
Chapter 337


"Yeah, I just found out it wasn't mine after I got home. And I didn't know you had a similar suitcase like mine" Wilfred explained. He didn't want Recca to think of him as a thief or a bad guy.

" Same here, Opening it to search for the file.. I couldn't find it neither did I see my stuffs which I kept in it"

"What then did you find in it?"

"Some stuff that aren't mine but yours",

"And how did you know they're mine?"

"Since Recca recognize them..Recca told me about it. Here is the suitcase,take a look at it for yourself."Handing over the suitcase

"I want to come here making up stories if they were not true. After all we never wanted seeing you again but this has brought us to what it is right now"


Wilfred collected to suitcase from Sammy and opened it.He was surprised that his stuffs were packaged in it just as he has left it without being tempered with.Seeing it had left him speechless for some moment.

"Here is the file Sammy ..let me go and get you the suitcase,so sorry for the exchange.I never knew such has occurred I would've returned it to you immediately and get mind."He explained

"Nevermind ,nevermind we are in a rush. I can't wait to take it.Lets do one thing..just keep it with you I will only have the files because they are more important to me than the clothes on in the bag. you can have them.Just have them to yourself."Sammy said with all seriousness

"Sammy...That sounds rude you know,when you give out stuffs you begin to feel we are beggers. I don't want you to see me as a beggar next time.Are you sure you don't need the suitcase?"

"Of course I am.Do I like like I am joking?"

"Fine! If you won't take them.. I will sell them out"

"Ok..cool by me.Fine!!! sell them out and keep the money to yourself."


"Yes.I don't need them anymore" Sammy replied in annoyance

Sammy's reply was quite a shock to Wilfred.It was something he least expected to hear. Such bold words from him could change alot even though he haven't seen the kind of clothing that were in the suitcase so he couldn't tell if they were rags that wasn't needed too.

"Wilfred you've heard what he said ,there is no more time to waste."Recca contributed

"Sammy …The vehicle might have reached the station by now"

"Ok .let's find out way closer to reach the apartment on time so we won't be able to keep the vehicle waiting for our arrival."


"Wilfred..We have to go now else we will miss the vehicle." Recca said while dragging Sammy so they could leave the place as that instant because she knows well that Sammy might spend more time exchanging words with the annoying Wilfred.

"But you shouldn't mind anyone.Common let's go"Recca limited while they Immediately leaving Wilfred standing all alone like a hopeless fellow.

They were in a haste to reach the apartment on time so they could leave for the station to meet sam.

Reaching the apartment they saw Lily and the little boy a ready alomgside some bags she packaged with some stuff packed up ready to leave she had the baby in her arms whom has been asleep for quite sometime.


"Tell me..Did you successfully get your suitcase?" Lilly questioned.

"Recca were you both able to locate him?" lilly questioned

"Yes we did" Recca replied

Hearing this…she felt a chill wind blowing through her face.She was happy that their effort wasn't wasted.She then took a look at how the returned and then saw some files in Sammy's hand.

Seeing the files in Sammy's hand ..she was at ease knowing that they successfully met Wilfred but couldn't tell where they went with the suitcase 

" but what about your suitcase Sammy? didn't you get them back?"

"I left it for him to enjoy "

"You've gat to be kidding me"

"Granny..therrs no much time to spare,we might miss the vehicle "

"Oh.. you're right. We should head to the station immediately Lily said packing out the bag"

"Let me help you with them granny " Sammy said taking the bag from her while Recca Take the baby

"Oh my …how long has the little boy been sleeping?The little boy is still asleep ?"Recca said with a smile on her face after taking him from Lily's hand and Reach Out for the baby's seat to have him sit there while they prepare to leave before it gets late so she could drive him all the way to the station with no stress

"Recca …Your baby is such a peaceful child"Lily said after handing the baby over to Recca

"Of course he is granny..seems he took after his father" Recca replied as she looks at Sammy with a smile.

