
Chapter 326



“Your silence have said it all wilfred.You’ve got some nerves huh?so bad”

“I have no idea what you are talking about. I know nothing about a wife and three kids.”Wilfred repeated

“Oh my goodness..such nerves you’ve got.It’s quite an amazing skill.You are doing it in a neat and sustainable manner, I am really very proud of you, you've saved me and the world from a great misfortune”Sammy said with a cold look on his face.

“Meaning….?” Wilfred said, sounding very confused. What does he mean by such a statement?

“That is left to you and your limited understanding. If you don’t understand it..Then forget it”Sammy relied


30 minutes earlier

(Disappearing pathways)

"Isn't that the pregnant lady and her kids whom you met on the train?"Sammy asked while pointing towards a particular direction bending his head backwards using his jaw to show the direction because they all had their hands held together

"Where?"Lily questioned

She could quickly grasp her direction, then she had placed a tracking spell on the children just in case they get missing. What was surprising was that they were far above the skies. How then did he see them, those walking on land?"How did you see her?" Except if he had made use of his eagle light vision but that would take up a lot of energy so she doubts that he would use such a technique. 

Do you know how good the sight of an eagle is? An eagle has a wider field of vision; this vision is almost 360 degrees. An eagle can locate its prey no matter how tiny or hidden it is. It can hunt its prey from hundreds of feet up in the air. According to research it was found out that an eagle's eyes are 4 to 8 times stronger than that of an average human. In the immortal world, there exists a skill called the 'eagle vision' ; it is far different from the split vision.

 The split vision denotes presence of people on land but the eagle light vision denotes or locates people on land but the one using this skill tends to be up in the air. It's no matter of exaggeration but the Immortals can proudly say this technique is far better than that of eagles in the human realm. They also have eagles from their own world as well, these eagles are far bigger, terrible and formidable in skills of war and tactics.

"My ears could hear her cry bitterly" Sammy replied

"Really? Why on Earth would she be crying bitterly?" Lily asked

"Who knows she could be in labour " he said giving her a harmless smile

"Ok..what do you think we should do?"

Seems his grandmother took his words about her being in labour seriously "I feel we should seek the cause for her cry."

"You're serious about her crying out?"

"Grandma, some words mean something closely related to it. What I mean is that she is going through a tough time, like she needs help and comfort it doesn't necessarily mean she is shedding tears physically"

"Ok Sam..let's stop at that spot she is. Sammy led the way"Lily instructed, she knew Sammy would not claim he saw her if he didn't. Just on her instructions, Sammy gave direction and they arrived just so close that she could see the triplets and the pregnant woman.


"Hey.. What's wrong?"

"(Sobs)Just as you predicted"The pregnant lady replied

"Just as I predicted…How?"Lily questioned with a weird smile on her face.

"I'm saying this for the third time now.You earlier prayed I don't get hurt"She replied

Sam and Sammy stared at her looking speechless and sorry for her.They couldn't tell how much hurt she was going through but could sense it wasn't quite an easy child's play.

"Oh Dear..what is it this time?"Lily questioned while squirting to sit on the plank of wood where the pregnant lady sat."

Lily could tell that such tears and pain comes from great hurt and her grandson said she wasn't crying physically, what was this then? She couldn't watch her cry in such a manner before her kids.They were still little kids about a year and some months who could barely talk properly.They all had their hands on their mom's lap and refused to sit.

Seeing them this way.They all weren't happy.

"So tell me…what happened?"

"(Sobs)I checked my husband's apartment and was told that he haven't been there for over two months yet he never said a word to me about it.I am confused about where and how to go look for him in such condition.My kids can't go back without seeing their father.I have traveled this far at the request of these kids. I don't know what to do at all, what should I do now?"She explained

"Why not try his cell?"Sammy suggested

"It doesn't connect by day,only at night" She replied with a sad look and tone

"That's serious you know…Never let this bother you so much. Darling don't let this bother you, it could be he had some issues and he didn't want to relate it to you so you wouldn't be bothered. Whereas look at you, you have three kids to look after and you're pregnant, any reasonable husband wouldn't bother his wife with such a tiny detail. And I am sure he cares about you, if he knew you wanted travelling in such a state he would never have allowed it. So forget about what I said and not said, you have kids to raise and letting them see you cry so much isn't good at all."Lily said patting her gently on the back

Hearing this the pregnant lady had a second thought. The woman's words to her made a lot of sense, why then didn't she think about it this way? Her husband loves her so much that he doesn't want her to get all stressed or worked out. On a second thought he would get Angry at her for having to travel such a long distance in her situation. She let her emotions rule over her and forgot all about her being a mother figure "Thank you ma'am" she said wiping her tears off. "I am just so worried, it's been a long drive where would I and my kids stay? I don't have enough money on me to book a hotel" she continued 

"That's not a problem at all, we can help you with that. Since your husband's cell phone would go through by night time, you can talk to him at least by then you and your kids would have gotten enough rest"

"Really?"She replied with an instant pleasant smile which gave joy to the kids as they jumped up in excitement that their mum was fine already. She was indeed very happy, this woman and her family has been a blessing to her and her kids.

"Yes dear, and if you still can't reach him you don't have to worry yourself at all. We can help you find him"

"Ok .how then will you help me find him?Where do we begin ? How?"She asked curiously

"Nevermind.Here is an empty paper"Lily said to her while handing a little empty note

The pregnant lady looked at the empty paper and she was confused as to what to do with it. "You can wrote your husband's last address and we can start looking from there, also wrote down your phone number do we could keep you updated about any information we find out" Lily explained 

"Okay, thanks a lot " The pregnant woman immediately wrote down everything she knew on the empty paper. "Here you go. Ma'am thanks for all the help" she said handing it over to her

"It's Okay, now get ready. It's time to take you to a hotel. You need to freshen up, your kids need that too. A good meal is very important as well 

"Thank you" she said with a sincere smile she felt very lucky meeting such nice people.

