
Chapter 307

And this portal was located in a far distance. It was better to take a cab than drive there themselves.

“Seems like you hit something hard on your head Sam..yes, something hard. (Pausing for a second) She then suddenly realized something half way through, now it made sense to her "Go and get us a cab.there isn’t much time to waste.If I had wanted to go alone. I would’ve been there by now. An innocent child who is about to become my grandchild is to be born unto us soon in the name of Kent! So annoying that I forgot all about it. Go get a cab, what are you still waiting for Sam?” Lily questioned forgetting that she held him back with lots of talk.

Sam immediately rushed out of the mansion to get a cab. Getting a cab around the mansion is very difficult. One would have to walk a distance. All he had to do is get a private Cab then head back to the mansion to pick his Madam. Everyone around knows the rules of Royalty, and every citizen was indeed very civil.

“Kindly come behind me so as not to wait longer after getting the cab”Sammy said calmly to Lily

“I will be right behind you…you shouldn’t worry . Just go on,get the cab as instructed.We have no time to waste.”Lily said, she was already in a panic state.

Getting out of the mansion, in less than a minute Sam secures a cab and givs the direction so as to pick his mistress.

(Both enters the cab)

Let's head to the double crossed bridge” Lily directed the driver





"Sam..why the suspense? Speak up"Granny ordered, giving full concentration to what he's about to say.

"Ma'am…are you sure Sammy will love to go along with us to see Recca ?” What if going there might not favour us at all? He knows nothing about her and he might not like the looks of her as well."

“Of course he will. Wait a minute..Is that supposed to be a question?Why would my grandson refuse to go visit Recca with his grandma?” Lily replied with another question 

She never for once thought in such a direction.All she could think of is going to check on Recca being there to help share her pain too, she was once a human being, and her conscience we're still intact. Whatever that girl is going through it's all because of her. If she had the real sperm sample, she wouldn't have been so worried because it would be as a gift to Recca, because she would have some percent of Immortality after giving birth but this wasn't the case now.

“Ma'am..you seems lost in thought.I am so sorry ma’am”Sam apologize looking at Lily to her face, he felt his questions were the reason she was thinking deeply 

“Be sorry for yourself Sam."Lily said with a glare at Sam. He was always apologizing even when he had done nothing wrong.

"Though,You made a point with your question.Sammy would have no choice than to come along even if it is against his will, if I have to drag him with me, I sure will. He would have no option than to come if I insist he should”She continued

“To some extent, you are right madam, that way he wouldn't think too much about finding that lady. He would be so busy but…” 

“But what Sam?” Lilly still didn't believe that Sammy would fall in love with a married woman, she trust her guts.

"We all know that when Sammy isn't cool with anything…he stands by his words. I am afraid he would make her life very difficult"

"That's true.But I know my grandson..He won't want to make me sad or angry. I want to have him by my side watching over Recca, that way I would be rest assured, it still scares me leaving the young man all alone with the old man" she said sincerely, this was her main reason having to take Sammy along, she didn't want to leave her little boy in the hands of the old man. If she does that, she wouldn't be at peace.

Hearing this Sam finally understood what she was afraid of. But if this was really the case then it seems she had forgotten all about Kent "But ma'am.."


" What of the Master?" Sam decided to change the topic. He didn't want to bring Kent's issue just yet  

"What about him?"

"Would he stay behind all by himself?"

(Speechless) " He isn't a toddler is he? He is old enough to take care of himself, so that shouldn't be a problem,we are out for a reason, he will understand that"

"Won't we have to tell him about Recca?"

"Dummy head, How much more do you want me to explain to you?I don't have to tell him about Recca Sam..He knows about her already. He almost brought the whole house on fire when I explained things to him. He wouldn't be shocked that I took full responsibility, the old man knows me better than anyone else."

"(Smiles) I know ma'am i meant our journey to see her"

"Oh…that, I'll tell him about it.The old man will be fine by himself.He has been fine while I was away anyways, he didn't die"

"(Smiles) You and I know that's not true" He had heard the stories, his master didn't survive at all. He was more like a walking dead "Well, this is an urgency..it seems she's having difficulties giving birth. She might need a C- Section" he continued 

"Why did you say so?" Lily asked looking at him with surprise, after all he had been the one who had received the call, so there were things she wasn't yet aware of.

"Ma'am..I heard that while having a conversation with the doctor who called. Someone said something of sort in French" he responded, he couldn't be wrong with what he heard except if Recca wasn't the woman they were talking about.

"And what was that?"

"Based on the conversation, it's seems she's been in labour for over 6 hours"

"What?Why didn't you tell this to me earlier?Gosh..we have taken much time.How could she have been in labour for about 6 hours?That's quite dangerous. And what the hell were they getting to call us just now?"

"Hmm I thought as much madam. You're right ma'am but what's more surprising is that I didn't get a call from my Son. He is the one in charge of taking care of her."

"(Nods) The call should be from him but nevertheless whatever it is, we would find out" she couldn't predict what would be happening over there but whatever it is, she would sure pay a visit by herself “How long would it take to journey down to Recca’s place?”

“Madam it should be less than Five hours by Air and two days by Road”

“Sam..it will takes about 36 hours to reach Recca's place,that is, one and a half day by road so it should be less than four hours by Air” She corrected 

" You're always right madam, but still that's quite a journey.What if she puts to bed before our arrival or continues in labour till we arrive."

"You have a point.There is no two ways about it.She either put to bed or await our arrival as simple as that. Whatever the case may he, I wish her a smooth delivery"

"Ma'am, we're almost there" Sam said looking out through the window 

Looking in the same direction Lily nods affirmatively. “Stop the cab.We have arrived at the desired location”Lily said to the driver. Everytime it happens that they take a cab his madam does all the talking, this is because when it comes to dealing with human beings she was the best option, even his Master finds it very difficult and the same applies to him as well. 

