
Chapter 329


"Who are you? And what are you doing here. Come out right now" He said shivering, he could feel a dangerous aura around him. Who could it be? And why would such a person come looking for him. He had been extremely carefully when dealing with his stuffs just to avoid unnecessary troubles. "Come out now" he ordered, using his split vision he scanned through his study but he couldn't see anyone there at all. 

But he couldn't be wrong, he was having goosebumps this only means that a strange presence was around him. It seems he has lost his confidence ever since the fight with the girls,or could it be that he could tell this particular one was Indedd beyond him. It was more than frightening, it is better to see what's torturing you physically that way you would know how to face it than it being invincible.

"You must be Jackson Black" A cold voice said resonating through the whole study. He was still invincible but he spoke more like death.

"I am, what do I owe this visit" Jackson said, getting himself on alert. Anything could happen at this point, so he had to be prepared.

"I have come to give you a wonderful token" The man said with a chilly smile. This sent chills down Jackson's smile. He understood what such words meant in the underground world. And he didn't remember offending anybody lately, after his massive failure at Selom's territory, he had kept his head very low that you could barely see him or even hear of him. Could it be that the Mistress who had his daughter in their care has suddenly gotten displeased? It could be them at all, he had grown to know the type of women they were. They would result in such a means just because they want to punish him for his wrongs.

"May I know what good I have done to deserve such a token and who sent me the gift" 

"My Master Dark Lord Lark Fire!" Tye shadowed man replied

Hearing the name Jackson couldn't believe it at all. What on earth was this? He has never gotten to the point of offending someone who was just a level ahead of him, how then could he offended a man who was a million levels above him? "What! I have never done anything without carefully thinking. How on earth did I to offend your master?" Jackson couldn't help but ask. He was already shivering with fear. The Dark Lord is a powerful name used in the underground world. And it was the most feared league ever. They were the deadliest group that ever existed, they were very mighty and when it came to strength nobody could beat them. No body had ever gotten so close to know the group or se them, rumour had it that the founder of that group was no one but the devil himself and when they pay you a visit then it was more like having death visit you at the same spot. The group is so feared that it had no enemies, not even a friend. 

"You should know better I have never accused anyone wrongly. Since I paid you a visit you are indeed honored" Without wasting time, the shadowed man held Jackson and they both disappeared into thin air.

Jackson could no longer hear his heart beat, this was already the end for him. He stood in an open area already drenched in sweat. He was facing death so there was no way he would fight it. He had to accept his death sentence in a calm and collected way. But he had a test run on his memories, he had never accepted anything relating to the Dark empire, he had been so careful that he wouldn't have made such a mistake even in his dreams. It was just like a rabbit going to the lion den with a knife just to threaten him. He wasn't as stupid as that Rabbit, so of course he would do such a thing. There was no trace if the man who had brought him earlier. All he ever saw was just a slint of his dark robe, the man moved in a speed that even if he trained for a million years he wouldn't have such access to it.

Finally after an unknown time of waiting he felt the man's presence again. The open space was so dim and he could tell it wasn't a normal dimension. They were in an abstract space. "Please before I die I want to know how I offended the dark Lord" Jackson demanded. He knew death would come but he didn't actually know that this was the way he was going to die 

"Of course I would tell you" The shadowed man moved fast as the speed of light as he gave him the answer to his questions. Jackson hearing this immediately fell to his knees, he was shaking. " This is the biggest mistake of my life, I am very sorry" He apologized at the verge of tears. "I would take my sentence happily now" He said bowing to the ground.

"You should have heard of me, I am Shadow. And it has never happened that I fight an opponent who has already accepted defeat. My mission has to be completed, you would have no other choice than to take up the challenge "

"We all know how skilled you are, in a million ways I could never be. I am guilty of the offense charged towards me and I accepts the dark lord's decree with no regrets. (sigh) I just want to ask a favor from him, that I alone suffer this and that it ends with me. So that my generation would be left out of it. This i plead " He said bowing sincere. Everyone had heard of the dark lord, he never lets go of a grudge. It would be best he suffers it all now to the point of death than to have his innocent children and future generation suffer for what they knew nothing about. 

What he was mostly concern about was his beloved daughter Cecelia. She has been through Enough hardship as it is and as a father he didn't want her to go through anymore. And as for this two sons, one was already died and the second son, he doesn't know if he was still dead or alive. All he had now is his beloved daughter, she and her future generation to come. What he would have preferred was that he get to see his darling girl, take to her and know how well she is faring before he pass on but who was he to make such a request? As it is he was already too guilty to be kept alive.


“Ha ha.. What for Joey?”Strings questioned “I think I agree with your massive idea. (Pauses for a second) the looks he was getting suddenly made him uncomfortable, like he was nothing but an evil villain "Just kidding.But he could check out their blood samples if he wants.Any that match yours could be considered your child.But that isn’t certain”Strings continued while walking away.

Silence was all they got from Kent.He didn’t bother saying a word to them nor giving them answers which pays to him giving more room to concentrate on his research.It will be more of a distraction if he say a word to them

“We do not know the cause for your silence Kent. I suddenly have a feeling that you are hiding something from us, keeping us in the dark right? What ever it is you would have to discuss your plans intensively with us before you decide. Unplanned for trips, diets and sleep won't happen ever again. We won’t take that from you ok? Lets go guys”Joey said in a low tone as he glared at the busy and focused looking Kent. He was wondering why he was so busy this early morning, he made them all look like they were nothing but useless lazy walking bones and trust me, he didn't like such a feeling. 

