
Chapter 327

"Now listen..knowing fully well that friends who stand by each other would have been from a long time union.I felt such won't be quite possible if they haven't known themselves for long.I never knew they only know themselves for 9 momths thereabout."

In a different view..i thought he could be a new friend who is bound to secure her safety.And I was thankful for that despite having her all guarded by security men to ensure her safety.I figured it all out from the very start you told me about the weird behaviours of your husband and how long it has been ongoing.I recalled you said it is about ten months.I never concluded.My grandson also felt this way.Wilfred..i could tell you're Inlove with Recca"


"Take a look at such a beautiful family you have.Today I was lucky to have a..'great grand child' from Recca "Granny said, stressing her words. She wanted Stella to get the whole picture and if she still decides to forgive her husband then that would be best. It's far better than keeping her in the dark. She wanted the pregnant woman to understand what everything is all about then the final decision becomes hers to make 

It wasn't easy to claim what was never yours.She wished Wilfred wasn't a married man who could take Recca and the child But it was unfortunate that he is married man with three kids of same age which she adores.Deep down her heart she could tell such feelings and how much it hurt to have a sample somewhere out there but couldn't find it. She would not tolerate such a thing if it's been done to her, so how could she tolerate it now?

"Remember I said a prayer for you...?"

"(sobs) you did..you said you prayed I don't get hurt" Stella said wiping off her tears with difficulty. Being pregnant gave her so much sensitivity, she didn't know what to do with her body at all she was giving into her emotions so easily.

"Darling, you want to know the truth, right? Or you don't want to hear anymore of it now" Lily asked, she was quiet, the little girl kept crying non stop. Such a thing could affect the unborn child.

"No ma'am, you don't have to pity me, I am okay. Just fine, I prefer to know the truth and settle with it than staying in a fantasy" Stella replied

"Okay just take things slow and easy"

Wilfred on the other hand didn't bother to comfort his pregnant wife, he just stood there and watched as she cried. He didn't say anything in his defense. What could he say? The cat was already out of the bag, it would be a waste of time trying so hard to catch it and put it back into the bag. So he had no choice than to let things play out.

"This young man over here denied ever been married and if you look closely he doesn't have his wedding ring on" 

Hearing this Stella was shocked and looked at his fingers. Indeed he wasn't wearing their wedding ring. It means something very terrible when a married man takes off his wedding ring. Denying is one thing but proving not to be married and removing one's wedding ring happens to be another thing. "Where… where is your wedding ring?" She asked shakingly

She couldn't believe her eyes at all, was this really the man she got married to? Was this really the same man she gave birth to three children for? Was this the same man she is happily carrying the fourth child for? Stella moved closer to him and shook him vehemently but all she got was nothing but silence. "Tell me you lost it, tell me you mistakenly flushed it down the toilet sink. Just tell me something, don't just keep quiet" Stella lamented.

 "Ma'am I don't know who you are or how you came to meet Stella bit I think you've said enough " Wilfred said looking at Lily with hatred 

"Is that so? I would advise you to keep your distance away from Recca in the future. That would be the best"

"I think that would be for me and Recca to decide, whereas we are not doing anything wrong. And I have not acknowledged anything yet" he said coldly. 

Recca had no ill intentions.She had her focus on her child's father's family. She cared less about Wilfred, she never loved him at all 

"(Sigh)Know what? I don't wish to see him anywhere around me and my child anymore.If it pleases you to hurt your darling wife..then,you are dangerous.You can hurt just anyone.I never knew you were helping me out of love for me.How low can a man stand to an extent he doesn't get contented with the woman he married.Not that alone..the mother to his children? So bad …"Recca spoke up spicing up the entire scene in pretence.

With a sad look on Stella's face…She beheld the mess Wilfred had put himself into which was a splash of dirt to her too.It seemed she wasn't good enough to be his wife.Most men uses such excuse to become cheats even though some ladies never care.Such embarrassment wouldn't have come to place if he never did such.It was quite embarrassing to hear someone shout at your loved one giving you no cause to defend them.It was indeed disappointing.A low esteem have been entitled to him.

"You can now see all these…I am disappointed in you."Stella said with her eyes closed in a sad tone holding her children close to herself further away from their father.

"I cannot let my kids grow up to take such steps as yours. you don't have to worry I know the route back home"She took a pause and continued

"I prefer to spend those two days far away from you.Whatever it is you are lacking from our home…sort them out when ready." Stella said, looking away from his direction as though she got irritated.The one she called a husband was totally something else at such a point.She couldn't fight but give up.She then walked towards the door to leave.

"Where will you stay Stella?"Lily asked, showing concern.

Stella blinked her eyes without saying a word to Lily.It was more of a signal that all will be well.Lily was touched by this, it seems the girl was stronger than she seemed. What was the point? Wilfred's statement that he hadn't acknowledged anything yet must have given her a hard hit and broken her heart. Such a statement meant that he was yet to acknowledge Stella as his wife. So the little girl had to come out of her shell and prove to him that she isn't someone who could be messed with. Such courage from a young pregnant lady was quite rare. This was because the first thing they would have to consider is the fact that they were pregnant. Some wouldn't mind licking the man's feet even when he's wrong but Stella didn't do that, there was no use giving value to something which in return sees you as useless.

Sammy had earlier excused himself; he had been busy playing with the kids. Children's minds were as pure and white as snow. Their World is filled with nothing but peace, joy and happiness. He really enjoyed his time staying with them, he had wanted to know the updates so he left Sam with them so he could look after them. Now he wanted to get involved 

"Men are a bunch of idiots.Humans have no confidence.Sammy…if your grandpa had done this to me.."

