
Chapter 309

Well, It is clear Sam. Anyone can figure it out from all you have explained" he replied with a serious look on his face. They all had to take him seriously even though they knew nothing about what he was saying. “ My brother Kent won’t travel miles to this place without saying a word knowing fully well that his family lives here. We are all he’s got as families..Not telling us could mean he is on a mission. A secret mission, I can sense it.”He continued, he wasn't the only one who knew how to keep someone in suspense but his own suspense was a unique one.

Lily wanted to talk to him about Kent and his friends' deep slumber but this wasn't the right place to do that so she kept it to herself . "You're right dear, try to get some rest, we have a long way to go" she said

Sammy hearing this immediately rested his head on the seat trying to get some rest, a 30 minutes nap would really help him a lot .

(Phone rings)

(Picks Up)

*** cell conversation


“Hello..ma’am Recca is getting exhausted already..she asked that I call you to let you know how urgent it is.Please treat this as an urgency”The caller said, sounding panicked 

“Tell Recca that we are on our way to see her. She should remain strong before we arrive. Our journey to see her takes about thirty six hours which is one and a half day.We should be thereafter a day or so”Lily explained.

“Why not take a flight ma’am?”The caller asked in surprise

“ A flight…”

“yes.. A flight. It's not as if you are poor that you cannot afford it”

“Oh really,? I never knew that I was so wealthy " Lily said sounding surprised, it was as if she was talking about another person and not herself. (Sigh) " I thought about that earlier but we ought to address this with the right proportion.This cab is quite amazing to journey with you know and it saves us a lot of cost. Anyways, give my message to her.The roads are smooth with no potholes. At average speed..It will take one and a half days to arrive at her destination. If she puts to birth before my arrival then I would be happy to welcome the child. She shouldn't wait for me or get exhausted " Lily said, those who knew her very well, knew she wasn't liking this at all. She heave a sigh of relief 'thank goodness she isn't carrying the real thing'

(Ends call)

“Truth be told granny..we should have taken a flight.I am getting tired already.” Sammy said with his eyes closed, he had overheard the conversation, and if he didn't know better he would have assumed his grandmother was trying to save the expenses. But they all knew this wasn't the case. Without being told he could smell foul play in the air, why was the lady being a d*ck head. This was the greatest insult he could ascribe to her. He hasn't met her yet and she was already pissing him off and irritating him.

He had suggested taking a flight but he didn't know what plans his grandmother had. Half way through the airport the taxi had dropped them off while a big long black vehicle picked them up immediately. 

He didn't know what she was really up to but from the way she sounded on the phone with such a response, he kind of came around everything. He didn't even know who the current driver was until he opened up the slide which stands an intermediate to the driver and them. The slide was made of black glass, he could tell that Butler Sam was also in the front seat with whoever was driving. He and his grandmother were the only ones sitting in the luxurious seat, he didn't have to guess he knew the car was one of their family's collection, one of the best in the world.

If he wanted he would have pestered his grandmother about taking a flight but he didn't complain, the car was no less than a plane, the only difference was the speed and it's four tires.

“Of what help would the fight be Sammy?What difference is a plane compared to this particular vehicle we board? It's not as if I was the one in labour am I?” Granny replied placing her head backward to the soft car seat to rest.This particular cab is a special self contained cab which contains two bedroom,a store. A mini dining table, a sitting room which has an AC, beautiful bulb light and many more. It was more comfortable than a plane's VIP standard. Meals available in the vehicle were cooked from their own restaurant and just like the best, their business had professionals and experts, so of course the chefs were the best.

It contains what a beautiful apartment contains.It has a water tank on it through which water is circulated within. It wasn't just long for nothing, it was also equipped with a bathroom. So perfect!

There is no much difference compared to an airplane.The clear difference is Just that a plane flies while the cab plies through the road.This has made it comfortable for them to travel through a vehicle without considering the distance and time taken.They won’t have to doze off with their neck moving towards sleeping directions nor will they have to stop the cab to get some food to eat or place to help ease themselves.

“Listen Sammy..this is something we never planned for.It just came up.It will be more of a time wastage getting our tickets after knowing about her condition won’t present it to be an urgency.”

“Granny…compared to a vehicle…a plane won’t take long to reach your desired location”

"That I know dear, you can have all the rest you want and that's all that matters to me.

“This is urgent.It needs no cause to waste time.You had told me it was urgent that she was already in a six hour labor”Sammy replied sounding confused

"I did say that, and now I am saying you should overlook all that and have fun. Yes she is in labor but darling we bory need to rest, it wouldn't make sense going there in a rush and having to break down. I still have a lot to tell you and I will do that on the way"

“But granny..we are both saying the same thing. It's all an emergency “

"Trust grandma, take a good nap. If you feel uncomfortable you can let me know all about it"

“I am cool with the vehicle granny you don't have to worry. I am just worried about you that's all”

(Smiles)" You don't have to"

“But Grandma, if I sat for so long my ass would hurt. won‘t have my ass over here for so long." Sammy said with a frown, it seems his little demon was up doing its job while the little angel is deeply asleep.

“(Smiles) If I, your grandmother can do so…you should be ashamed of yourself if you can’t” Lily said jestfully to Sammy. She had tolerated her own husband's wining and complaints so Sammy's complaints were nothing she couldn't handle.

"Umm..listen..you need nothing but patience in order to achieve your goals,Nothing done in haste makes any sense towards achievements." Finally the little angel in him came up to give his own advice 

"Ok.." Sammy responded 

"Yes..One ought to work with patience Sammy.. Exercise patience.. patience is all you need in life,i can tell where you're coming from and heading to" the little angel continued, giving him more words of encouragement "you don't have to lay all your frustrations on your lovely Grandma, the old man put you through all this stress not her okay? Be nice Sammy " the little angel said with a smile

"You know how to spoil the fun, why the hell did you wake up now. Where were you then?" The little demon asked

"I am here now to avert your evil, so that's all that matters " The little angel replied.

