
Chapter 333

Looking at the suitcase his head was already hurting so much because he was trying so hard to recall. Since he couldn't he needed help at least his grandmother would remember something. Picking the suitcase he walked down tye stairs to meet his grandmother and Sam. "Grandma this isn't my suitcase. It has been exchanged" He said looking at her seriously.

Immediately Recca glanced at the suitcase she seemed to recognised it. she told them that Wilfred had the same type of suitcase.

"Really? you mean Wilfred might have mistaken mine for his? I got to look for him." Sammy said with a frown..if this was the case then tye suitcase had been switched at the hospital, but based on the weight, Wilfred wouldn't be able to lift it except if he was someone who frequents the gym and yes if he was strong. But based on the weight, he should have noticed that it wasn't his. Or better still it could still be at the Hospital, since Wilfred had left in a hurry.

"Look for him?How on earth do you want to locate him?"Recca questioned

"Listen Recca… there is something very important in that briefcase that I have to take along with me to the mansion and based on what I have heard, if anyone knows the way to his house it should be you" He said looking at her with disdain 


"Yes Really… if it were less important stuffs…i wouldn't have to worry myself. Now, the suitcase don't only contain my clothes alone else I will have to left it for that fool but I can't risk losing those files that I kept in my brief case. They are very important set of files and I mean business. Who then can help me locate him if not you? I need to get my briefcase before the train leaves the station and… I don't have any idea of where Wifred resides but you do"

"Recca do you have any idea of where Wilfred resides? I would love to pay him a visit and get know him much better before leaving" Lily said sounding very polite.

"I don't have any idea of where Wilfred resides I could only help out by telling you where I met him the first time I met him which was closer to the organisation where he worked. Unlike others who assumed I slept over in his place for months, which I didn't (she said looking at Mike with hatred) emm…maybe…If I show you from there I guess you can take a research and find him all by yourself?" Recca said looking at Sammy, she was very happy with the frown he had all over his face. It seems the britg if her son Desire had spark out some love for her from him. She felt he was jealous and very angry of her harmless relationship with Wilfred.

Unfortunately for her Sammy had read her thoughts and he was disgusted by it and felt like sealing her out. Even if his enemy falls in love with a girl like Recca he would strong force his enemy out of the relationship. Anyways since she had this misunderstanding on her part there was no need correcting her. "So you didn't sleep over at his place right?" He said with a tighter frown.

Recca was really enjoying this "I didn't, why would I do that? Whereas I was heavily pregnant and I care a lot about my public figure, I would never do anything that would tarnish my image " she said in a defensive tone.

" Oh I see, so what happened?"

"He booked a place for me" she replied

"Wow that's normal when such a big mansion isn't enough for you. you had to settle for something more" Sammy said with disgust. Recca didn't see it as disgust at all she saw it as a love jealous fight between couple.

" Enough of the agruement" Lily said looking at Sammy, she could tell from his reactions that he would strangle her if this continues. " Giving us the address to where you first met, that will go a long way. It is better than making no attempt at all.Recca, please can show me the way. I don't want to waste more time. Sammy you should come along with us as well, you should have noticed this earlier. Let's hurry over to his place"

"Young Master, I can go on your behalf. You and the Madam don't have to stress yourself over little thing" Sam suggested.

"That wouldn't be necessary, my grandmother would be staying behind. I would go get it myself afterall she's here to lead the way" he said as he glared at her.

Hearing this Liky had no other choice than to stay behind. Since this was already the case, she had nothing more to do. Thinking about it deeply she felt she didn't have to know what happened between him and Stella, it was none of her business. She had dine a lot for Wilfred since he was still alive"Darling you shouldn't take long" Lily said looking at Sammy. No one understood her fears but Sammy did and all he did was give her a very bright smile. Of course he wouldn't take long, he had actually forgotten all about Wilfred but nature didn't want him to do that. Nature didn't want him to leave Wilfred unpunished and he was going to help nature in the best way he can.

"Sure, I won't take long. Granny, do you have any mode through which I could contact Stella?Her cell line…her address…anything.. " He said looking at his grandmother, sure enough she understood the point he was making. Afyer all she had personally booked Stella a place and she could always rach her if she wanted to.


"Ok..what about where she is presently? I would love to reach out to him through her to get my Briefcase.I hope he realizes soon that the case isn't his so he could return them." He said

'Granny you have nothing to worry about, a deal is always a deal. No fears, I would Spare his life this time around if he is really worth it' Sammy said through the mind link seeing the look on her face, he smiled 'Chill grandma, I wouldn't just kill him.(Sigh) I wouldn't want his kids to be fatherless at such a young age, a little torture wouldn't kill' he said again through the he mind link. Hearing this Lily was rest assured, but they had to continue their human conversation for Recca's sake.

"Well.. Sammy….the last time I checked you were there also when she said she wasn't going to her husband's place.I'm afraid you will have no other option than to find him "

"I can't believe that we didn't notice there were two similar suitcases which we brought differently.Didnt noticed that they were much alike with each other." Recalling fully, in their way back Mike was the person who carried the suitcase, now it all made sense, no wonder he had no memories of lifting such a light briefcase similar to air. Mike had took over the luggages they had brought after successfully convincing them to sleep over.

"Sammy...Thank goodness that Recca recovered from delivery quicker else it wouldn't have been easy to have her walk you down the place she met him at first"Lily said

(Smirks)"That is true I am grateful for that Recca..please lead the way" he could tell what the silly girl was up to.

"That is another stress all the way. I am just trying to help, you don't have to thank me"Recca said

"I know..you just have to help me out You don't have any other option than these" Sammy unexpectedly caught her unaware with his answer. What was she expecting? A romantic hug? Kiss or words? He wasn't up for such a shit.

