
Chapter 335

Elyrex and Blaine walked through the storm towards the direction the agents went.The agents behaved as if they knew where they could get the missing book.

They were actually using their root as trees they are though inform of humans.Their root are being distributed underneath the ground after every source where there is water reach. From there… They connect to the water gods to sprout their root with waters in areas where there are none for long-lasting survival. Each root pocess a sensory cell which has been graced with a sample scent of the book. Nothing above the ground could escape the test.Whomever had the book will be sensed even if he or she stands in a ten story building, it is inevitable.

With sufficient water supplied by the sea lords as requested by the agents underneath the ground… their root extended round the Earth through the underground as a channel to sense who has the book in their pocession.

One amazing thing about the 'book of confused character' is that the book can never be destroyed even if in fire it remains intact, all the fire elements couldn't destroy it, this element include Water, Fire, Wind , Earth and Man power. After distributing their roots underneath the ground. The agents will send out smoke like structures in form of vapours from underneath the earth leaving traces for a follow up.They are like flames but not harmful to human feet.They are only being sent an errand to carry out by the agents.They very well know that a path where water can't pass through smoke can, vapour can. They are indeed ready and in for it Ready to make use of all power they posses if possible knowing they will be rewarded and refilled after getting the book because a lot would have left their body.It is well known that even en an insect in the heavenly bodies pocesses power that cannot be imagined nor explained.

Such power from the gigantic trees are enough to tell that there's no cause to waste time while carrying out researches.Its speaks of the urgency at hand.This particular smoke errand technique wasn't known to Elyrex and Blaine it was something they discovered anew.They noticed it through a sniff of it's scent (Floral based) until they figured it out through the gravity coming from underneath the ground.

As an immortal.. it was possible for them to sense whatever is going around on earth concerning humans.

"Blaine…..take a look at that,Not only are they making out reach through their roots underground.They are also making out reach through vapours from the underground to locate the one who has taken the book.Quite impressive.This is indeed a very smart move and quite effective."Elyrex said in amazement

"Yes it is"

"If only we can pocess such.I'm thinking about something Blaine "

"What are you thinking about? cause you never think of anything good"

(Speechless)" Here we go again, but I would still say it out. I Don't know if it's gonna work out. But, we will have to borrow such technique from them to locate the father to Salom's children"



"That's impossible! It can't work out in anyway.Such technique cannot be pocessed by any kinda of immortal except the guards which are heavily bodies. You should know that even if we posses the powers, we won't achieved the technique even when done. They are specially chosen as enternal guards and only their powers have such access. You know fully well that we can't posess such technique because we are not heavenly guards nor are we gigantic trees to do likewise.You very well know that only trees have roots and can connect vastly underneath using their root for locomotive movements beyond what can be comprehended. We can't do as they're doing right now maybe you've forgotten that they are in form of humans which they are not.They are gigantic trees.We have been to the heavenly bodies haven't we?"

"Of course, I know all this. It's just a suggestion"

"Exactly what I said you never give good ideas, so dumb!"

"Blaine, still I see no wrong in borrowing such technique.You know, we can actually make friends and have them help us out with our research over Selom, you know they have access to see beyond what we can't access. We can watched it all, they just have to replay the past"

"Elyrex, There is no such thing like borrowing. We never planned such involving them.They were never in the picture. we will carry out the plan as planned from the start" Blaine replied with a glare

"Why don't we put in our best?,Our best will be appreciated no matter how small it turns out to be.Seeking help from others, getting them involved won't be sensible of us"He continued

"Well..you have a point. Seems they've got this in their control."

"Sure they have"

"Blaine, From all I've seen so far..they are capable of getting the culprit" Elyrex said with a smile.


"I don't think our help will be needed.Seeing their root being extended to everywhere underneath the Earth reaching all over the earth…we should be rest assured that they will get the book in no distant time and.. I am sure that the culprit will not escape it"

"You said it all but why do you keep talking about the culprit knowing that the culprit won't be alive by now ?There's no culprit anywhere at this point and I hope there will be none"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What if there is a person who's in charge of the book presently or have the book in his or her care?"


"Won't you pray that whosoever is in possession of this book will be proven innocent hoping that he or she dosen't know anything about the book and the power it posses?That way.. he or she will be proven innocent"

"You have a point.But what if the person is aware of the power in it and decided to make use of it?What have you to say about that?"

"Well… I am very sure that the person will be punished by death once caught"

"Anyways..That shouldn't be something we worry about. Since they can handle it by themselves…then,let them handle it themselves.Whatever the punishment will be, I mean whatever the outcome will be, it is left to them and should be none of our business.Atleadt we can boldly say none of our loved ones have it in their possession"

"You're right.None has it in their possession"

They two old men carried out their discussion under the stormy weather at a spot without interruption.

"What then are you suggesting we do right now?"

"What to say? The best thing to do right now is to get prepared for our mission and begin immediately. If left to me..I will love that we check on Salom and the kids."


"Don't you think that knowing that the gifted ones are here on earth something terrible may occur?"

"Wonder where such thoughts of yours surface from."

(At the mountain)

With the guards down on earth..They should be able to return on time with the missing book grandpa said to the seven dragon.

They were both set to have a discussion.A room have been provided for such as a result of the Missing book.He remained still with the posture he had while carrying out the ring combination.Despite their lively conversation,they were all disturbed and worried about the missing book knowing that the 10 Lord's won't be happy for being left caged within a long period of time knowing that they'll have expections of the usual actions and might be forced to release themselves by themself which won't turn out good.It will end in a mysterious ways.

