
Chapter 324

Such silence from Wilfred..Samny was about to leave the room because he was getting angry. Goodness, he had scanned the young man's thought, he scanned his whole being as a human and here was the Idoit lying to their face, such guts. He wont be able to tell what he will do in the next 30 minutes. Comitting murder was the least of it by getting more angry, he could even make use of his powers and this would be very bad. So it was better to avoid the storm than wait for it.They could all see the anger in his eyes.

"I guess I will be returning back today I see no use coming over here"Sammy said heading out to leave the room. Recca didn't know if this was the father to her child or not she was about talking to him but he zoomed off. What could she do? She wasn't expecting such a reaction from them at all, she expected them to bring abyrand gift over after all she had given birth to an heir. But seeing the way the old woman was cuddling the child with love she felt better. Her plans were to take the contract forward, she would use this child to secure her own marriage. It would be so grand and wide.

"(Smiles) Sammy, you came here for me. You can't go back alone, we have to go together. why not we spend 1 or 2 days with the baby? We can also take Recca back to the mansion..Don't waste your time going out." Lily said in a calm tone as she listened to the young man's rubbish.

"Grandma" he said, frowning a bit, he wasn't happy with what he was sensing at all. And he knew of the fact that his grandmother was fully aware of this. Though on his way here she had instructed he doesn't invade there thoughts, as it was the same thing as invading someone's privacy 

“Sammy, stay back.You don’t have to leave the room”Lily said with her eyes all set on Wilfred which made him uncomfortable. She didn't want her grandson to leave just because of a total stranger.

“Wilfred..seems like you have something hidden within.What exactly is it?We could tell when something fishy is going on.Just as Sammy and I had predicted earlier”

“Why interpret my silence?I never said I wasn’t going to tell you how I got to know about her condition. It's no condition o'er say. Just some pregnancy kinda stuff.Why conclude matters for me?”

“(Laughs)At last,He managed to say something”Sammy said jestfully while maintaining the cold look on his face.

Sam watched all that was going on in silence.Not a word came out of his mouth since he entered the room.He has been calm and quiet observing things around.Of course he has no right to interfere in matters that he wasn’t asked or requested to.His duty at that particular time was to weigh statements and find the faulty ones and also sort it out within him.That wasn't assigned to him by anyone but himself.he loves doing it else he remains quiet unless he is called upon to get involved.

He is such a humble servant who is serving with great sincerity.

“Do not give silence to us as an answer.”Lilly said.It seems his silence begins to piss them off.

Recca watched them in surprise.She was surprised about the whole scene going on before her which kept her wondering what Lily wanted to bring out through such little investigations. Sammy could smell her fear, this meant she had something so big she didn't want them to find out.

At the same time.. she was afraid that something might go wrong.She could tell what will go wrong at the same time..she was also afraid of being misunderstood by Lily and Sammy which may cause damages to her dreams with Kent for the future which has always been built around kent,her son and her future procession.

“This is beginning to annoy me granny.Permit me to leave.I hate this”Sammy said looking at his grandmother. Of truth Sammy despised him from the very start.It got worse when he figured it out during Lilly’s conversation with the pregnant lady. "Grandma, I don't want to lose my temper here, it wouldn't be nice" He said through a mind link. He wasn't his grandmother so there were things he couldn't tolerate at all. After he was done he glared at Wilfred and left. He was sure the young man was the father of those kids, what a disappointment!

He had it all figured out within.If his grandmother could have her way, making Wilfred Recca’s husband would have been the plan which would be pleasing to them all. But what happens if Wilfred is that father of those triplets and the husband to that pregnant lady?

 Lily had no choice than to give in. Human beings do disappoint her with their attitude, she was being respectful to them that was why she didn't want to read any of their thoughts, she was giving them the free will to speak.

Whenever Sammy changed his mind about something in his serious and conscious state no one could change his mindset about it.It was a difficult thing to do at such an instant.

Sammy held the file he had got from the motel and decided to leave the room to head back to the train stop to get his way back to the mansion. Based on Sam's description earlier, he knew where the mansion the had gotten for Recca is located after all it was one of his grandparent's assets. He had to get there as soon as possible that way he could check on Mike, Butler Sam's eldest son. He didn't really understand what was going on about the Wilfred story about helping Recca during her pregnancy. What was that about? He knew how well his grandmother had prepared just to make her feel comfortable.

Little did he know that it would take about an hour and a half to get to the exact spot where the mansion is located. The mansion is located beside the sea so it was far from all these big cities. He could sight it from afar but it was indeed a hell of a distance. Nothing than anger controlled him at that instant, everything now could just piss him off. Now he had no choice then to break into his childhood memories trying to recall how the mansion was like. If he was right he had visited this same country some centuries back. He wouldn't be able to just disappear there except if he had a clear view of where he is going. 'There you are' he said with a smile. Scanning around it was safe, so he disappeared. Wasn't Sammy the same person who had complained about having no energy he could channel? Where the hell did he get this source of energy from?

Arriving at the mansion, he was shocked to see Mike looking all calm and collected. "Young Master it's really good to see you" Mike said bowing slightly.

"Owh, what a shock! I had thought something bad must have happened to you, so i came to take a look but you seem all good and healthy " Sammy said observing him closely

"Thanks for the compliment young master I am doing great" 

"You don't look surprise seeing me?"

"Why would I be? I have been expecting you" he replied

"With the news going about at a knight and bright saving armour rescuing his beauty?"

