
Chapter 32

She spent about 20 minutes sitting in the living room. What she needed now was a good shower, she really had a long day at work and she was also starving. But now she was too lazy to make herself dinner. (Groans) " I am too tired, I can't feel my legs at all. Let me take my bath and I would drive myself to a good restaurant" she said with her voice echoing throughout the apartment. Selom was someone who liked peace and quiet, especially when she was engrossed in her imaginary words. She needed her own private space so she could think straight and yield good results. That was why she had gotten her own apartment, it took time before she got her parents to agree with it but they just had to. She was already a grown up woman.

After taking her shower, she brushed her teeths. She tied a pink towel above her chest, her hair was very wet making them fall downwards almost touching her waist line. Sitting on the soft bed, she was being tempted to lay down on it, which she did. Unfortunately for her, she slept off.

*** An hour later

(Phone ringing continuously)

Hearing the continuous noise coming from her phone's ring tone, she became upset. She hates it when her sleep is been disturbed but now she couldn't ignore it, it kept ringing. Being half awake, she couldn't find the damn cell phone and this made her very angry. "Where the hell are you?" She shouted with a frown on her face. The phone had stopped ringing so she couldn't trace it again, she silently prayed it would ring again. Now she is fully awake, hoping the caller calls her again. Waiting for a few minutes, nothing was happening, so she sat back in her bed. Now she felt the urge to cry, she felt so sad that the caller stopped calling.

(Stomach rumbling) Hearing the sound, she burst into tears. "You poor thing, you haven't had a meal since I came back from work, '' she said, rubbing her stomach " Looking at the time on her wall clock, she was stunned "What the Hell! It's already 22:00 hrs (10 pm) ? Now how was she going to get herself dinner?" She said with a frown. Just when she was about to give up, her cell phone rang again. Tracing it's sound, it was ringing from the bag she had came with from work. Looking at the caller ID she had her face filled with smile. "Finally" she heave a sigh of relief and picked the call.

"Hello Mom" she said with a smile

"Darling, I have been expecting you home but you didn't come, where are you now?" Teresa asked with concern. She was so worried about her daughter. She had thought something bad had happened because she wasn't picking her calls.

She could hear the worry in her mom's voice and she felt warm. Now the major problem is how she would get her stomach filled, she was starving but she can't tell her Mother that