
Chapter 306

"I have" he acknowledged, indeed his skills had improved, he didn't want to acknowledge this but his grandfather is a good teacher. To his surprise, he had learnt from many mistakes he did practice in a skill.

"That's good " she replied with a smile, this was good news to her.

"It must be a week or two back there right?" He asked

"That's not what you should be worried about dear, just concentrate on what your grandfather is teaching you. What matters is becoming a better you. I have been quite busy handling the business, since your grandfather is here taking his time to teach you this is the opportunity for you to learn " she advised. It was rare for the old man to dedicate his time to teaching someone.

"He's doing himself a favor not me" Sammy said, the old man was just keeping to his word about the contract. Receiving the old man's glare, he became quiet. 

"You don't have to stress yourself with business, if you can't handle it I can come help you out" the old man suggested

This made her smile, she knew he would be worried about her, he has always been like this. But she wasn't going to let him have his way this time, this was the only way she could prove her abilities "You just want me to be lazy and I refuse to accept such. You don't have to worry, I can handle it all whereas I have Sam with me, he's there to help me out. Just focus on your own business here, i would be fine but if it's too much for me to handle I would come looking for you" 

(Smiles) " Now I feel better"

"Woah, did you just smile? Was that a smile I just saw?" Sammy said, studying the old man's face with surprise. "So you know how to smile? That's weird!" He continued

(Laughing) "Everyone knows how to smile, Sammy don't bother your grandfather he would kick your ass and I won't be able to help" Lily advised

"Oh grandma, the meals are so good" Sammy commented

After they were done eating, the old man and Sammy went back to training while Lily busied herself with doing the dishes. After she was done she returned back to the old mansion. "Madam, it seems you went to the hotel?" Sam asked

"Yes I did, I was worried sick. Going there I am now at ease that the boy and his friends are in a deep slumber. It seems their body had activated a shutdown" she said with a smile. Such a reaction must have been due to too much stress.

"Okay madam, I suddenly feel Strange. Is the Master alright?" Sam asked

"He sure is, he has been in his private space for a few days now, he's training his grandson. You know how rare he does that right? So don't disturb him" she instructed

"Yes Madam"

"Now let's get ourselves busy with finding my future daughter in law. So what news have you gathered for me?"

"Madam, according to my research the day the young Master caught a glimpse of her she wasn't the one, they happened to be twins and based on my report they were pregnant and claimed to be married. I don't know which of them happens to be the girl the young Master is interested in" Sam explained, this was why he said he would give her the Intel when he comes back.

"What?" Lily said, sounding very shocked, "how could this be?" She said, sounding pale. How can her grandson be of such Ill luck?

"Yes Madam, I had asked for the footage of that same night and I was shocked by what I saw. They were both pregnant, and from the stories they told themselves everything was made clear.

"Sammy would never go after a married woman, I am sure he has his reason. Asking him now would make things more complicated. Give out my orders. I need every news on Bianca, I need an address, I need to know names of places she visits. I want to know everything. All information should be ready in less than two months" Lily instructed

" Yes Madam, I will do as instructed "


Just as time flew, it was already a week and three days in Space and it was already two months gone. Kent and his friends were still asleep and she provided good experts who were good with body massage, Lily had made it a duty to clean them up. A good massage was indeed necessary, this would help improve the circulation of blood and also avoid soreness or weakness of bones. When the body is immobile for some months, such things do happen but immobility is common with Immortals who are in a deep slumber.

 Sure enough they all must be in another world and they weren't in a rush to make it back. Based on her routine after she was done she would return back to the private space. But going there, her husband was nowhere to be found so she had no choice but to return to the old mansion.

"Sam, where is your master?" She asked

"Madam, he recently went somewhere in a hurry" he explained, he could tell that she was about to ask more questions Sam immediately spoke up. " You weren't around when he came asking for you, so I told him you went to handle a business in the hotel. So he left"

"What of Sammy?" 

"He is currently resting in his room"

"Fine, I wouldn't want to disturb him, he has been through a lot and he must be tired" she said walking up to her room


Sitting in a dark room beside the window, was a man with an exquisite look. Behind him was a man who could be likened as a shadow, he had his head bowed down to earth. His master glowed even in the dark room, his looks were perfect, he was dressed in a special attire, you could say he wore a tuxedo which brought out his figures and handsomeness. His elegance could be compared to that of a god, the aura around him was filled with power and royalty but frightening at the same time.


"Master just as you predicted everything is going according to plan " A man in black robes said as he bowed to his master

"I Know, that little boy had paid a visit to my garden didn't he? That key really came in handy, so what's his next move?"

"I would say he had already united with his friends, so it's not surprising he would do everything he can to care for them"

"That's good, just keep a watch on everyone. It took me years to plan this out, I wouldn't tolerate any mistakes. And for the boys, I think it's high time to wake them up. A little hit wouldn't kill would it?"

"No master, it wouldn't, congratulations master you're now a great grandfather "

(Smiles) "This is indeed what I have been waiting for. The right time has come but just as you know I am the most patient when it comes to actualizing my plans. You can go now, and just as usual your duty is to protect to the maximum '' the man said dismissing him immediately. Bowing his head, the man in black robes immediately disappeared 


Three days later

Lily got so worried, she hadn't heard a word from her husband and she didn't know where to find him "Sam, are you sure he didn't travel far?" She asked. He wouldn't travel without letting her know except if something bad had happened

"Madam this few days you've been very busy with work that I didn't want to disturb you, actually the you g master had also stepped out of the house. I think he went looking for something or someone he didn't actually say. And from the master, I got a message from him two days back but he had strictly instructed that I don't disturb your rest" Sam said handing a note to her. After reading it , she had a smile on her face. "It seems the old man is back in his space, for now I would pay a visit to Kent then I would go looking for him as for Sammy to find out where he had gone to. (Sigh) They all want me to go crazy, going out without letting me know is a bad habit" she said exiting the mansion. Now all she was worried about was the lady Sammy fell in love with.

