
Chapter 64

"Mom" she said

"Hello Roselle, your aunt just called me some few minutes ago. She had said your cousin had mistakenly signed a document of buying those dresses of us. Can you please be lenient with her a little?" Her mom said pleadingly. Lylic hearing this was sad, she felt sorry for her aunt because Roselle is about to break her heart.

"Mom, you know what I say about my business. You are not allowed to interfere. So I would turn down your request, she owes me money and she has to pay me what she owe. I don't have to repeat myself over and over again. What ever means, they would have to pay"

"But darling, mother is pleading on their behalf okay, they don't have such an amount. You know how difficult it was fir your uncle to set up his business, he wouldn't be able to afford such an amount. Darling, you could just over look this,it was her mistake. You can punish her however you want but please don't give them such a debt"

"That's nit a problem, I could give her some jobs to do, that would cover up just a tens of millions" she said accepting defeat.

"Thanks Darling, Thanks a lot mother would remember this favor"

"It's okay mom," Roselle said and hung up the call.

After they were done she looked at her bodyguards and gave them instructions. "Go and get me the manager of this mall" she said 

In less than a minute, The manager came running to the store. The crowd at the entrance had already disappeared because they believed the Celebrities must have disappeared through the dressing room as always. So they lost all hopes and departed. An Event was coming soon anyways, they still had a lot of chances with their idols. 

The mall's manager was surprised by a very beautiful young woman. When she got the message she had to come running, because Roselle and Lylic were one of the biggest investors and shareholders.

"Ma'am you called for me?" She said with a slight bow. She couldn't look them directly in the eyes.

"Yes, this is Stephanie, my cousin" she said, pointing at Stephanie. "She would be working here as an attendant for three good months and after she is done. You are to report to me immediately, and if any customer complains about the services she renders within these three months, you gave all the right to extend her stay to six months. And within these three months she is to serve strictly under Anna's supervision. Is that clear?" She asked

Hearing this Stephanie slumps on the ground, her legs could no longer carry her body. This was actually the end of her.

"Yes it clear ma'am"

"And yes, she isn't allowed to leave this mall without permission. If she has anywhere or any errand to run, the permission has to come directly from me" After she was done, she looked at the girls who were beside her "You both are her friends right?" She asked