With no words in Lily's mind to spill through her mouth. she remained silent and left the room to head over to the station while Sam waited behind to check the surrounding and ensured there was nothing left behind. Then..they all left for the station.

Reaching the station..they were amazed that Sam has booked a ticket an earliest one at that. They were happy that they arrived just in time

They didn't notice that Recca went along with them to the train station until the baby cried out.

"What? You came along?How could you take this little two days old child out? Did I say you'll come with us to the mansion?"Lily questioned

"Yes Granny"Recca said in excitement.

She was indeed happy that she'll meet Kent at the manshion.The old lady had no idea of what she said earlier being that Recca Will go back to the manshion with them.Sammy and Sam wanted going against it as at when she said that but happened to be in a good mood accepting it with no idea that Lily wasn't aware she had said that to Recca.It just happened so she recalled instantly beacuse she noticed Recca was over excited packing up her stuffs.

"Oh, really?..i am so sorry about that.Guess I was overwhelmed being just happy about the arrival of the little boy that I didn't realize I actually said that"Lilly said while hitting her fore head with her hand.

"Listen dear,You have nothing to worry about.Nothing.you can tell that we have provided everything you'll need over here.Tell me Recca.. who on earth travels with a two days old child? That'll be so unfair. Remain here, nanny Nina would take good care of you. You need a lot of rest and your child needs it's too. Haven't you thought about it?"


"I thought as much Granny, but I wouldn't question your decision"

"Recca..You're staying back.I,Sammy and Sam will return to the manshion.You aren't alone.You have the nanny and Mike here to take care of you and also watch after you and the baby . You also have everything you need. And if there's something you need, they will supply along with other necessities "Lily said to Recca.

"I know.. but I want to come along with you all.I wish to see grandpa, I need to know the family and also meet your other grandson. I need to know the family grandma" Recca replied

With a pale look on her face, this was her best shot. Ever since the delivery Sammy hadn't said a word to her about marriage or the child welfare.

"You can't see him now.Not now Recca. You would get to meet my husband and others when the time is right. Stop being a spoilt brat"Lily said 

"Granny, I only wanted seeing the grandfather to my child, and I don't even know who the father of my child is. I don't know of it's him or your other grandson. Cause he hasn't discussed a word to me about the child. Getting to know the family, Is that too much to ask?"

"Shhh,that will happen in due time Sam, lets get going"she said while moving into the car.

"Granny,Don't rush to get in..The train isn't leaving now. If we get in leaving her here. She would have to go without us watching her or knowing how far she's gone that won't be nice and we wouldn't be able to guarantee her safety. Let's watch her"Sammy suggested

"Yes you are right Before the train takes off. You and Sam should get a cab that will take her to her mansion directly, since we didn't come along with Mike and having her drive herself wouldn't be safe. Sam, you can get in touch with Mike later let him come get the car" Lily instructed 

"Sure" Sammy replied with a smile

"Yes ma'am "Sam said bowing slightly 

Hearing Lily speak this way..Recca was certain that she wouldn't change her mind about her decision. She wished Lily never interrupted before the journey.But what could she do? She's being supplied with all she need which is a thumbs up for her. She's dealing with a wealthy home.Wealth is certain, they were far wealthy than her family would ever be. Her mother's advice kept ringing in her head. She had to secure a place for herself in this family. Royalty was something very important, just the title is far enough.

Sammy and Sam then board a vehicle for Recca giving the driver a description to the Mansion so it'll be made easy by landing at the very spot to the entrance so she could also return back home safely with a 98 percent guarantee. She was asked to return back to the mansion in which they have provided for her since Lilly insisted that she stayed back it's indeed a big mansion.

 Recca wasn't quite happy with the decision Lily took, she had her own plans but she had no other option than to follow her instructions being that she has no right to make a decision over the whole thing. She never argued much nor detest the decision because indeed she has been provided with everything she needs. She is known for a lady after material things like jeweleries, hairdos and so on.

