too late. The suicide bomber detonates.
