
Chapter 44

"If I do that all her efforts would go to waste and I don't want that. I have to tolerate every thing for my mother's sake. I am not as wealthy as they are, all I have is my mother and her love for me (smiles) I also have my dreams." She said sadly, just thinking about it made tears drop down her cheeks, she immediately wiped them off 

"Ma'am you have a mother who lives you and can give her all for you, now I understand better. Cheer up! (Smiling) I think I have a dress that would suit you perfectly,it's far better than that one. I would have them bring it over" The sales woman said walking to the counter, in reaching her desk she made a call. "Ma'am you can have a seat, they would bring it up in less than 10 minutes" She said pointing towards a comfortable looking couch.

Suzan was already so excited, she wanted seeing the dress. She didn't mind waiting at all. Moving towards the couch, she sat down and turning to her side she frowned. The three ladies from earlier were walking up the counter, it seems they added more dresses to the one the had stolen from her, since she was getting something better she decided to let it go. Thinking about it, she didn't look their way.

"Oh, you are finding it difficult to pay right? Oh poor thing, what's a poor girl like you doing in such a mall." The lady who had snatched her dress said. Suzan could see the disgusted look she had on her face while looking at her but she didn't care at all. She gave back an insouciant shrug, ignoring them totally. It seems giving them a deef ear was the right thing to do, could they all had a purple black face from anger. They looked like they would explode at any minute.

"Stephanie, you don't have to worry yourself about just a low life you know. She could just be a cleaner in this mall" One of the rude side girls spoke out.

"Ma'am are you bringing them over?" The sales woman said sounding very impatient. She was already getting so annoyed, this was the problem with rich kids, they assume they are far better than anyone else. They were so spoilt and arrogant.

"Here, calculate it and give me my bill" Stephanie said with a frown. "Suzan, you can go pick one of those cheap dresses and I would do you a favor by paying" she said with scorn.

"No, thanks, I am not as poor as you think. I can afford my own dresses"

Roselle and Lylic who were watching the whole scene had a frown on their face. They had kept themselves as low and quiet as possible but all this was getting in their nerves. Roselle was so so angry that she felt like ripping that arrogant lady hair off her head. Lylic seeing this couldn't help but chuckling.