
Chapter 314

"And Sam.. didn't you ask him?" Kent asked, trying to sound nice, the old man was already a pain in the ass. He had plans going to his wife then why the hell was he bothering him about it. The old man was saying so many details that he was getting bored but he had to show him some respect, his wife just left him.

"Sam didn't know either, guess the old lady alone knew where they were off to. She knew I would be able to find her, I think she wants us to play the game of hide and seek"

(Speechless) "But why get angry when you could locate them?" He felt like he was the stupid one since he had such time to listen to the old man's rubbish. Hide and seek his ass.

"I just wondered what would have happened if never had such powers.If I was a human …I will feel beyond this way.I am not interested in visiting them wherever they are presently.She should accept her fault.Though she knows I'll miss her alot and come after her, (sigh) It's so unfair. Now…she carried out all her preparations about traveling without saying a word to me about it."

(Speechless) 'What the hell is your problem? Could this be love madness?' Kent said in his thoughts, he wasn't afraid of the old man reading them "Well..it could be that due to the urgency…she forgot. Don't get mad at her. You are mad at each other already. Calm down, I hope she is calmed too"Kent said. He was surprised himself , here he was talking so much to his grandfather. These two were more like enemies, they barely sat and talked and when they do it's more like a 'word battle'. Maybe it is because he wanted to ask the old man a very sensitive question about the sperm samples. So he had to be friendly before the main deal.

(Smirks ) "you say one thing and think another. Can't you be honest, sincere and straightforward for once?" 

"I am not surprised at all, I knew those ears of yours are still itchy " Kent replied with disdain. Now the real relationship between them was beginning to take shape.

"I think it's high time I settle some scores with you. You had made my wife go through a lot of stress just to get some samples from you. you've got some guts' ' After the old man finished talking they both appeared somewhere which was more like a maze.

Kent had forgotten all about this but sure enough the old man was someone who barely forgives a grudge, so forgetting a grudge is impossible. "Young boy, let's see what you've got all these years. This is the deal I would give you three chances to give me a hit and if you succeed you can have whatever you want or ask me whatever you feel like. If you don't hit me in this free chance I will give you a hit and your grandmother won't have to know about it. What did you think about this deal?" The old man said folding his arms

"Three chances? One hit? What do you take me for, a fool?" Kent said, sounding disgusted.

"Let me modify the rules a little, 10 chances, 10 hits. But if you don't get a hit, I would give you one. My condition still applies. Since I am nice, I would give you another chance for a challenge another day"

"Then it's a deal " Kent using his split vision flew with the pace as fast as a speed of light charging towards the old man but he couldn't get a clean hot after 10 trails 

"I must say you are very skilled, you've had your chances then it's time to have mine " the old man said, giving out an evil smile.

"What happens if I dodge your hit?" Kent asked

(Laughs) "Then you would become my Master " without any warning the old man charged forward at the fastest speed. Kent could not understand his moves, he was seeing the old man's image everywhere, the next thing he knew, he flew miles away and landed on a branch. The branch pierced through his chest, making him bleed. Kent didn't feel any pain at all, this was more like a bruise one would have without knowing. Getting off the tree, he removed the sharp branch and his wounds immediately healed. How could he think of ever dodging the old man's hit? It was impossible. After he was done he flew back to the same spot his grandfather was. "My scores with you are settled, (smiles) He was careful it would take more than three days to heal fully" After he was done, the old man took them back to the study. They appeared there like they never left. Following the old man, the both went back downstairs for dinner.

***Dining table 

Kent could not really explain it but it felt like the old man had become suddenly lighter and friendly. In the Sense that he had a feeling that there was a very big change in his grandfather. He somehow felt the old man glowing and also he was nicer in his way of talking and mingling with others. This was a rare sight, the old man barely talks, he barely smiles and just a hit could not settle any scores. When the old man settles scores, it's always brutal and he isn't so generous to give 10 chances for 10 hits. Something was new about him but he couldn't tell what it was. He couldn't just jump to conclusion because he had just come fully into time. For someone who his wife had just travelled without letting him come alone, he was happy for his likeness. Though he wasn't vividly smiling, Kent could see a smile behind his face.

Sitting on the table, the old man indicated that the goods should be served. The maids immediately got themselves busy. The Madam had prepared every fish herself and had placed them carefully on the freezer leaving strict instructions they were to follow and also rules one how it should be microwaved. Just as he aroma made the whole room bloom with liveliness and hunger was already in the air.

"Over here guys..it's been quite sometime I had ancient dishes"He said (putting open the dishes on the table)

"They are still very hot,"Lee said.

Lee have been quiet right from their journey from the hospital.Hearing him speak sounded strange to them all.

"Finally..the food has brought out the voice in you"Adams said

Saying this..Lee put on a smile.

"This could mean she has prepared it purposely for a late gathering"Strings said.

Grandma put on a mini warmer who's function is only to keep warm dishes till desired time if serving. It is called a 'mini warmer'

"Let me serve you all.If the old lady was here ..she would have done that,let me do it on her behalf.You are all visitors"Grandpa said while taking up the serving spoon.

Adams couldn't help but look strangely at Kent. "What happened between you and your grandfather when you both were in the study" he said through a mind link. He had set a barrier just in case the old man tried cutting in, that way he would be alerted.

"Why not ask him that question?" Kent replied coldly, it seems he wasn't the only one sensing the change.

"He he he, we all know that he never serves anyone a dish except his lovely wife. Why is he about to serve us our meal? Did you do anything wrong that he has decided to poison us?"

(Speechless) Kent immediately cut off the link, if he didn't he might surge up in anger and that wouldn't be nice at all. So it was better he avoided trouble than having the trouble avoid him. It could get bloody.

