
Chapter 99

Feeling the hit, she opened up her mouth in horror. Taking this chance, Selom poured the liquid into her mouth, she was very happy. Just as Lylic said, she would always dare.

Lylic had wanted to hit her on the neck but that would be a big blow to her, so she decided to go with the chest. Pouring the liquid into her mouth, she immediately swallowed it. But her glares were so deadly, it felt like she would really kill them.

"I told you that I would kill you, didn't I?" She said holding her chest with a painful expression. She had to admit the drug Selom gave her reduced the pain to it's lowest level, it suddenly felt like a normal body ache pain.

"You did, but with your current state. You wouldn't be able to fight off my hair" Lylic said proudly. This made Selom burst into laughter.

"What the hell is funny?" Roselle said glaring at her.

"You are funny, if you had taken the medicine in the first place then you wouldn't have to go through this kind of pain," Selom said, finding a good place to sit. Sitting down, she felt better, her waist was aching too much. That she felt like it was going to break at any moment.

"It seems you've lost your voice"

"When I get better I promise you that you would be dead"

"Sure thing, get better first honey. Then we could negotiate the rest after you've recovered"

"How long would it take for him to make the antidote?"

"He said a day and a half"

"What!?She would keep suffering till then?"

(Sigh) " he suggested giving her some pain killers that would help sustain her for such a long time but as you know, she's always a bull head"


"It's your family that is bull headed' Roselle retarded

(Sigh) " You're so fortunate, we belong to the same family"

Selom couldn't stop laughing, she found it so funny. These two were always like this, she wondered how they could stay under the same roof"

Finally the antidote was ready, it took about hours for it to be processed. The doctor immediately administered the drug to her but he wasn't sure if it actually work. So it was based on luck. After taking the drug, Roselle felt better, but her vital organs were still very weak. The doctor immediately checked her vital signs, her wrist "Indeed we made an antidote, this is really the Antidote,it seems very effective, it neutralizes the poison in milliseconds" He said with a smile.

"Make a lot of these antidotes into different shapes and sizes. It seems we would be needing them sooner than expected" Lylic instructed

"Grandpa, you could also make some in the form of small pills, candy and chewing gums," Selom suggested. That way they wouldn't have moved bottles around.

"That's a nice idea, we could move them around at all times. We could ebem take them at our leisure times"

"Would that have any effect?"

Mistress, you mean taking the drug without the poison?" The old man asked

"Yes," Roselle replied.