"Darling is there no way you will get a new copy of those documents?" Lily asked, the game is already on so she had to okay it as well.

"Haha,Hell no! you have no idea of what do those documents are seems they are one in the world.Cant get a copy of it.The original documents are needed alone, I am taking them to Grandpa. There is no way I could get a copy of it."

"What then is so special about those documents of yours?" Recca asked. She wasn't the head mistress yet but she was already asking too many questions.

"Enough of your question just lead the way" he said with a glare.

"Recca…lead him there,let's save time please,the train will be at the station in no time.I wouldn't want to miss it.We would have to wait for two more days"Lilly said

"Why take a train when you can book a flight? It's not as if we have no money right?" She asked

"No, the train it is. It makes one feel more alive and reminds all that we are nothing but human " Lily replied 

"Whatever, we ain't poor. I was just bringing out a harmless suggestion" Recca said

"Thanks for the concern, as always you are very considerate " Liky said with a smile. "Hurry up get going, your son seems to be asleep, we wouldn't want him to wake up would we?"

"I won't want that.Since the baby is asleep, Its no problem taking him there.We will head there now.Take care of him till I return.I don't want my child crying." Recca instructed as she glanced at Nanny Nina.

"I will Miss" Nina replied, after all this has been her job for years. She knew better than Recca would ever know.

"Watch over him" Recca instructed again, this time she was more authoritative with her tone like she was talking to her slave and not a human being.

"You two should hurry up" lily said cutting in.

"Sure" they bity replied and left immediately.

After the two had left, Lily instructed San to head to the station while she geko watched over the little one with Nanny Nina. "This one is a tough one " Lily said looking at the elderly woman

"Madam, trust me it's nothing. I have all the information I need about that miss personality and trust me I know how well to handle her you don't have to worry"

"I am sorry Nina, I had to drag you into such a mess" Liky said sadly

"Madam, you don't have to feel sorry for me. I am really fine with this, you are very good and nice to me and you gave me the right to turn things down if I couldn't handle them. Since I didn't turn this one down, it means I can do well, very well" Nina said with a smile. "I know just how to handle rotten brat " she continued. This made Lily Burst into Laughter, Recca wasn't a spoilt brat but a rotten one.

"I just feel having a child around would bring more good luck and more liveliness into the household. It's been ages I had a small child running around" Lily said playing with the little boy. She is indeed someone who loves children so much, too bad the old ma only allowed her to have just one. She would have had her house filled to the brim with kids. Some would have even mistaken her home for an orphanage.

"I know Madam, bit I think the young master is kind of taking long. They've been gone for almost an hour now. Wouldn't you miss the train?" She asked 

"Since Sam is at the station..we need not worry.He will delay the train for our arrival" Lily said with a smile, for Sam such a thing isn't impossible. He could do it and even more if he wanted to.



Though Sammy and Lily have no idea of what was written in the book..At first sight..they got interested in it.They protected it and wanted to understand why such character exist in the world.They both sew it to be a valuable stuff to handle they felt it will be right to hand it over to the old man because they couldn't tell what was written in it but have the feeling that the old man will be able to read the contents in it. Lily suddenly felt the book would be a bigger story she would live to tell.


At the tower

"We've stayed here for quite a long time Blaine.We should head back and begin preparation right away before they 10 gods awaken"Elyrex said

"(Sigh) You're right.This is no easy task at all.Do we have to rush this?"

"I'm not asking us to rush but plan it to work out Blaine. Are you in a rush to go back home or something?"

"Should I be the one to ask you such a question? Or you need my answer?" Blaine said with a tight frown.

"He he he, I don't need you to answer it at all. You are always right." Elyrex said moving an inch away from him.

"I thought as much " Blaine said with disappointment.

"You take things too seriously and that creates more wrinkles than you can ever expect "

"What about I break your bones and rip them out if your chest? Let's see who git more wrinkles?"

" Shh, Don't make too much noise." Elyrex said placing his fingers across his lips "We have to sacrifice our time for this You won't want that the ten lords be awaken before we find the father to those kids" he continued 

"You're courting death"

"Of course not. But, while awaken…they'll await the period of submission.I'm sure they are about to be woken. And what the hell do you always have against me? You treat me like I am your enemy"

"What are you, if not my enemy?"

"Speechless "

"I would have ended your life when I got the chance, you wouldn't have been such a mess"

"Speechless " "The fact still remains that they would soon wake up from their slumber " Elyrex muttered

"I never said they were dead did I?"

"Speechless " Elyrex went mute his friend always had ways of countering his words. So heartless with words!

"But tell me..what will they do when awake before the commencement of the day of submission?"

"Seems you have forgotten Blaine..Before the submission day…they will begin activation of collective powers for the seven dragons which provides room for strong chains within the mountains against any linkage.

"Blaine…we ought to render this sacrifice as a gift to Selom which will be made known to her in the future once we succeed in finding the father to her kids"He continued

"Does she really need a man to father her kids?"

"Speechless "

"Don't look at me in such a way, you didn't father your kids and they all turned out well" 

"Speechless ", " What are you trying to say in essence?" Elyrex couldn't help but ask. He hated baseless argument, so he wanted to know where Blaine is heading with his statement.

"What I am saying is that, you weren't there to father your two kids and they grew up very well. So why is it necessary to find the father of my grand daughter's children?"

"You got to be kidding me, do you have to always bring my dirt's out and rub it all on my face?"

"Is that what you call what I just said about you? It doesn't seem like dirt to me because when you were wailing in that dirt it seems like a clean sheet of white wrap"