Butler Sam's first experience with a human being was with his madam. Then he hates the like of anything with the tag 'Human being ' on it, because he had a belief that they were senseless creatures. But getting to know his mistress, he was impressed because she wasn't like the rest. He had read all about them and had practically run a research to be sure of what he read and he got disappointed each time but coming to his mistress she was totally different and was extremely kind at heart. Her way of reasoning wasn't like the others, the bad set of 'human beings ' were those who had pride and a very bad attitude. They feel the world revolves around them. That's the mistake they make because the world (universe) only revolves around the Sun, and humans have little time to live on earth. It would be better for them to live their lives with nothing but humility and honor, these things pays off.

(Car stops)

“Sam..make payments,once done with the payment..meet me at your master’s training field,”Lily said while pulling out the seat belt to get off the car, she wasn't familiar with this route so she walked slowly observing the environment.

"Ok ma'am..I will be right behind you"

(gets off the car)

While Lily was on her way downward. Sam made payments as required to the driver.

He had seen how Lily suddenly walked in a haste and decided to hurry up to catch up with her.

"Here you go"Sam said while handing over some money to the driver.

"Thanks," The driver replied after which Sam remained still for some minute and found his way after his Mistress.

Sam initially had this feeling that Sammy won’t go with them to see Recca as Lily had expected which kept ringing within him.This kept giving him a cause to worry being that Lilly came all the way from the mansion to meet Sammy and his Master to take Sammy along to see Recca.It will be a great disappointment to Lilly if Sammy eventually refuses to go along with Lily to Recca’s place.

“Hasten your footsteps Sam, you know this route better than I do”Lily said to Sam while turning back to check on him.

"Seems I have stronger bones than yours"She continued in laughter

"(Smiles) No doubt about that ma'am"

"Good,Hurry, it seems we are almost there,"Lily said with a smile on her face."Sam..we ought to be snappy about this..Recca needs us around her" she continued 


****(At the training field)

"Grandpa…You'll have no other choice than to give up, trying to beat me won't work out in anyway.I'm good at this, I didn't spend my time training for nothing"Sammy said while taking a deep breath and exhaling smoothly. He doesn't know if this was all his grandfather got or he was just taking it easy on him but he didn't feel the pressure at all.

"(Smiles) I can see that you're good at this.I am proud of you Sammy."Grandpa said while patting Sammy on the back.

"(Smiles) Should I say for the first time you've accepted that I am good at something? You barely give good grades grandpa."

"(Laughs) I can't tell..i do give remarks according to one's performance.Probably you haven't been as good as you are now you know "

"Grand pa.."

"Yeah.. that's the truth.For the first time you amazed me.With all seriousness you weren't in for defeat.Still testing more of your abilities and from all I have tested..this is outstanding.You have upgraded."

"(Smiles) Thank you Grandpa, Granny will be proud of me too"

"Shhh..don't say a word to her about it,it should be presented as a surprise.I love it when your grandma gets scared.She behaves like a baby and come crying on my shoulder.I want that to happen once again "

"haha,This is unbelievable, grandma isn't as weak as she looks, I Know you know this better than I do. Anyways..that is fine by me,I will do as you said."

"Beautiful..Here,Keep my sword back into the box.I guess we are done with today's training.You have done excellently.I want you to keep up your physical martial arts and make me proud"

"I have a question, you had left in a hurry two days ago, where did you run off to?" Sammy asked

"I want to settle some urgent business, go keep my sword back" the old man instructed 

Sammy took the old man's sword back to the box where they had taken it from earlier.Opening the box..he could see lots of swords once again which placed a smile on his face. But he was bother, he could tell that his grandfather didn't want to tell me anything about his whereabouts, that day he recalled vividly they were still practicing when his grandfather's skin began to glow, and based on what he read about his own grandfather from the book his own Father had written, it meant he was extremely happy. This only means something of great joy was taking place. After this his grandfather immediately disappeared with just a single command "Go back to the mansion and get some rest, we would continue with the training when I get back"

Sammy himself felt very strange, but he couldn't place his fingers on what made the difference. Sammy immediately shook all those thoughts off, since his grandfather wasn't willing to talk about it now, he had no choice than to wait patiently, then he could ask him about it some other time. Now he was back to the real world looking at the box filled with sharp stunning swords "Someday..I will try out other swords,they are all looking durable"Sammy said while staring at the swords.

"(Smiles) How much more do we have to carry out before I finally get the promised prowess?"Sammy asked with a weird look on his face, his grandfather had just praised him now, so this is a good sign.

"(Laughing) Why the rush?You should exercise more patience ok? Exercise patience.We are almost there Sammy..You'll get the promised powers soon. Keep up hardwork and perform them as expected"

"(Smiles) Of course I will"

"Don't lift high your shoulders,let it remain leveled,keep practicing to become perfect. Humility is the key"

"Haha,sure. I can see how humble you are"


The spot in which the Portal to his master's private space was located was in an isolated area which looked more like a forest. Anytime he came looking for the master he had to follow this route, then his master conveys him back to the old mansion. This was why it was preferable to take a cab. That way one wouldn't leave his personal car in such a place.

Walking to the direction of the Portal, Lily decided to start a conversation with Sam. "I had actually forgotten that you had no direct access to his world" she confessed

"Madam, these things happen. You shouldn't be mad at yourself over such little things" He wanted her to know this.

"(Sigh) I have had a lot to deal with lately and I don't want the old man to sense this on me. He would get very angry. He would stop me from working if this happens, that was why I wanted to avoid him for a while till I cool off" Lily said sadly, she was overworking herself and it is tiring her out beyond her expectations.