"Of course I know you will be Granny..I know how much you have studied about your grandchildren and how much you've sacrificed.You've been the best so far.All I need right now is a quality rest and I will be fine.The training wasn't funny at all.." Sammy said, finally the little demon accepted defeat, this wasn't the result it had expected. It immediately disappeared in annoyance, while the little angel waved Sammy goodbye with a smile as he left.


"Really? Tell me about it"


Sammy recalled what his grandpa had said earlier..'Don't say a word to her.. let it be a surprise.' These words of his grandpa piped up his head which made him remain silent for sometime.

"Well….we are still on it.. Grandpa is indeed a powerful man.That is all I have seen so far.He is quite amazing in all he does,I wanna be like him someday."he said trying to make everything look good.

"(Smiles) of course..your grandfather has been this way right from his youthful days. He has been the topic of discussion for many friends of his back then.. They've always plan to defeat him but failed."Lily praised the old man

"(Smiles) That's my Grandpa, he doesn't keep an aloof and proud face for nothing"

"Back in the days before we got married..he went through alot for me.He has been a protective spouse.I never realized he was an immortal until the very day an immortal attacked me.I saw your grandpa using powers"Lilly said with a warm smile in her face

"Someone is blushing"Sammy jestfully said.

"Not really"

"(Surprised) Oh…"

"Yes Sammy..well…I was mad at him for weeks for hiding such important information from me. I put him through hell, just to get back at him, which he successfully passed through, being the warrior he is…he was never tired.Yet pleaded like the world would be over. I never believed in love at all until I met your grandfather. His looks alone gave me more enemies than I can count, every girl I knew back then wanted to have him but he chose me" Lily said recounting those lovely memories, her face kept glowing

"Grandma is in love" Sammy said resting his heabon her thighs, the car was warm enough but he needed a different kind of warmth, and that was the kind of warmth a mother gives to get children.

 "(Smiles) I am so much in love with your grandfather.Its a truth that has been existing before you came to the world Sammy.."

"(Surprised) Really…"

"(Nods) In the next world..I will love to marry him over and over again"She continued

"(Claps) Wow, so much love. Granny I have heard about you and grandfather's love since I was a kid, I haven't seen so much love like yours. Grandfather loves you more than he loves himself, he does even the unexplainable just to keep you safe and happy"

"Yes Sammy...I will have my world built with him and my whole world revolves around him as well"

"(Claps) That is how much of an extent Love can take someone.You talk about him..he talks about you.Interesting..But I…I don't think I will ever fall In Love, I mean that kind of love"Sammy said

"I never expect much anyways. No gay falls In love with a woman you know..I've begun to suspect you and that brother of yours. Love is a gradual process, you don't force it, you let it flow naturally."

"(Laughs) Not all men that have no interest in women are gays granny. I develop interest yes, but it's only 'like' and later I get fed up"

" You see what I mean? In your case..it is"

"Oh, granny..Sam, can you make my dear grandma understand?" Sammy said sliding the window, he recalled what happened last time. His grandmother had wanted to hand him over to grandfather to make him straight.

But Sam had no idea if what they were discussing at all "Young Master, I Know nothing about what you both were discussing, it's all soundproof" he said pointing to the window slide. They wouldn't hear a word except if the turned the radio in or the open the window slide 

"So you're useless " Sammy said glaring at him

"Speechless "

"There's nothing to understand Sammy…You never for once told me of a girl you love,not even a girl you like.you never speak about love in the way it should go. You're weird Sammy,You don't seem to have feelings at all" Lily said fueling the whole conversation, she wanted to make him spill all the beans he had hidden. And let the skeleton out of the cupboard.

"(Smiles) Granny..you always say that love comes naturally don't you?"

"Then let it come naturally we shouldn't push too hard or try to force So..I am waiting"

"Waiting is something different from being interested in waiting. You had forced me into it and I told you I have someone in mind but I haven't found a way to approach her yet. And since it's to flow naturally, I don't want to force it"


"Sam..tell me once more..a man who dislikes women having no interest in them..who else would they like if not their fellow men?"

"Haha, ma'am..you're right.A love trap is yet to get him. Sooner or Later..your grandson will get trapped with love"

"Anyways…there's nothing more special about falling In Love than getting married and bearing your great grandchildren." Sammy said looking so serious, he felt that was all she was interested in

"Hell…No! What? That isn't what love is about.Don't take it the wrong way..don't give love a different definition

 For your brother, he is already an old man, he needs to find a woman before he grows old and stays alone. Most if the men his age are married"

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Ok…. Granny.. I see no reason why you would want me to fall In love.Is love that interesting? If it was my elder brother would have fallen into it by now. And we still have many centuries ahead, there will always be room for marriage. I see no reason why we should rush into it"

(Holding her aching head) "By that time all the good ladies would have been taken" she said looking depressed, this is what they didn't understand, nobody would see something good and let it skip him, no one would do such a stupid thing "Sammy…love is beyond interesting when you're with the right partner and Compatible too.I wouldn't be with your grandpa if I never sensed he was the right partner"

"(Nods) Sounds interesting..but..I am not interested at all..(laughs) Let love come and get me if it wants to.I won't go searching to fall In Love. Never, all I can do is try to court and date. Then if it comes naturally then fine, I would let it flow"

"Oh goodness! So stubborn. Sammy..Why can't you listen and put to practice all I am teaching you? All you know is powers powers powers and how to practice themb.Will you bear me powers in the future as grandchildren? Gosh..the earlier you realize that you need a woman in your life..the better for you."