
Chapter 323

“You know there is such a crowd because

from this very spot. There are Twenty five streets in different locations." A man who was in charge of signing the Ticket pass in the train explained.

“Oh” This was the only word he could say, if a big hospital is located here then it isn't so strange to have people residing close by.

"Wow, 25 Streets?" Lily said, sounding impressed, this must be a very lucrative and presidential area. Because humans have their own preference, they would only reside in a place where it's productive.

“Yes..No stranger comes here without getting lost except he or she has to have a solid connection with the one who directed them. Ma'am I am not exaggerating but this is indeed a very big city”

“I see…NO wonder there are lots of people alighting at this spot”Sammy replied with a smile, now he had been given a good reason he has no reason to keep making a fuss. Everything is always based on understanding.

"Madam, this is why I keep a close watch on my kids, I don't want them getting Lost. It would be a bad thing if that happens and I will get in big trouble with my husband. So that's why I had a similar cloak tide around them, I don't want anything to go wrong." The pregnant women said

"I see, your children are very smart, they wouldn't get lost, you have nothing to worry about " Lily replied, without anybody looking she created a tracking spell and placed it on the children just In case if they get missing, she would be able to find them.

Gradually the crowd reduced and the turn for granny, Sammy, Sam and the pregnant lady along with her triplets reached to alight the train which they did.

“You said you are on a surprise visit to see your husband right? ” Granny questioned to be sure she heard her well

“I am”

“Ok then..i hope you don’t get yourself troubled and dear you are heavily pregnant do take things easy. Don't overwork yourself. You have three children to look out for and one is also on the way. Be careful! Handling your children from a distance isn’t easy at all, keep them very close to you and remember again, you are pregnant. Kindly avoid getting hurt young lady..See you someday”Granny adviced and bidded farewell.The young lady bored a cab with the kids and left.

While she left with the kids in a cab they all watched the road closely like they were expecting another cab to take them to their destination forgetting that powers can make it possible. But when it comes to using their powers in such an open place they are very observant and careful, just like the saying goes 'you don't know who might be watching, so tread carefully '

***After some minutes silence

Sam spoke out looking exhausted, yet didn't understand what was going on at all, he just felt sick and tired as well. He couldn't explain it, he couldn't let his mistress take notice of this so he shook the weariness off 

"Granny..I don't think there is need for a cab" Sammy said 

"I don't think so, Sam scans the whole environment for cameras or any active eyes. You know fully well that some things can not be explained, " she said with a smile.

"Madam, there's indeed cameras around but they wouldn't take note of anything and about someone watching there isn't " Sam gave her the feedback

"Grandma, what are you thinking about?"

" We have powers, remember?" 

(Sigh) "I am too exhausted to channel my energy to a distance" Sammy said 

"It's okay then darling, Hold on tight to Sam's hand"She instructed 

Sammy did just as his grandmother had instructed without questioning her. He held Sam's hand tightly. Putting him at the centre, Lily gave Sam a signal for disappearance which he understood. It was very easy for Immortals to clean their records and you wouldn't find a trace, this is exactly what Lily had done. The Cameras around would show their arrival to this particular spot and it would be weird if there wasn't a video showing their departure. So wasn't it better to wipe the whole trace about them arriving there in the first place? Since they were never there, it means they had never left. If there isn't a beginning to a thing then there's no ending.

Lily understood what her grandson meant about not being able to channel his own energy. This happens during a very long time of training. And looking at him, he had not had enough rest before she had dragged him over. Of course, it can't be done without his cooperation but Lily wasn't like her husband. She takes up everyone's consent before having to make decisions for them. Just like the sperm sample, she had many ways she could trick Kent but she didn't, she wouldn't do things against a person's will. She had to talk him into it till he gives his permission.

Kindness and selflessness is part of her possession as an immortal she got to become. Her goodness had been transformed to a thousand degrees when she became immortal. And someone with evil would also be intensified.

After so long..she was able to activate her powers specially for assistance.They both disappeared with Sam. Ever since they started their journey to Recca's place they have been carrying out human actions. And sometimes the human way wastes a lot of time.

It was high time that they make use of their powers.Sammy knows fully well that his grandmother barely makes use of her but he knows she is far stronger than she makes it seem. He could feel the high amount of energy surging within her, he could sense the pure power without any resistance.

Then she is somewhat referred to as powerless when seen by appearance.One cannot predict because of her calmness and cute looks. She barely shows or uses her powers. Seeing how well she used them, Sammy was impressed, he felt on top of the world. Now he felt he had known her far better.

"Stop thinking too much kid, I told you I was never weak. The old man and your Dad still treat me like a baby, they wouldn't accept my growth" she said with a smile. Her son and husband never let her do anything by herself, they would always appear to give her a hand even without giving them permission.

They all appeared infront of the building where Recca delivered, which was the same building he had purchased for her well being and health. Just looking at the hospital one would be impressed.

Sam was amazed.Looking like someone who saw heaven for the first time. Because for the first time, he got involved with the use of powers with his mistress which was quite interesting to him.

Looking at her phone, Lily was giving the room number. Waking into the hospital, she introduces herself and is given a grand welcome . She showed the nurse the ward number and they were directed.


Hearing the knock..Recca could tell that it was someone who came visiting.Asking him to check who was at the door was the only way to figure it out.

He has never seen them before nor does he know who they looks like.It was sure that he carries out the oral conversations via cell phone.He couldn't tell if they were the ones or not.He then widely open the door for Recca to Identify them.

Looking at the young man..Granny could tell he was the husband to the pregnant lady and her kids.They had similar looks and by her statement of his weird behaviour and being that it lasted for about 10 months.

Now,she can tell from rephrasing the statement he made of being by recca ever since she got pregnant.It takes 9months to put to birth which has justified her suspicion. But where was he that they never took notice of him or heard about him and this great deed?