"Yes Madam" 

Lily was about going out when suddenly something drew her attention. 

(Home cell Rings)

(Picks up)

“Am I unto Madame Lilly?”A man asked in a calm tone. From his tone you could tell he is a French man.

“Hello, this is Sam speaking. How may I help you?”

“i have a young madamaselle here with me at the hospital, she gave me this international number to call she said the lady's name is Madame Lily" he continued

"Yes, this is her Butler" Sam replied

By this time, Lily had already changed her mind on leaving the mansion, she would just leave yet, she had a strong feeling that she needed more here in the old mansion. Feeling the heat, she walked right into the mansion and walked towards the kitchen to get herself some cold drink filled with a lot of ice, this could help her calm down.

"That lady in question is in labour" 

"She's in labour? Who?"

"Recca" the man on cell replied

"What's?Recca is in labour? I will tell her right away,"Sam said, handing over the land line to his madam. With the look on her face, he knew that she had no idea of whatever was going on. He didn't know she was right inside the mansion with him all he thought was that she might have left the mansion already.

All he picture was the thought of rushing down to meet her.He could see how focused Lily was taking a glass of chilled lemon juice to calm her and help take off some stress but he couldn't remain silent to watch her .

"Ma'am,I have a news for you.Just received the home cell not long and I was given a msg to you"Sam was mindful of getting the drink through a wrong intake by Lily.It will be disastrous if such happen.He will be in deep trouble.

"What are you thinking about? Why the delay? Go on"Lilly replied in a tiring tone, she was tired of having to think too much 

"I was told that she is in labour"Sam spilled out without wasting much time

"She's in labour?who?"Lily questioned looking surprised.This was indeed surprising, hearing the news about a lady in labour was the least she ever expected.This was way beyond what she could think of after such a long stressful day she had.This could only mean that she totally forgot she had Recca to take care of.She was the reason why Recca got pregnant at first.It is her responsibility to take care of her but it seems not in this case.

"Go on,I'm listening, who's the she in labour?"Lily questioned again

"Ma'am, it's Recca"

"Ptttew(Lilly spilled out the juice from her mouth towards a window about getting ready to position well for more detailed information) she had totally forgotten all about Recca, it pass two months and the girl must be due for delivery but she had been too busy to recall all this. Lily was someone who barely forgets a thing but now it seems she had a lot to take care of all at once.

"Recca is in labour? Oh goodness,I forgot all about her, she's supposed to be long due"Lily replied holding her face in disappointment, how could she forget such an important thing? 

“Where on earth did I keep my cell phone? Quickly. Search for it.I need to call Sammy right away so we could head to meet Recca''Lilly said with lots of anger In her tone. Now she was more frustrated, she didn't prepare a thing for the girl's delivery, no planning nothing at all. 

It seems she was never prepared for this.And now that it has gotten to this..She has no option than to get Sammy involed despite knowing that he is with grandpa at the training field.`` That's what she assumed anyway since the old man's letter stated he was back to his private space. So it could be that Sammy went missing because he had to complete his training.

“Ma’am..I can’t find your cell phone” Sam said(Dusting the cushions. It just turned on him that he hadn't seen her with it for days.

“Search for it, .this is a matter of urgency.Seems I forgot to remind you to take them from the couch, could it be that I had left it in the hotel?” Sam had never seen his Madam so confused as she was now. “Ok,since that's the case, use the home cell to call Sammy immediately.I will search for my cell phone in the process. If he doesn't pick then he must be busy with training "Lily said walking back to her room to trace her movement.



“Ma’am he is not picking up.You and I very well know that in the training field they barely have time to pick up calls, he must be there”

“I know that very well.But he should know that she barely call when they are in the training field.He should consider it an urgency, going to the private space would disrupt the old man. She couldn't let the old man see her like this”

“Just as i called the Master countless times he didn't pick up his call same goes to Sammy "

At this point, the old woman was short of words and left with nothing but confusion.

“I will prefer going to see Recca along with Sammy who tends to be incharge of her well being to stand in by her”

“Dial his line again if he doesn’t pick up..try the old man’s cell again.I wonder what sort of training they are out to do. He knows I barely call except during emergency. Keep calling " Lily instructed

(cell rings)

“Oh..that is my cell..thank goodness I found you”Lilly said pressing her cell phone to check who had called making it possible to find her cell.It is obvious that she was speaking to her cell phone. Sure enough she had left it on her reading table inside her room, picking it up she disappeared, appearing right in front of Sam.

“Ma’am..Should I call again?”Sam asked

“What sort of question is that supposed to be?There is no time to waste.Hurry and call them.If they don’t pick..then we find alternatives. I would have to pay them a visit "

“ok ma’am”




“Ma’am,none of them are picking up.What is next to do?”

“Let us head to their training field. I am very stressed out but have no option other than this.I want Sammy to come along.” she said tiredly, it needed more of her energy. 

“Ok ma’am..should I be on my way or stop a taxi for us?”Sam unexpectedly ask, this sort of question made Lily speechless. But Sam had his reasons indeed, he couldn't just appear in his master's private space he had no direct access except through a Portal.