"(Voice in seven) 

(All seven speaking as one) 

(Great viberation and tonation)

This has been our fear for centuries.This was the day we never pray to experience.Never for once were we told that the book could go missing for a long period of time without the culprit being cut or diminished at the instant it was being stolen."They explained

" it was written in the book of history that the book of confused characters never leaves the mountain which is very well known to us.The culprit gets caught before leaving the mountain no matter how powerful he or she is.If not caught..thet get distroyed because the book of confused characters sees the hear and avoid a dirty stained heart by destroying their mission.There is something we haven't figured out yet"

"And what's that?"

"we don't seem to understand and haven't figured out what exactly is going on"

"Have you gone through the book of history and never find answers to your question?"

"Haha,we have it in our possession but can't find answers to our questions.In the historical book…there is an empty page."

"An empty page in The Book of History ?"

"Yes.It is said that the page is left for a new chapter in the future that will come to place.It wasn't specified.Ee are yet to find out nor sense it.Tge page will only be filled once it comes to pass"

"But don't you think this might be the new chapter?"

"What new chapter? A missing book?"

"Of course,this needs to be figured out.You said …When it finally comes to past,the empty page will be filled right? This could be the chapter you're talking about for the future.Get the historical book and check again"

"We are in Great doubt about that.The sudden missing of the book is something to arose caution not something to plan history with"

"That is ok if you all say so. But why can't we figure out how the book went missing?If you can't find it in the historical book..then..there must be a way to figure it out"

"You're right " (Their Voice upgraded in loud tones.The voice in seven all loud and clear with vibration)

"There is a way.The ways to figure out how the book get missing is a very serious process that no one will be willing to carry out.No one."They replied

" This is never stated in the book of history because it happened as a result of our present decision which will be in history for the future. We have created history with it by writting it down for the future generation to come just as it was written for us" The Seven dragons chorused. It was indeed a big shame for such to get missing while it's under their care.

"Uhm, sounds strange.What serious process are you talking about ?" The Old man question given lots of attention to them.This time he gave his full attention, he wanted to know how much they knew and how well they could answer the question. Too bad they don't know exactly who the old man was. He isn't any one just trivial to deal with 

"You should know that if it was easy to get, we won't have the guards to go down to earth to get the book but carry out the necessary process"

"(Nods) you are right"

The old man had the surprised look on his face showing more interest to know more trying to drive the point from where they spoke.

"Tell me about it" he requested 

"This is something known to we the heavenly bodies alone but we will tell it to you"

"Thank you"

"We don't know if you will be the successor of it"

Hearing the Seven dragon speak in such manner, it sounded like they were scared and powerless.This got grandpa surprised and curious to know what it was that made them sound like there were some other kind of power stronger than theirs at that moment which got him confused and make him wonder.

"There's no one greater than you all except the Supreme"He concluded within him being nothing but the actual truth. But that was only based on their levels.

"Never for once have I heard them speak this way feeling powerless and disappointed "The Old man said to himself again.

"It seems there is a power greater than theirs how possible can that be ?" The Old man asks himself, though he knew what had really happened in time past. He was the strongest immortal but he had to keep it to himself. Wherever he went no one knew his story.

Questions kept popping up his mind with no answers.They are based of facts knowing that they are the greatest of all. There was nothing that got him curious rather than the speech of theirs. For the first time he heard them speak restlessly.

"It will be that you just want to know but you can't do anything about it"They said with challenge.

He could only conclude that it was something greater than all.

"Why not spill it out so that I will know if I can handle it or not?"

"You cannot handle it. Not even in your next life.The combination of the entire power in the immortal world cannot work out."


" If we the greatest one cannot handle it..you can't. Though we can't underestimate your abilities. We can't tell whom the true you might be. You might be the savior. We just we can't tell the inner power you were created with and what your heart can produce. But we are certain about it from our evaluation.We might see possibilities right there in you. Just as you have requested we will let you know."

"(Smiles) Thank you I am all ears"

" Preserve that smile of yours. You will have to walk hundred miles to the light part of the mountain and meet the seven Dragons of light. They will lead you to where you should go"

"Haha, But that is so simple. It is a simple task to carry out I can do that"

"You have no idea. No simple task appears simple here at the mountain"

"I tell you all it is a simple task "

"You are quite a courageous Immortal maybe you are right"

"Yes isn't it a simple task? There is nothing wrong in going there over to the light part of the mountain. Being in the dark part of the mountain was an agreement you both took to divide the mountain for the good of the immortals so tell me isn't that a simple task ?"

He very well know that the fourteen dragons were rulers ruling the heavenly bodies. Each pocesses seven heads on a body making it fourteen dragons in two and one has chosen to be in the dark part. This was their agreement, It never happened as a result of anger

"Of course that is so simple but there are more to it."

Hearing this grandpa was surprised and remain silent for sometime. It seemed like he was a bit faster than his shadow at that instant.

"I am all ears what is more to it?" he replied in question and curiosity to know

"We all know that never has the book been stolen which is why we never took a step to figure out how it was stolen that is taking the step you requested knowledge about. We have always protected the book to avoid such step because we can tell how it feels like when trying to figure it out"

"Tell me"

"Ok, Right in the light mountain there is a volcano."

"A volcano?"

"Yes, The Golden stone is taken in by the volcano. Anyone who could go deep into the volcano to take a golden stone bringing it out of the volcano victoriously will definitely give us answer to out forever question ."

"How possible is that? No one can survive the heat" The Old man said