Adams wasn't surprised, he expected such a reaction from Kent, so he acted all normal. Smiling at the old man,"It's nice of her to prepare dinner before leaving.I don't know what would've happened if we hadn't prepared.I am starving already."Adams said

"Umm …That's why I love her.She is the best" the old man replied. This was what they all knew but he wasn't tired of letting them know about it over and over again.

"Hmm ..it's important to have a good woman in one's life.Thats what we have been telling Kent. But Kent is beyond stubborn.He never listens"Strings said

"He is right."Joey replied

"Eat up and stop talking.."Kent said, giving them a glare. 'stubborn' their da*n a**es. He felt like throwing them all out.

"(Smiles) We have known that for long.Kent never listened to his grandmother and I when we advised him to give us grand children.You don't expect him to listen to you He has the stubborn gene of the family" The old man said proudly, like the word 'Stubborn gene' was made from gold.

"(Laughs) I thought as much"

"Please enjoy your meal"


(In the Vehicle)

 It was almost getting day, it could be said that they were almost a day gone in the journey.

Knowing about this has aroused the curiosity in Lily.She knew she didn't predict wrongly and has refused to let go of what she saw being displayed by Sammy earlier. She felt he was confused, it could be the Bianca he had mentioned is another girl, maybe he had interest in someone else.

“Ma’am is everything ok with you?”Sam asked looking disturbed.

He very well know that Lily won’t rest over until she gets to the root of it but then..he wanted to be sure he never got it wrong

“Of course I am Sam..I am alright”

“(Smiles) Ok ma’am if you say so..”

“But Sam..who is the young lady Sammy has fallen for, do you think it's the same woman he is talking about? Any ideas? Seen him with any lady before apart from the one in question? Have there been any female visitors recently?”Granny asked, looking closely at the food she placed in the microwave..

This got Sam laughing.The question was quite surprising.

“It Seems you are curious to know ma’am. I don't know if they have met somewhere else before but I think he took a liking to that lady in the restaurant. Apart from her, I don't really know if there is or if there was any" Sam said, sounding very honest. He wasn't sure she was married, he had just heard it in the audio clip. Seeing her still silent,he couldn't help but turn around to see her properly "Ma'am are you still curious about this issue" he asked again. His Madam Is as always a very deep thinker 

“Of course I am. I would love to know the one who has captured my son's heart. Who wouldn't be? I just really want to be very careful, I don't want to miss a thing or make mistakes”Lily replied with a smile on her face.

“Ma'am.. looking at how curious you are..it seems like for the first time in your life..you found out that love wasn’t concentrated between you and master alone.It made it appear like a shock to you seeing someone else inlove”

“Well…That’s not it Sam.. you very well know how things are with these grandsons of ours. I am very scared about them, I don't want them getting hurt or losing their hope in love. I so much believe in love, I don't want what happened to their father to happen to them as well. You know how the old man can be, then he was very strict with my son, he wanted him to become his sole heir. (Sigh) And so the arranged marriage took place but as luck would shine, I was happy they finally fell in love with each other. But Sam, I don't want that for the boys, I don't want them to be pressured, that's why I had to make the old man make a promise to me. I want them to fall in love naturally, they can find the right woman for them too. ”


Sam could see the joy in her eyes which explained how much curiousity she had along he gradually ended his beautiful gaze at her immediately.


"Yes Sam.."

"What if we are mistaking it for what it isn’t?”Sammy asked.

This question came in after having a second thought about the entire scene they witnessed.

“Sam, i can barely picture what you are trying to say. Don’t spoil the beautiful vision I have in my head right now. All I want is to try match making this time, willingly, it's more like giving Sammy a helping hand. Who knows, she could be single and not married” Granny said with a pale look on her face. It was just a slight hope, it shouldn't be that the lady in question is already entitled to another man that would be heartbreaking. And she wouldn't break up a happy home just for her grandson's happiness.

Despite looking ok and trying to look ok…Lilly felt this emptiness from within which had change her entire emotion including the overwhelmed look she had on.Her mood swang.This was because she had a quarrel with the old man.Things weren't cool with them both, she would have lean on him a little. He always had a solution to all her problems.

Finally, Lily decided that it was better to Lodge in a good motel for the night. Her thoughts were running wild and this wasn't good for herself. It would just make matters worse. Arriving at a good environment, Sam alighted from the car to go around. Recca was important but Lily felt there wasn't as much risk as they had presented, so it was better to plan things cool and calm. Her peace of mind and her grandson's comfort was what was important at the moment. 

"Ma'am I got a good place, it's more like home" Sam said in a whispering tone. He didn't want to wake Sammy who was still very much asleep. The training really took a big turn on him, Sammy is known to be a very light sleeper but now he wasn't. He must have been too stressed out and overworked.

Lily didn't have to think twice, Sam's judgement of a good place meant that place was more than good, it was perfect. This would help limit her thoughts "Thank Sam, I think you would have to take Sammy to his room then" she said looking at the young man's cute sleeping face.

"That's not a problem " placing his hands on Sammy he immediately disappeared to the lodge he had booked, it was indeed more like a home. Lily followed behind him "Place him in the sitting room" She instructed, sure enough Dam heard her clearly.

Right in the sitting room is a demarcation with some sort of metals constructed half way and a lightly striped curtain with some tiny beads all over at the second part through which anyone could slightly peep from either places (kitchen to sitting room/Sitting room to kitchen).

Getting into the house Lily was indeed very pleased. She suddenly felt like cooking dinner herself "Sam, come and help me out in the kitchen, I want to make dinner, those microwave meals would spoil my mood" she said.

Sam placed Sammy carefully on the soft couch and supported his head using some soft pillows.

**** Author's Note 

 So Sorry for the Late update guys