
Chapter 330

“(Laughs) Seems you’ve lost your mode of reseasoning.How possible is that compared to what we have witnessed by ourselves? I don’t think so Joey, If he is in this very building…His body will be right Infront of us right now.I am sure you weren't absent during the search,we have searched the entire room with no trace of him.Get your sense of reasoning right and get it soon else it'll bring you nothing but troubles.From the way you speak…I guess you ate a lot last night.I could tell you are still filled. I am starving, the main reason I came here was to ask for a good refreshing meal just like the one we had last night”




“All you ever care about Adams is nothing but Food, the old man has gone missing and all you can think about is a good meal like last night? What a disappointment!

"It seems you all want the old man to really go missing. We haven't checked the whole mansion,it's room , gardens, fortresses and lot more and you are already declaring him missing? What a Joke! At least I am here thinking about a good meal that's a more better place to waste my energy and knowledge"




"The old man is no human that you all should worry about him.You should worry about yourselves.You need to figure out ways to help Kent get to the root of his research.You guys shouldn’t worry about the old man (Laughs) he is old enough to take care of himself.Having such grown ups as grandchildren shows how old he is. Let it be, he could be somewhere enjoying himself. And if anyone is to be worried, it should be home worrying over our well being and safety.”

“No,he should be somewhere right now.If his body isn’t here in his room…It will be that he left for something urgent with his body.Seems you forgot about disappearance.At times I wonder what world you all came from.Don’t behave like you are no immortals.You all speak like humans.I had my ears go with you after giving you all description to the living room.I heard all you’ve said, you should know how to define this scene in your own way with the right definition”Kent replied from behind with the same bony look he had earlier.He had this long face with no shade of smile.It was the serious look as usual.They didn’t realize Kent’s presence on time else they won't talk out of point.Hearing his reply was quite surprising to them though they were figuring out possibilities. "And next time, if you go looking for someone and don't find him, you all should have some self respect and leave the scene. That way, you all would not look like desperate fools"




(Speechless) "Is that an insult?" Adams said looking very shocked. How was it his business if they stayed longer?

"It's my blessing, what an idiot! " He said, looking them straight up. 

"The last time I checked, it was our decision to make. We chose to stay here, it's our business not yours.

"I see, you guys always does the dumbest thing"

This word from Kent rendered them speechless, how was it his business again? What a pain in the Ass. They knew if they continue on this topic all they would get in return are insults, so it was better to change the topic.

"Being caring and curious is not a crime. We just wanted to see the old man, he has a lot of explanations to give us" Joey said

"He owes no one an explanation,"Kent concluded.

“umm…seems like someone is through with his research or has given up.” Adams said, looking at him strangely as he walked round him. He was so focused in the morning that they had to let him be,now here he was budding his nose into their business. This was all thanks to his recent idleness.

 “Yeah…This is Kent who seemed busy earlier giving us attitude.hmm…from the way you acted earlier…I couldn’t tell you could spare some time coming up to meet us here? And looking at you now, you have a lot of time to sit and give us lectures ”

“I don’t need to stress myself.I don’t forget I am an immortal like you all.I mustn't remind you that I have powers to do whatever I want and I can be wherever I choose to be”

“Anyways..this is quite surprising too.Not only did the old man surprise us,but his grandson too.I sense it being a day full of surprises. I smell changes in the air" Adams said sniffing the air, it seems he could really perceive something up there.

"You can say that again (laughs) they shouldn't surprise us to death"Joey said with a pleasing voice. He was already bored to death, he had brought his little jotter along with him just to listen to the old man's tales, too bad he would leave without gathering enough knowledge. He was very curious to know more about his private space, he had tried to access it in his sleep but he had no access at all. He tried a couple of times to no avail.

“Anyways…we have done the needful.Wanted bidding goodbye before we leave.Guess we will have to say goodbye to an empty room. Well...If you can hear me grandpa…goodbye,See you later in the future when we meet again,I'm off”Adams chorused turning away to leave the room and get ready to return.

