
Chapter 70

She had taken over Two hours just to get the whole store clean. This was better than having her wash public toilets. 

She had been told that she was to report to work by 6:00am unfailingly and Roselle had told her that she wouldn't tolerate late coming at all. Life was cruel, on a normal day she wakes up from her bed at 10:00 am or sometimes 11:00am and takes her bath.

Coming downstairs, breakfast was already waiting for her. Now she had to wake up earlier than that. If she wakes up any later, she would have to face the consequences and she had already made up her mind that she wasn't going to piss Roselle off.

She had thought her only job was to attend to customers, tell them the clothes that suit them and its brand. Afterall she was good when it comes to fashion and styles but she never knew it involved cleaning. What other job would they make her do? Holding the mop stick as a support she got up from the floor and got back to work. This was her first day at work, she shouldn't be so weak and give up without a fight. This boosted up her spirit and she felt nothing could stop her. She would prove to the whole world that she was someone who had skills and never gives up no matter what

Few hours later, Anna came into the store and was surprised to see the floor sparkling. She wasn't surprised the right word to use is 'thunderstruck'. She couldn't believe her eyes, looking around she couldn't find Stephanie, she immediately assumed that the little girl must have talked somebody into doing. Unknowingly to her, Stephanie repeated the process more than seven times to get such an excellent result. Anna was someone who doesn't just jump into conclusion easily, she investigates the matter first and then conclude.

Walking towards the guest room, she opened the door slightly and saw a sleeping figure on the floor, which was covered with hairy rug , to give the feet a tingly comfortable feeling. Moving closer to the figure, she was now certain of who it was. It was Stephanie, she slept in a funny way hugging the broom and mop stick. Anna looking at her peaceful face felt pity for her, it seems she was having a really hard time. It wasn't easy for a rich spoilt kid to adjust to such a life filled with struggles but she had to admit, she was really impressive.

 Anna being so very careful, grab the mop and broom stick from her, she didn't want to wake her up just yet. If she left them with her she could get herself injured in her sleep in the process. Collecting the tools, she went to the tools store and kept them there. Looking at the time it was already 8:30 am, so she decided to give Stephanie 30 more minutes to sleep. Setting her timer, she got herself busy with arrangements.