They all smiled at Recca while she welcomed them in bed.Lily wondered why the pregnant lady sensed he was in some sort of hospital when Recca actually gave birth while at home.

"Please come in ''He said with a welcoming voice.Behaving like the kind gentleman he wasn't. This upset Lily. She couldn't help but frown, could it be he was responsible? Maybe the young man was the sperm donor they had no idea about.

"Oh..you are…?" Lily said moving away from him a bit. She couldn't be wrong about this man at all, the children she had seen with that pregnant woman looked just like the man before her eyes.

(Stretching hands for a handshake)"

"Wilfred"He replied with a smile 

"Oh.. Wilfred..you look familiar.I don't know if I have seen you somewhere before"

"I doubt, I have never seen just a face in my life before" he said 

"Hey I am Sammy"Sammy said with an ugly smile on his face. Even with this ugly smile, he had exquisite looks, so he still looked so good. Immediately Sammy came in and scanned the whole place and understood the whole situation before making his moves. He had to admit the lady called Recca was quite beautiful but it was only a rating from 1 to 9 percent.

Looking so weird and then, stretching his hands for a handshake. Wilfred immediately took the handshake, unknowingly to him, Sammy was already running a body scan and reading his mind as well.

"And I am Sam"

Sam never bothered for a handshake.Seeing Wilfred he didn't like him at all, he had no idea of what had happened to his son.

It is a nice gender if it was to be his own blood it would have been more amazing bringing smile to her face She was indeed happy and unhappy at the same time

Looking at they way Lilly smiled they could tell she was pacially happy but never made it known to the mother and the baby

"I never knew the sample would produce a male child,'' Lilly said with a ugly smile on her face, wishing it was a sample of her grandson. This was within her thoughts though, no bad feelings at all but Lily didn't mean those words the way they sounded. What she meant was totally different. She is a lover of children but now she was under the moment, if those sperm hadn't been stolen this child would be related to her by blood. And seeing this Wilfred of a guy had spoiled her mood as well, she felt great pity towards the woman she had seen. If there was something she hated, it would be an irresponsible man. She hated such men with passion. But anyways she still remains the kind Lily and wouldn't blame the innocent child for all the mess they had created as adults. She just hopes she doesn't get disappointed when she starts digging some information further.

Enough of the wishes grandma we will surely figure that out in the future sammy said comforting her

While she listen to Sammy she went closer to the baby to take a closer look at him to at least know what he looks like taking a close look at him she saw a vibrant smart looking boy but couldn't see the resemblance of her grandson nor that of his mother it seems he took the resemblance of the person who owns the sample which wasn't quite convincing because they have no idea of the gene that runs through his veins abducting him won't be a pleasure but they have no option than to take him as theirs until they find the sample of their grandson knowing that their the reason why he exist they have to take the responsibility of the little boy and his mother

Sam maintained silent watching them make muddy discussion knowing that they weren't cool with it

"You both don't look happy " Lily heard the young man say, her facial expression must have given her off. 

"Well…not really." granny replied while maintaining the smile she had on

Reccaa noticed the look on their faces as if something was going wrong. She wasn't comfortable with the way they are behaving.She felt something is going on that they all don't want to tell her.She also wondered if it was Wifred's presence making them be in such a state.

Lily didn't bother taking the child in her arms after taking a close look neither did Sammy and Sam. She had her mind all focused on Wilfred who stood beside her because she had questions she would love to ask him but didn't know how to take the lead before him.She actually had questions she would love to ask him but didn't know if it was the right time to ask him such questions. Lily couldn't keep giving herself more of the questions and answers over the pregnant lady and the truth that she met at the vehicle.

Sammy noticed the look on her face and also noticed that she was about to ask a question to Wilfred but he gave her a signal not to do so because it wasn't the right time.Recca might feel they have a problem with Wilfred.

Seeing the signal, Lilly understood and tried hard to keep her question to herself deciding to shake off immediately and then..carry the baby to play with him.

" I can't recall when last I held a baby in my arms nowhere I am today holding my great grandchild so cute" Lily said

"Well… you are a lucky lady to have a daughter-in-law like Recca.She has given you a male child after marriage indeed thankful."Wilfred commented in pleasure of Recca"

"Mind you she is married to my grandson yet.It is just a contract given to her.Nothing mor.But now that she has a child for him..she will stay"Granny explained.

"Heyyy… Wilfred,i would like to know more about you granny spilled-out spoke out without knowing it will come out as words while it was planted in the mind.Sammy already asked her to keep silent but now that it is out..it should be sorted.

"Well ..he is "Recca replied trying to explain positive happenings

"Shut up Recca. I wasn't asking you the question. You are Recca and he is Wilfred. Being friends doesn't mean you answer questions I throw at him."

Hearing Lilly shut her up there was a calm look.her face of Truth Lily never asked her about your friend why then was she willing to reply.

Wilfred looked at Recca with the kinda look of …'I can handle' this time he was focused And ready to introduce himself properly to Lily

"Well… as I said earlier, I am Wilfred.That..you know!"




"Beautiful..I work in a nearby company where we do supply lots of help and some customer care services "

"Shouldn't that be at your office? Why then over here?"

"Well..this is the reason why I am here with Recca" Wilfred explained

With this explanation Sammy got more angry and could tell that Wilfred was lying about the whole scene. But What could he do? He wasn't the one who asked him the question. He awaited to see what his grandma will do

"Ok then.. tell me how you got to know about Recca's condition.Her pregnancy stage and so on.I quoted you earlier when you said that you have been with her right from when she got pregnant.This is what I seek explanation for."

Sorry for the late updates guys, I have been so busy lately. I still have you guys at heart ❤️❤️❤️🤗❤️