
Chapter 48

Just as they were talking, Stephanie remained quiet. She knew what she was doing, she wasn't stupid, if Suzan was this bold it means she had something she was holding on to. Both girls were already fed up with the insult, they were surprised that Stephanie was silent, and it was already pissing them off. "Stephanie said something," The girl with the red gown said.

Stephanie totally Ignored them, she didn't care about them at all but she would wait and see what made Suzan so bold.

"Ma'am you got about Seven dresses and your bill is $100,000, should I give you a detailed draft?" She asked.

Suzan hearing the amount '$100,000' shivered. This was indeed a very large amount of money. Her mother's life savings wasn't even up to that amount. Her mother's life savings could only afford just a dress, she wouldn't get enough money for shoes, bags and other things that would go with her dress. But she was still very grateful.

" I had seen the price tags for those dresses before I took them, Silly.

"Okay ma, I just said that so as to avoid any negative future occurrence, would you be paying via your card?" She asked

" I am not done shopping yet. I still have some dresses I would like to get"

"Kit and Precious Go get whatever dresses you like." Stephanie said proudly, she had enough money. The two girls hearing this shouted for Joy, this was really exciting. Stephanie didn't mention the amount of clothes they were to take, so this means they could take as much as they want.

"Kit? Precious? Woah so that's her dog's names" Suzan muttered. She wasn't so silent, the sales woman heard what she just said and chuckled. Stephanie on the other hand moved over to the couch where Suzan was seating, she kept throwing piercing glares at her before seating beside her. It was so surprising that the almighty Stephanie was sitting besides her, she wanted saying some words to her but it wasn't worth it at all. Suzan just decided to ignored her, she could hear the screams coming from the place where Kit and precious was, she couldn't understand what they were so happy about. "It's just a dress" she said looking lethargic.

Just as they were sitting down, why the other two were screaming their lungs out of excitement. A man walked in pushing some dresses on a hanger wheel, these dresses were not visible, they were covered with a black cloth. Another man pushed in something looking like a woman figure, it had a black robe placed above it's head, which made it difficult to guess what was inside but it looked more like a mannequin. This indeed drew everybody's attention.

"You are indeed my friend" Lylic said proudly looking at Roselle. She knew this had to be Roselle's doing. She gave her a look of admiration.

(Laughing) " I didn't admit to anything, how are you sure it was me?" Roselle said, sounding very surprised.