Joey was the only one who considered this, Lee, Strings and Adam's saw it more like a vacation. It was far better for them to sit idle than walking around hospitals all day looking for missing sperms samples or new born children like they were investors who plan on setting up an orphanage. It they had away to go into hiding, they all would have done that a long time ago.


They left for Grandpa’s place Just as planned.As Kent has earlier describe they were willing to locate the old man using his description by taking note of the description he has given and then. The mansion was so big that they could get lost. But first they decided to head to grandpa’s room to check on him, then if he wasn't there they could head to the studying search of him. They weren't ingrates like Kent was, they thought about thanking the old man being that he was more of a host last night. They had to confess, they had a nice time with him and even though it was all about love and nothing more they learnt a lot from him as well.

Reaching his door step, They made attempt of seeking after him with a knock on his door to notify him of their presence. It would be rude of them to barge into his room without permission.They are old enough to differentiate right from wrong by doing the necessary. And if they didn't know the right thing, the old man would have their asses kicked. At first...Joey placed his eye to the door to predict if he was asleep or not but heard no movement and concluded he was still asleep.

They made three consecutive knock counts of which they were left with no response to all.Not giving up..the consecutive knock count was followed by two unruly knocks at a time due to their curiousity and impatience to wait longer than required for him to attend to them so that they could leave for the research.His silence was quite challenging which made them wonder how bad the old man is when it comes to sleep to an extent that he is capable of ignoring sounds. Though they had thought about asking the old man about the whole thing on Kent's behalf and wait to get the old man's response.

It never occurred to them to let the old man sleep.Of course,he should be awake at such hour.It was concluded by them under probability that he might have been stressed of all the worries he earlier had over his wife and Sammy.They couldn't figure out the exact cause for why he would sleep that much, since this was the case they thought about going to the world man's study. They had totally forgotten all Kent said about the eold man being in a bad mood.

Finding their way to the study, they knocked a little and pushed it open. Looking at the empty study, this meant the old man was still in his room. Though,they all knew how long it could take an immortal to sleep atimes especially when they have other things to attend to which they have longed for. But there were still a lot they wanted to know about the private space since he had made mention of it.

Of course, they are immortals,they could tell from experience and history itself that immortals can sleep for a hundred days. Being so, It wasn’t much of a thing to worry about to them because it was more of a norm as immortals. Such happens to be a long term journey.

Most times..When immortals are far asleep,they tend to be in another world attending to other things,fulfilling other dreams and also watching over their bodies as well. There were a lot of keys they were yet to unravel about how the immortal world works.

Grandpa was indeed on a spiritual mission.He was given a sudden call by the seven dragons as an urgency he had to attend to without saying a word to anyone of them. Such mission comes up once a while when something necessary ought to be given appropriate attention.

This was something he couldn't ignore but attend to with no delay. It wasn't part of the old man's plans a all. The seven dragons were once part of his pet, they still recognizes him as a master and prays he returns back to the good path. There were indeed somethings which were far beyond him and he was far connected to them to just let things slide. If they were in danger it means he was in danger as well and if they needed his help, it takes a lot if courage for them to run to him for help.

Strings and Joey felt this strange suspicion from nowhere.Strings and Joey were not cool with the silence they got from grandpa despite fulfilling the cause for their being there.They could sense something wrong even though the old man was powerful enough to take care of himself, they still felt worried. Not even a snore was heard nor a sense of his presence. They thought about using their powers to get I to tye room but due to how well the knew the old man he must have created a barrier and whereas his powers were too strong for them to break through or even appear inside his room. It was better they got into the room like a normal human being would.

Strings and Joey opened the door against the wish of others.It seemed to be a bad idea but they had no option than that.They were ready to pay for whatever purnishment comes their way if they eventually see grandpa in his room getting the whole cause for his silence the wrong way. Ever since when they were young, they old man would beat the life out of them if they made a mistake of breaking the rules. This act right here was one of the rules. 'Always stay away from the doors and windows' it was a common recitation but they knew better than that. 

It was a great surprise to them all that the old man was not in bed.They entered and have every look and corner checked to be sure he was’nt indoors.They searched all over, and he was no where to be seen in his room. Since he wasn't in the study and also not in his room then it seems something was off.

“At first,he seeked we stay longer than planned till Granny returns.Probably…this was why he said that.”Leo said while shaking his head. 

"I knew he wanted us to stay longer than planned.But he can't go to an extent that… no no no,I don't think he left us in the mansion to ourselves to take care of it before he returns.If he wanted to embark on a journey…we would be at alert, Knowing about his journey is no big deal,I doubt that"

"Yeah…. where could he have gone this early?It isn’t bright yet. Still very Early, we shouldn't just jump into conclusion, the old man could be around the mansion and here we are worrying ourselves for nothing”

“yeah..(Checking his wrist watch) It is 5am now. I agree with him, we shouldn't just jump into conclusion. We should go talk to Kent about it and see what he has to say. Or could it be he has also gone into deep slumber?"