
Chapter 79

"Stephanie, and you didn't tell me anything about it?" He said looking at her angrily, here he was fighting for her and she on the other hand was keeping things away from him.

"It's not entirely my fault, I didn't know if she was the one or just a look alike. Think about it yourself, what would the almighty Stephanie be doing at a mall as a casual staff" Patricia said sitting down, since she had been standing and her legs were now so tired. After sitting down comfortably, she explained everything to him without skipping a detail.

"It seems it's not a look alike, since she had to give you such a punishment"he said nodding his head.

"You don't have to look so sad, it's just a month. I can take this as some days off. Why not get ourselves busy with something else?" She said moving closer to him.

Adams was helpless, he wasn't in the mood. It seems Patricia didn't take his words seriously or she was still ignorant to the gravity of her suspension. Pushes her away from him "Patricia, this isn't the time for games. The matter isn't as simple as it seems. Within this month of your suspension, darling you wouldn't be able to attend the event or show yourself to the public" 

Hearing this she moved back in horror "I wouldn't be able to attend the upcoming event?" She asked again waiting for confirmation from him

(He nods his head)

Suddenly her mood changed, this was bad, it was worse than she thought. If she had known she wouldn't have messed with Stephanie but on a second thought, begging her could change a lot of things. Maybe if she pleaded with her, they could remove the strings on her. The event was not just any event, it was an important event to small actresses like time. This event would help boost their fame.


It's already a week now, Stephanie has gotten used to the system. And surprisingly, she attended to a lot of customers. Many celebrities walking into the mall would assume she was just a look alike, such things were common in the entertainment industry, so they didn't pay her too much attention.

 Afterall the real Stephanie wasn't as nice and looked alike. Within a week, she had earned the title of a look alike and people would tell her how nice she was, while the person she looked like was like a demon, some said she was nothing but a spoilt brat. Some even said she was just like a headless peacock. She was indeed very tolerant to listen to such insults, some would even curse her in her presence. All she would do is give them all a bright smile. Sometimes their description of her would make her laugh out her sorrows. Now she found things funny, she had thought people had high regards towards her and respected her a lot but it seems that was only on the surface. She now understood what people thought about her.