"Shh .."Sammy silenced Lilly immediately

"He would never do that.I guarantee that with my Grandpa.He is such a loyal man Granny"He continued

"(Looking surprised) that's weird coming from you. I am surprised to hear you defend your grandfather. He would be happy if he heard this directly from you. You know nothing about love.You can't tell when one is being loyal about love"

(Rolling his eyes) "You always find a way to rub the dirt of love all over my face. This is all about them and not me. So grandma do me a favor and focus on them and not my love life."Sam interrupted, he knew what she was up to. He had to interrupt or else the whole topic would be diverted to himself.

(Laughing) "You can't run forever"

"Who says I am running? Damn I'm not. I am just taking my time"

"Whatever, I've never had such issues with him before.Not now that we are grandparents…though he's still the handsome young man he was,So I am,the pretty young lady.The old man has jealousy all filled up in his veins,and my husband is no cheat like the young man. With your grandfather's look he could have multiple woman climbing up his bed willingly but he still wouldn't cheat on me but Wilfred, he doesn't even have the looks but he's already a mess"

After Stella was done talking she walked out of the room. Lily had nothing to worry about, it's already so late to book a train at such an hour, so she was sure Stella would take up her kids and go back to the same hotel they had booked for her earlier.

"Stella…I can explain"Wilfred pleaded, he knew what would happen next. He had already gotten himself into a big mess. And this time the mess would be very difficult to clean up.

"Why do men make such a statement?" Sammy said, looking at Wilfred with scorn. He had many chances to have explained but he didn't why now? When he was all quiet ignoring her words what happened to his explanation then?

"Yeah ..that's it after the mess…they find ways to clean it up.Women with soft hearts need justice."Lily said

"Wilfred….Come home when you can.I won't come visiting with the kids any longer.I need none of your explanation.I have the full picture in the gallery of my heart. And I am very grateful to you, you broke the image I had of you and you let me see the real and true you"

Wilfred could tell from Stella's actions and speech that she was disappointed.He loves her but couldn't tell why he was after Recca.He knew he went the wrong way about love by lying to spice it up to make it work which ended in bad luck.He never realized until now but what to say…it's was quite unfortunate for him.

"Leave!"Recca shouted.She shouted at the top of her voice which woke up the little baby. She cared less, she hates it when she's being looked at as the other woman. 

Taking a look at the baby. The little boy's voice was heard aloud echoing in the building.Seems the shout woke him up.Lily dragged Wilfred away from the baby's bed so she could give him some attention. The little one was crying his lungs out from the disturbance and Lily had to pet him properly.

For the first time in his life he is being treated like a begger.This was indeed shocking to Wilfred. The nine months experience he had with Recca...he has never seen such anger nor have he ever heard Recca scream in such a way before.This made him feel very bad.He did hurt them both at once.It indeed turned out to be a shame to his face.

"You don't have to shout at him in such a manner," Stella said in a sad tone. "I should be more hurt than you are.No matter what..he remains my husband.I just need some time to get off his troubles.It is heartbreaking to know that he doesn't appreciate my existence"Stella said while a tear rolled down her face. She didn't like the way he was shouted out, no human deserves such treatment but he brought it all upon himself.

 Despite knowing that Wilfred has done wrong she could still share the shame with him which made Stella to be known as an awesome woman who never deserved such treatment from her husband.

"Really? I shouldn't shout at him? You think you are the only one he deceived or you think you're the only one who has been hurt by his lies? No dear, you ain't. I am hurt as well. So I have every right to do what pleases me and I don't need your permission before I can do that. Now get out!" Recca said. She had a look of depression, she looked so hurt and wounded, Wilfred felt this at all and felt like consoling her but he couldn't. He was the cause for her being this way . But little did he know that all this was just for a show. Recca didn't care about him at all.

"You shouldn't take it easy on men you know… when they go wrong..make them understand they did. If you were in his shoes…he would have done worse than this. He could even send you packing from his house and care less." Grandma explained to Stella.

"I know..but he is still my husband."

"Really?You're Not the first to have a husband.Purnish him the necessary way and stop singing about him being your husband. He has to learn from his mistakes and if he is yours, he should learn to value it"

Sammy began to get angry because she was still siding with Wilfred knowing that he had done wrong. When someone is wrong he deserves punishment, it's either she punishes him or he would have no choice than to keep to the end of his deal. And Wilfred's punishment would be nothing but death, there would be no repentance in death. If left to him alone, he would have wiped Wilfred off the face of the earth by now."What sort of heart do some women have?So annoying!" Sammy said aloud.It seemed like she was in full support of all his wrong doings but he had no option than to remain quiet because it was never his Battle to fight. All he wanted was for her to punish him, nothing more that way he would easily let go.

"(Smiles) Nature has its way of handling matters.Thank you very much for your love and care Ma'am…you're a mother to me. I will take my leave now" Stella said, walking up to her and giving her a hug. She would always be grateful to this woman. Because she had shown her love and care, she even provided for her and also her children.

"Alright dear, there's no need to keep thanking me, okay. Don't think about anything just have the welfare of this little infant at the back of your mind okay?" Lily questioned

"(Smiles) Okay ma'am, thanks again. I will do as expected by tomorrow I will be travelling back to my husband's place" she said sounding very strong, she has promised herself not to break down at least not In Front of her kids. All she needed to do is fight string for herself, so her kids wouldn't suspect anything wrong. She didn't want the relationship between her children and her husband to be affected.

"Hmm .. seems you've got some additional gut and strength young lady. Maybe it's the baby in your womb that is controlling your emotions,"Sammy said with a serious look on his face. He had said this in order to make her smile and it worked. She had a warm smile on her face.

"You mean you want to go back to your husband's place after all that happened right now? Aren't you afraid he will do anything to you?"Lily questioned.