“We are not leaving until he returns”Kent said



“You all heard me."


"Anyone who leave against my will..leaves at his own risk” (Kent Turns away and leave)

“What the….”


"Smart ass…you've done it again.Bravo" Joey mocked Adams


“Shhhh, Don’t get him angry”

“All I want to know now is that….”

“Shhhh…you need not know anything.He has reasons for such a decision. And stop tye pretence we all know that you never want to leave so soon. So stop looking like someone who is desperate to leave. I am sure you still want to eat those good dishes and you also want to see grandma right? (Hits him hard on the shoulders) Man up to your feelings, be proud of them" 


(Laughing) " He does looks like someone who's desperate to leave. It's more as if he owns the missing sperms samples and not that fellow Kent" Lee said looking at the dejected looking Adams


"No Bit!" They all shouted at the same time as the looked at him. It was very rare to get a vacation especially when one is dealing with Kent and finally they got one free of charge and Adam's wants to ruin it? No way! They had all long to sit idle doing nothing, all they want to do is eat, drink and sleep.

Adams had this sad look on his face wanting answers to some question which he was rebuked from asking.

"Bro, it seems you didn't get want Kent just said now. That fellow has freed us from making any research. He wants us to chill and have a lot of fun. We wouldn't have to go search for new born babies and a 9 months missing sample. You should be very happy instead of looking like a dejected ram" Joey said smiling happily.

“You mean he has forsaken the whole research?I never thought of this at all. Oh thank goodness.I am satisfied with s

his decision”

“Put your sense in place Adams, we all know how Kent is...We can't tell.You should get ready for anything,We are left with no clue to figure out his plans.I guess he is aware of the old man’s whereabout, so he is certain that the old.man would not take long.” Strings adviced

“Oh…I get it now! My mind is fully prepared for anything. If he wants me to travel to Paris, then Paris here I come"



"You need to go meet a therapist at least check your mental health cause one thing you're sad and the next you are extremely excited. Who knows there might be a lose screw in your brain" Lee said giving him a hit. Wasn't this the same dejected guy from earlier? Why the sudden change?

"You guys should stop looking at me like that. Kent had called us Idoit for having to stay here longer. I think it's now the right time to head down for breakfast. And please we should find a way to piss him up" Adams suggested

"That's a good idea, bit the result might not be nice"

"It has never been nice, so who's in?" Adams asked

"We all are" they replied 

Walking down the stairs, they sighted Kent sitting liie a king in the big size dinning room. It was normal to have such an aura after all he is royalty. Breakfast had longed been served, and here he was sitting comfortably as he watched the dishes. Couldn't he had found a polite way to call them down for breakfast? Was he going to die if he had done that. Adams was already boiling in anger, they had planned to irritate Kent and this would be the best revenge ever.

“Yes.I have gotten the whole picture.The old man is missing the old lady already.He couldn’t wait for her return before he pays a visit.Quite interesting” (All walking down the sitting room)

“Seems you figured out something..But that should be none of our business ok? Since we aren’t leaving anymore….We are at home then.All we need do now is to`carry out our research from this particular region.Guess that will ease our strees”

"Anyone leaving?"Kent questioned

All: Of course not.no one is leaving.

That was a direct and strick question.Kent won't ask such question with no plans backing it up.No one wants to be a victim of his wrath.

"Good for you all.Now…let's plan our next move.I have gotten lost of women who concieved this month.As calculated …anyone who pocess my sample will put to birth this month And the month ends tomorrow.First thing tomorrow morning…we head to check out the results of each blood samples from the babies.No one leaves the hospital until it's carried out"Kent explained

"Quite detailed.Since you have the record including that of the patients who left already..each pocess an address.We will call at their places.But is there no easy method to cling with a child for confirmation without running a blood test?"

"You have a point.i will drive a magnetic connection that will forcefully connect myself and the child bore with my sample.That way…it will be easy."


