
Chapter 59

Lylic had to say, the bodyguards were indeed very reliable, they protected them very well and paved ways for them. Finally they arrived at the store's entrance with the help of a bodyguard they got in. Two bodyguards followed them in and locked the door from the inside while about 12 other bodyguards stood outside trying to control the raging crowd.

The store had good sound proofing, the ruckus happening outside couldn't be heard inside. It was also made of glasses, you could see the amount of people standing outside from inside the store but those outside couldn't see what's inside, except if they went through the main entrance.

Entering into the store Lylic had the look of relief. It was as if she had been saved from hell. Roselle, looking at the expression she had on her face, was helpless. Those who were in the store had no idea of what was happening, but hearing the rush in steps, this got their attention and they turned to see who it was.

To their surprise, they all became Stupefied, even the sales woman felt thunderstruck. They couldn't believe their eyes, unknowingly to them this same woman had been in the boutique from the beginning.

"Roselle Kings" They all shouted at the same time

" Miss Lylic??" They all shouted again 

Suzan, who was seated, pinched herself to make sure this wasn't a dream. Feeling the pain, they woke up to reality. These were the rarest celebrities and she got to see them face to face not on TV shown on screen. She gets to meet them in real life. Just thinking about it made tears well up in her eyes. This was more than the dress she wanted to get, this was like a dream come true. She had dreamt of seeing them so many times and now here they were right Infront of her. She just couldn't believe it, she had tears dripping down her face.

Lylic seeing this felt sorry for her, she walked beside her and helped her wipe off her tears. "Darling, why are you crying? You won't look good when you cry" she said, using her handkerchief to wipe Suzan's tears. This startled Suzan to the point that she was shaking vehemently. Wow, she wasn't expecting this at all, she immediately moved away.

Stephanie, Kit and Precious couldn't believe it as well. They were stunned, nobody noticed the frown on Roselle's face, she had been standing for a minute.

"Are you all Insane?" She said looking at them angrily

Now she got their attention, they turned back looking at her. Lylic on the other hand focused her attention on Suzan. She saw how afraid the little girl was, so she had to calm her down. As for Roselle she knew why she was angry.

They were still stunned that they didn't get her point, all they did was look at her. Roselle seeing this got more angry but she had to be calm for the greater good. "Would I be standing all day?" She asked

If they were reasonable enough, they would understand that she was indirectly telling them "Are you guys blind? Ain't you going to give me a seat?"