
Chapter 68

"Mom, whose side are you on?" Stephanie asked with a frown

"Darling, I spoke to your aunt and she explained things to me. Roselle doesn't joke with her business, she's very strict when it comes to it"

(Laughing with pain) "Guess what mom?"

"What darling?"

"She gave those clothes to a girl called Suzan for free" 

"What?!" Eunice said, sounding very shocked, "she gave a cloth worth $ 100 million to someone else for free?"

"Yes mom,"

"That's all your fault. Your Aunt said I should tell you to try to win your Cousin over. That way she would treat you better. And you shouldn't show her those bad behaviors of yours. You Dad really owe them a lot of money, so be good" Eunice was about to leave when she remembered something. " Your cousin sent your clothes over to you from the mall" 

"Really?" She said sounding surprised

"Yeah really, that's why you have to be good and do whatever she tell you to do properly"

"I will mom"

Eunice moving closer to her daughter kissed her on the cheek. "I trust you darling, you've always made us so proud of you. I would be sending your food over, you have to finish your meal" after saying a few words with her she left her daughter's room.

Just the news of Roselle sending those clothes over, put a lot of smiles on her face, she was so happy that it was vividly shown on her face. She felt she really had to win Roselle over. But this was just a mere dream. Things were about to get so difficult for her.

After two days of resting, Stephanie went back to the mall with a proud look on her face. She has thought about it and decided to win her cousin over. She wore a slime white dress which had beautiful roses printed on it. She wore a 7 inches high heel and held her red purse. She looked beautiful as she walked graciously with elegance Into the store. Anna seeing her burst into laughter 

"What the hell are you wearing? Where do you think this is? A fashion parade Or a modelling class?

(Looking confused) " What's wrong with what I am wearing?" She asked

"Everything is wrong with what you are wearing, you are here to work and not to slay. Go into the dressing room and put on this" Anna said, handing her a uniform.

"Yuk, disgusting. Hell No, I wouldn't be wearing this even if you beat me to death I wouldn't wear it"

Five minutes later, Stephanie was already wearing a terrible looking uniform, it had no class at all. She felt like crying, even her maids attire at home was a hundred times better than what she was wearing now. She just felt sick, she had said she wouldn't wear this even if she was beaten to death but Anna had threatened her with calling Roselle and this wasn't good. She didn't want her 3 months stay to extend to 6 months or even a year. She would die if that happened, now she just had to bear all of it.