
Chapter 51

Hearing the woman's tone, she became very upset. "How can a mere sales woman talk to me with so much attitude? Do you want to lose your Job?" She said sounding very Angry

Meanwhile, Suzan was very surprised. How was she going to afford so much cloth? It seems the sales woman had over estimated her. It seems she thought the life savings she was talking about was worth millions. She wanted to speak up but on a second thought she didn't.

"Ma'am please, those girls of yours are already done shopping. Can we proceed?" She said with the same attitude as the first. Sales women were also human beings. They were also important to the society, such as their loved ones.

"Show me all these Clothes" she said pointing at them.

"Ma'am, I am so sorry, it's against our rules. I can only show them to you, if you are willing to buy all of it" she said with a smile. This was the result she wanted 

"I would buy all of it" Stephanie said without blinking

"Ma'am, your words are baseless, I need it written down and I need witnesses"

Suzan hearing this felt there was something more to it but on a second thought she felt it must be among their principles. Since the clothes were too much.

"We have a lot of witnesses here don't we?" Stephanie said looking at her girls.

"Nah, this two ain't witnesses"


"Speechless", "What the fuck, if we aren't witnesses what are we then?" Precious said looking paranoid. This was clearly an Insult. The sales woman had guts.

"Nuisances and Dogs," The saleswoman replied. She had been dying to say those words out. Finally, she can say them out without fear.

Suzan hearing this couldn't control her laughter. She was laughing out loud, she didn't care about the look she was getting from them. The saleswoman was really on her side, the combination of those two words were indeed funny "Nuisances and Dogs" she could have just chosen one word instead of both.

"Stephanie" They both shouted, they were both prouting like children. It seems they took Stephanie as their wonder woman who would always come to their rescue. Just thinking about it Suzan and the sales woman felt very irritated by the scene.

"Both of you should just shut up, can't you see I am in the middle of something very important? Are you both blind? Stop sulking and shut the fuck up" Stephanie said glaring at them. Just like Dogs, the obedient kept quiet.

Suzan seeing this felt pity for them, now to her these girls Kit and precious are now Steohanie's puppets. She was right earlier, Stephanie never took them as her friends and this proves it. 

The sales woman on the other hand was lethargic to her surroundings. She kept an apathetic attitude, she was on a mission and she was already a step closer to achieving it.

Moving over to the clothes, she had a mischievous smile on her face. These arrogant girls were already in big trouble.