
Chapter 89

Roselle noticed the chain was going into the direction of Selom's belly, so immediately took the hit. Lylic and Selom seeing this became very angry, the man made the mistake of interfering in their fight. It was a fight between friends and he had no right to interfere, now he would regret it. After confirming that Roselle was okay, they helped her up and the three of them charged towards the man at full speed. The worst mistake he made was hitting one of them. It seems from where he came from he hadn't heard their full story. They fought using an ounce of their strength, leaving the man at a disadvantage. Seeing that he was about to lose, he jumped off the building.

"Are you Okay?" Lylic and Selom said moving closer to Roselle to inspect her wound, she seem to have a scratch on her arm but it was nothing serious

(Laughing) "Who would have thought, that the almighty Roselle would take a hit for Selom" Lylic said lightening the atmosphere with her laughter.

Selom and Roselle were helpless, Lylic was always like this. No matter what happens she always finds a way to make the scene sound completely useless. They just finished fighting for their lives and she was laughing.

"It seems he was after me, I couldn'tlet Selom take the hit that was meant for me" Roselle retarded

"Wow, that's new. I never knew you were this considerate"

Roselle shot piercing glares at her, giving her the 'shut the fuck up' kind of look. Lylic understanding this chuckled. It seems life would be smooth.

"It seems we are no longer safe, the peaceful days are now over" Selom Saidoad with a sigh. She would miss those days when everything was peaceful.

"Let's get your wound treated, now that history is about to repeat itself, I think it's high time we stick together" Lylic suggested

"No way"

"No way"

Selom and Roselle shouted at the same time. (Laughing) "At Least you both has finally agree on the same thing. You that you both have settled your difference.."

"We didn't settle anything" they both shouted at the same time

"Speechless", " you both are meant to be, you both have things in common. Now let's give each other a hug" She said opening up her arms, moving closer to them, they both gave her distance. 

"You both act alike" Lylic said holding her face in a cute way. She was truly happy, having these two in the same boat was her dream. Then she thought if they stayed in the same place the building would collapse or they would both die but now she had nothing to worry about.

"Who is the father of my child?" Selom suddenly said, breaking the silence.

(Scoffs) "You are an independent woman, you can take care of the child all by yourself. Why do you care about the father?" She said sounding disgusted

"Speechless", "Is that more of the reason why you got me pregnant without my consent?" She asked with a frown