After boarding the vehicle, Sammy assured her safety 

"Ok then I guess as we board this vehicle for you,you will land back safely" Sammy said to Recca Since they board her a vehicle the will take her back to her Mansion which will make things easy and not having to stress her and the little baby. Even though the child wasn't related to them by blood he was still very innocent.

With a step on the train, Stella showed up with her kids to get tickets inorder to have access to the vehicle to return back home.Tickets are gotten according to rooms of which should be bought on time else one would have to wait for two more days for the vehicle to return.It turned out to be that she awaited the vehicle too so she could leave also.

"Hey Lilly"

"Hey….Stella. Hey you cute little babies, how are you doing?" Lilly said while tapping them on the cheeks. She was very happy seeing them, though she felt bad for Stella but there was nothing she could do to make the girl feel better.

"We are all fine"Stella replied.

"Poor girl, You'll be fine. It would all pass, it's just a phase you have to cross now. Dont get affected by his behaviors"

"It's ok ma'am.Guess you've board the train back home" Stella said looking worried and sad

"What's wrong Stella?" Lily questioned

"I came down here to buy a ticket but it's seems I'm not lucky. I was about going back when I saw you"

"Is that? Common. you can come with us then.There is no big deal" Lilly replied, they always get enough tickets for 10. Where as at a particular spot a vehicle would come pick them up. The vehicle was just like a home, it was well equipped to look like a home and fill one with comfort.

"Oh..Thanks a lot." She said in appreciation.

They all got into the train to and the journey began for like 2 hours.

While in the train, Lilly and Sammy noticed some things going on being that they were the only Immortals in the vehicle at the moment. No one else noticed some movement all around. It was the movement of the agents insearch of the book.They could sense it around using all forms of traces.

Hearing the movement,Sammy and Lily looked at each other due to how surprised they were. At first they thought it was a plan of robbery but they could tell that something came up but couldn't figure out what it was.

Being that Lily and Sammy have no idea about the book they were carrying.. they were ready for any danger that comes up.They couldn't tell that it was the book of confused characters and couldn't sense that the agents were on their way in search of it. All they had in mind was to take the book to the old man to know if it is of importance being that they felt it has a great value which is unknown to them all.

Finally the train stopped and they got off just as planned their vehicle was already waiting for them. The driver immediately noticed his mistress and went to give her a warm welcome. After getting off they entered into the vehicle, they took Stella along as well. The kids were anazed by the interior of the car, it was far better and more beautiful than the hotel they had stayed in. Lily , Sam and Sammy were on alert, no one could see the other Immortals but they could. Just at a glance they could tell that they were seriously looking for something of great importance but they didn't know what it is.

The sitting room suddenly added up some heat that they couldn't bare any longer. They thought of putting open the windows for some fresh air to get it after which they figured out that the open window generated more heat. They imagined if it was so for Stella and the kids because they noticed they were the only one with do much difference.

After figuring out that the percentage of heat increased when the opened the windows, they closed it back immediately and then checked around the sitting room for an AC which they found placed at the center part of the wall in the sitting room. Seeing the AC, they were happy. Tracing it's switch, they found a faulty switch.It was like they were already in hell.

They kept feeling the strange heat that came from within,the closer the agent got the hotter the heat become.The heat then became very strong.

They couldn't realize on time from where the heat generated not knowing that it was coming from the book they kept in Lily's back. It could perceive the traces set for it which was why it was getting hotter.

 The book continued to release some heat into the atmosphere due to the vibration from underneath the Earth and some other forces used. It was quite a great, powerful and effective technique.

The old man perceived the heat from the book of confused characters while taking a permission from the seven dragons to leave the heavenly bodies through the traces used. He sensed it right because he was on his way in search of it also. Being that he alone knows everything about the book, it is certain that he can tell.