(Laughing) Mike understood what his young master was asking him. To him it really sounded very funny. " That's a long story, you would need a good bath and also a good meal to hear all this. I have prepared your favorite meal and your bath is set as well" Mike said with a smile

"Then I would be pleased, everyone knows I never miss a good story " Sammy said as he walked into the mansion. Just as said Mike had prepared everything ready for him to freshen up, he had to confess such a good shower helped lighten his mood. He wasn't as angry as he was earlier, he didn't even want to think about what his grandmother would be doing there at the room ward, Recca was. Her Ward shouldn't be called a ward, because it was more like an apartment.

After he was done, he sat for lunch and ate to his fill. He really had a nice time, the maids immediately cleared the dishes when he was done. "So, what's the whole story?" He asked

(Sigh) "Young master, sorry to say this but that lady is nothing but a spoiled brat who gets on everybody's nerves."

(Chuckles) "Apology accepted, go on"

"I found it very difficult having to tolerate her behavior, she is so proud and feels on top of the world. Like everyone should bow down at her feet just because she is pregnant with the eldest young master's child" Mike said with a tight frown

"I see, so tell me"

"One day I had given her the message about the Madam's instructions of not using the yacht nor stepping outside the house and she got all annoyed and pissed. Without permission she left the house. The guard had stopped her but she threatened him by piercing her stomach so he had no choice but to let her go. I had a feeling that this would happen so I kind of emptied the gas cylinder, that's as a punishment. And she didn't come back home nor did she try to get in touch with us here so, since she needed space we let her be" 

"So that was what happened?"

"Yes young Master "

"How old was she gone then "

"She was almost 6 months gone"

"I see, that was really a very good punishment " Sammy said with a smile

"You should be angry with my method young master "

"No I am not angry, in fact I am pleased. She had the chance to call over here but she didn't, she made that choice not you, so don't blame yourself. It seems she wanted you guys to carry out a grand search since she's the president's daughter, " Sammy said, laughing it off. She was lucky he wasn't here, he would have done worse. "I know you would have kept a strict watch on her to make sure she is doing fine" he said with a smile

"Yes I did, and from the looks of things she was far more comfortable than I expected. She didn't even call us to let us know about her delivery. I think she was expecting me to call the Madam and say she has gone missing but got disappointed in the end"

"No need for more explanation, you did well Mike. I feel so refresh, so I think going back to that hospital sounds like a good plan " Sammy said with a smile 

****Back at the hospital 

Wilfred had these weird feelings about Sammy's action.

"But what wrong have I done that has gotten him so angry? didn't he come over here to celebrate the child?"Wilfred questioned. He thought Sammy had feelings for Recca that he got so mad deciding to exit the room. He also thought he was the baby's father, but he had to admit he felt too inferior to the man who stood shoulder to shoulder with him. He was so handsome, his looks couldn't be fully described.

"Is that so? That doesn't give me an answer to the question I asked" Lily said playing with the her little one, he still had his eyes closed. Lily scanned through the child and she was sure he was completely human. He didn't have an ounce of energy like an immortal baby would, sure enough it wasn't her grandson's child.

 If he was never married since she sense love for Recca in him, she would have patched them up. And looking at the young man's finger, he had no wedding ring on. She very well knows that love adapts to situations. He could actually claim the child since he has been by her for so long and helped her till birth but she had no knowledge of this at all.But nothing of sort could come to place knowing he was a married man.She was being thankful of finding out before her arrival to see him. Now she understood why Sammy got pissed off about raining the unknown man praises he didn't even deserve. As usual she wouldn't just jump to conclusions, as always she would give an open room for them to come clean. Who knows? They could have been old time friends 

“Well I got to know about her ever since she was brought to the neighborhood even though she lives miles away,” he explained with a smile at Recca and got an ugly smile in return.It was like it has gotten to a point where he wants to destroy all she has planned. Recca wasn't liking this at all, such anoie was indeed very obvious, she doesn't stay anywhere near his neighborhood at all. They were miles apart, she stays in a president area for goodness sake, couldn't he think of something better?

“I see..Eversince in the neighborhood huh? “ Lily said, looking him directly in the eyes.

Yes…..in the neighborhood.I was somewhere nearby watching them bring her stuff in.I knew she was some sort of stranger in the locality and then decided to keep her company." He stutters, it took quite some time saying his words, he felt hot from the look Lily was giving him.

What a big lie! Lily had a face of depression “Recca..where did you meet him?”She questioned. At Least she had a feeling that Recca would be smart enough. 

Knowing how ladies could be at times. She questioned Recca to know the truth of course.Hearing from one side isn’t a way of handling matters effectively, if their stories tally them she can crucify them both for their crime. She had to get the truth of it all.She could tell that Recca won’t lie to her to some extent knowing that she would be in for it if the truth eventually uncover itself.

“Well…We met while on my way to the hospital for a check up because I have always watched and wanted the well being and safety of this child knowing very well that this child is more important to you and your family than myself.I do go to the hospital thrice a week to do so. But during that hospital visit it was only on rare occasions we did meet and later he introduced himself to me as a social worker, then we exchanged contact and became friends. Later I had problems with the car and he was there to help me out, I was a bit injured so he took me to his place to tend to my wounds" Recca said in one go

"Oh so that's how it is?" Lily said with a nod, at least such an explanation was far better than the one Wilfred had given her earlier.

"Yes granny..That's how we bumped into each other. And there was a time again when we accidentally met when I came for an auto scan,he had mistakenly scattered the drugs I held and was very polite to help me pick them up. Since then he has become a nice friend. During the time he tends to my injuries he was nice enough to take me around ”Recca explained without hesitation, this would make the old woman less suspicious about what really happened.

Hello Darlings ❤️❤️, Happy New month in advance. My hug🤗🤗 goes to Philomena, thanks darling . Thanks to all my readers who find time to appreciate my work, it keeps me going and gives me more confidence. I love you guys❤️❤️