"Do one thing…get some stuffs to compensate mother's of each child Incase of any inconveniences"

All: Sure.


*****(At the million dragon’s Mountain)

(Sounds of laughter all loud in sevens echoing all around the mountain)

(Wind blowing in waves and verse direction.Sounds of whistles and horns with dark clouds all over)

(Motion of structured caves in dragon’s form with molten magma surrounding a deep ocean)


life gigantic trees surrounding the mountain as guards with greenish leaves and branches processing sparkling dusts on them like that of a fairy.They are the light source of the mountain just like fire flies.The mountain has galxy of stars surrounding it in the cloud not further from the mountains.Each star can be touched to exermine.Within the stars are little planets consisting of extraordinary powerful creatures that create music with their sounds.

The mountain is ruled by seven dragons which are heavenly spiritual dragons incharge of both the mortal and immortal worlds.They pocess a mighty body with seven heads yet different individuals acting as a whole.Their body glows with multi colours beyond that if a peacock.Adorable and beautiful.They are 7000ft mighty.They are known for commanders and rulers,creators and spectators.They pocess sensitive sensory organ that traces evil to it's root,Each pocesses a triple horn on both side of their head with a diamond on their forehead in-between.Right in the centre of the diamond are pearls in circular motion from which magical treasures are formed.They are known for the kingdom of life.

Right from ages were they in existence,they have lived for decades.They were chosen by the heavenly bodies to take charge and make life.They are the world of immortals themselves.

Long ago they seperated from the light part of the world and decided to be in the dark part of the world to handle evil immortals and their devices and to also put them in the required field.Summoning the old man was a great call.

The old man has the six rings of harvax which is the key to activating the ten lords of Geyor.This lords are incharge of assigning and summoning immortals of their desire so do they for mortals at specific selection based on the sign recieved from birth. If anyone knew the kind if ower this man possesses then everyone one would have to be weary if him. He wasn't just anyone to fight with. His identity had been well hidden by him for a thousand years. 

They were the ones who sent the gifts to Selom’s children.Theu are in charge of the immortal treasury.The call is now to set them up towards the period of submission which happens in a given duration.

Two of the ten lords (doublords) are in charge of purnishment for failure to show up when summoned.It is a deadly purnishment to the immortals,None can refuse the call of the doublords,it's a terrible thing to do.Life won't be lost but tortured.They decided critical purnishments.

Three of them (Triplords) are incharge of power activation and upgrade which depends on how well they desire to make one's power strong also capable of power diminishing when desired to cease the power of an immortal…no one can challenge the Triplords against such.

Two other (Do-oublords) are incharge of visual contact with desired mortals who are chosen as vessels to carry out immortal activities.Such humans aren’t immortals but submortals .They are called the ‘Hushmortals’ Such mortals are quite rare.They are chosen from birth if they posses stars with an opening in the middle.Such star sends a signal to then through a ray of colourful light.They are special humans.

The three left (Trip-plords) are incharge of melting the heart of immortals who shows to be superior before them.More of immortals who tends to have superiority by choice without abiding by the law that governs their existence.They are the destroyers of immortals.” The could end the genesis of Immortals.(The enders of the beginning/The beginning enders)

“(Voice in threes) welcome.”

(Head bowed) 

“Where are the six rings in your pocession? Bring to life the ten lords,we will welcome some new souls in due time"

"Hearing your call…I could tell something urgent came up.Its been decades you summoned me"


With his hands on the air..Some ray of light came out displayed to the air not distant from his palms.There appeard six rings which are to be placed on the step of the ten lords in accordance.

Two red rings,two yellow rings,a green and blue ring.Each rings pocess the size of the earth,very large.They are to combine and form a mighty ring with multiple rainbow colors.Their combination brings forth frozen pearls which are then melted with fire by the seven dragons after which they will be stored in the diamond on their heads.

The gigantic trees are to pull out tree leaves each from their braches.As said earlier.. each leaf has sparkling dust like that of a fairy.