
Chapter 62

Just as expected, Stephanie was the first to speak and this put a smile on Roselle's face. "Owh, " That was the only reply she gave.

Roselle was now ready to execute her plans, she ignored Stephanie completely and faced the sales woman. " Who signed the contract for my clothes?" She said looking at the rack of clothes.

"Ma'am she did," Anna said, pointing in Stephanie's direction.

"Has she paid the amount? Cos I instructed that anyone getting my clothes would skip even a cent. So what's happening? Why the delay?" She said with a frown on her face, it was already so vividly written that she was already so pissed.

(Stutters) "Ma'am it's complicated we were actually waiting for your arrival" Anna replied sincerely. 

Hearing this Roselle and Lylic looked up at each other. It seems they missed an interesting scene. "My arrival?" She asked, sounding surprised. Stephanie hearing this didn't like the sound of that, her mom had told her that she was going to get in touch with her cousin but seeing the surprise on their faces it seems they didn't come here because of her.

Roselle listened carefully as Anna explained the whole scene, she had the facial expression of disgust. "Sorry, do I Know you?" She asked






Only Lylic had a face filled with smiles. Roselle was indeed very wicked, Anna had explained the whole thing but Roselle had to ask a heart breaking question. Indirectly she was telling the whole people in the room that she had no idea of who Stephanie was. Stephanie couldn't find her voice; this was an insult to her.

Seeing the mute Stephanie she turned back and looked at Anna. "So tell me, what's that supposed to do with the millions she was to pay? Why the hell was it delayed?"

Anna didn't know what to do, she had been soft about the whole issue because she had witnessed everything herself and had understood the relationship which was between Stephanie and Miss Roselle. This relationship got her so confused. She didn't want to annoy Miss Roselle in the process, how was she to know that Miss Roselle knows nothing about her? Now the whole stuff was complicated but she still had to give an answer.

"Ma'am that was because I had thought she was somehow related to you and I didn't want to offer you in the process" she said with tears wailing up her eyes.

"I am not somehow related to you. I am related to you. I am your Cousin, My mom Eunice is your mom's sister" Stephanie explained, stomping her feet like a spoiled brat. She felt Suzan's pitiful face and tears was what attracted them to her, so she got into her acting skills as well. But all she got from the both of them was a look of shame and scorn. She couldn't believe her eyes at all.

Suzan began feeling bad, she had already attracted more trouble, she didn't want to get herself into a bigger mess. That way it would get very difficult to clean herself. She gradually separates herself from Lylic's grip. "Ma'am, I am not your cousin," she said, sounding depressed.