This was something that Lily barely does.This specific power hasn't been activated for so long.It is called the power of 'know how' She has no idea but sense Recca's friend would be as they have predicted. The old man wasn't exaggerating when he said his wife had a good gut and instinct. Lily's instincts are barely ever wrong. She just had a strong feeling that the man they were about to look for would be the one looking for them instead. But that was for the latter, Dam immediately made some calls and in less than a minute, a good presidential suite was made available for the woman and her kids. She had her eyes streaming with tears as she thanked them continually. She had never expected such a thing to happen at all. "We would be going now, if you need anything just let the management know about it Okay. Go and get some rest and also some quality sleep" Lily strictly instructed, the pregnant woman had no other choice than to do as she was told.

While they turned away to leave..she stopped them to ask a question. She has never encountered such help from anyone before.

"Where are you heading to?"She questioned

"Somewhere to see someone "Lily replied.That was quite an answer 

"I really wanted to ask why you guys are so nice to me?" She said tearing up, this was a normal pregnant woman really had an issue when it comes to dealing with their emotions.

"Darling, I would do the same thing to anyone who needs my help and I would always be happy to be in the position to help others, so don't think much about it. You don't have to think of a way to pay me back. See this as a gift and not a favor" Lily said, giving her a tight hug. Immediately after they were settled in, they left.


Back to the room

Wilfred had no idea that his wife planned to come over for a visit.He also have no idea that Lily has met her somewhere before.He would never expect she travel some distance in her presence condition (pregnancy) it he had knew all this he wouldn't have been playing around with fire as he pleases. The most important part of it all is that, if he knew his life is a bait on his repentance he wouldn't be so careless.

Right during their conversation Stella entered.

Stella and her kids were happily directed to the same building where Recca had given birth. She had been directed to the hospital. This was done by nobody else than Sammy himself, earlier they had collected her number and had kept in touch ever since. Sammy had made sure to give her and the children enough time to rest before breaking the news of finding her husband. To them it was good news but to Sammy it was the only way he could control himself from charging forward and ripping the man's head off his neck. At least bringing his wife over is far better than getting his hands bloody.

Wilfred had no idea about this but Sammy had scanned the whole place and he knew immediately when Stella arrived. Though the hospital was one of the biggest and the ward the were on now is one of the topest floors getting into an elevator wouldn't be that difficult and she would get there at just the right time.


Lily wasn't shocked at all seeing her.This was something they have predicted right from time past waiting for the truth to unveil itself. She knew Sammy's temperament very well and this only proved he was trying to let go of the deal of killing him. She had hoped for this as well. She had given all she got but the guy was still adamant. Some people are just overwhelmed with nothing but greed and selfishness. He would rather deny his whole family's existence than to come out clean about being married and also with kids. This made her feel very sorry for the little children, they were still so young to face all this 

Immediately she and the kids got in..the kids ran to give a hug "Daddy" the triplets all shouted with Joy .Wilfred was shocked. Just as expected Wilfred is the man they knew him to be. Now the facts were right in front of him.

"How?" He stammered, he quickly moved back in shock. He wasn't expecting this at all, it was as if he had been struck by lightning.

They all stared strangely.This was the man who renounced his family.This made Recca thankful and happy at the same time, though she never showed it on her face but deep down she kept jubilating. She never wanted to get involved in the mess of a friendship that would ruin her future plans. She could never be this careless 

"Hey cuties,"Recca said, staring at the cute kids. "Didn't you deny having a family?"Recca questioned looking at Wilfred 

(Speechless) Wilfred couldn't find his words at all. He couldn't even find his voice.

"(Sobs) Here you are, I was worried sick about you. I thought something had happened to you my love. The kids were so worried too, thank goodness you are fine"Stella said with tears gathered in her eyes, almost rolling down her face.She couldn't tell what to do at that moment. She moved closer to him and gave him a tight hug.

The whole scene became confusing.Stella neva noticed Lily's presence because she had all her focus on her husband, she had been so worried about him so much.She never mind to know who the lady he was being there for

He was startled and speechless.Before his children..he couldn't explain a word to her.She then finally decided to check around and then saw Lily. Though she was surprised a bit but shoved it all off after all thanks to them she rested well and also they were still the same ones who helped her find her husband.

Without saying a word.. Lily asked the kids to play outside so she could talk to them immediately. There were some things which weren't supposed to be discussed in front of little children.

"I have been longing to see the gentleman who takes care of Recca's and claims to have been by her right from the point of her pregnancy. And it's funny enough, the young man here happens to be your husband"Lily began explanation with a warm smile on her face as she smiled back at Stella "What a coincidence!" She said again 

Stella still didn't understand what was happening but after processing the whole situation she was beginning to understand what was currently happening, she didn't want to say anything yet. What she wants now is just to observe things carefully.

"I also longed to see the one with whom he is married to inorder to explain what I am about to"She continued

(Silence) Wilfred felt his butt was now on fire. He didn't know what he would do? If his wife carries such a report back home then he would be done for. He would be finished for sure. He would lose everything he had worked out for and he didn't want this to happen.

"Now..you shouldn't have a cause to doubt me,I would explain things to you in full detail dear. Do you know how we found your husband? Do you want to know what really happened?"
