
Chapter 303

The Scene he had watched says it all. He wasn't the only one but he presented everyone of his characters so weakly but the hero was none other than Elyrex himself. 

(Elyrex swallowed his saliva and to his surprise the process sounded very loud) Now he understood everything and he couldn't say a word, he had thought all his imagination was within his own private space, he didn't know he had made it a wide access. All he had in his face was a look of embarrassment.

"Grandpa, your scene has a lot of flaws, the stories didn't connect at all. Why did you have to make me the mother of the child leave the room, then Roselle followed, My mom followed. Everyone was just leaving the room and worst of all I want to buy oranges? How does this all connect? A good mother wouldn't go out buying oranges when her daughter is sick." Selom said, looking at him. She had been an actress for years. She had to testify that the old man's story was very bad. "And how did the story turn out? I had asked you to get me some oranges not my own grandfather" Selom continued 

Lylic couldn't tolerate this at all, such a cruel plan. Though she wasn't surprised, Phil who was formerly known as Skull had worked for Jackson and then Elyrex worked for Jackson as a doctor. So maybe there was something he had done but nothing justifies his actions because his own family had been captured. And knowing Phil the little she did, she knew he wasn't a person who would look for trouble, for someone whose family was kept away from him he was lenient and kind enough. " I think your story is incomplete, let me show you it's continuation" Lylic said, waving her hands up, she created a big cloud similar to the screen on cinemas. Everyone including Elyrex was so concentrated to see what 'continuation scene' she was talking about.

"Of course..Someday you'll meet up with him and handle him to your taste.He has toiled with the cub of a lioness"Clara said angrily, she wasn't pleased to hear this at all

"You're right."Roselle replied 

Roselle and Lylic weren't happy hearing the reason behind the baby's cry but gave room for a softened heart because nothing wrong happened to her.They would have taken action if anything had happened though Blaine and Elyrex strictly told them not to get involved because they wanted to handle it themselves going against their orders won't be nice at all.

Selom couldn't predict who was behind it but knew it would be someone very close to her.This has been recorded in her memory to be remembered when due.Toiling with her baby was a great mistake ever made in life.She won't take it easy on him at all and as usual she would seek revenge.

"Why don't you take what is important to him as well?" Elyrex suggested

"Let what?" She asked

"He has a family too, those he care very much about" Elyrex explained

"What you mean is that she should give him back a taste of his own medicine?" Lylic asked

"Yes, he tampered with what Selom's cared about the most so it's right do the same" Elyrex gave a logical example (pauses for a second) "I could do the job for you if you want I don't want you getting your hands dirty "he continued

"That would be best, you can handle it yourself but what's your plan?"Lylic asked with a lot of interest 

"I would kill his sister first then I would go with the mother second" He laughed with so much cruelty and wickedness. 

After this was done, the cloud popped off like a bubble. Everyone was pleased with the way the story ended. At long last Elyrex was the villain. He was so shocked and speechless at the scene he had just seen, he wasn't that cruel and wicked and the image of him there was worse than the devil himself.

(Giving her a round of Applause) "That's a very good story line" Cecelia said, with a smile, though she had grown up with this old man she didn't approve of his thoughts at all.

"You would have made it big if you were a script writer in the entertainment industry"

"Darling the first scene started with me being very angry, but it went all good, the ending part portrayed the exact image of your grandfather " Clara said sounding very pleased.

"It's his true nature indeed, I would have added a horn to his costume" Lylic said looking sad, it was as if she was dejected with the fact that she didn't place a horn on his head. But most of all the old man was yet to answer her questions, if he doesn't she would find ways to ask him again till she gets her answer.

Elyrex was speechless, he couldn't find his words at all. (Smirks) " You always found ways to embarrass yourself, when I thought you were getting better it seems you became worse" Beatrice said, sounding very disappointed. She regretted the fact that her girls knew about him being her father. She was really disappointed with her old man's reasoning.

Roselle on the other hand had mixed feelings "I have featured in some baseless movies which turned out very bad but yours is worse. Even the Devil himself would write a better line, why am I even talking about the Devil? A human baby would write a better script with a strong and reasonable story line. Take a look at Lylic's storyline, even though the film was short, it was pleasing to the viewers"

Elyrex's face immediately sank, what was pleasing about the scene? The only thing that was pleasing to them was the fact that he had the liking of the Devil but he couldn't say this. Blaine who read his thoughts gave him a disgusted look. "There's no difference between you and the Devil , the devil himself was cunning and when it comes to plotting, his plots are always filled with evil."

"Grandpa, you shouldn't talk to him about the devil, I heard he learnt a lot from him" Lylic said with a smile. 

Teresa, Clara , Steve and Cecelia couldn't help it, they had been swallowing their laughter in and they just had to let it out. It seems the Old man's day of reckoning is already here.

 (Clears his throat) "I was just trying to have fun" He finally said breaking the bondage of his silence.

"The way you have fun is similar to the devil's way. How can you drag such an innocent child into your games? You've just made me lose face. The first time you were having fun you ended up being the Devil's in law" Beatrice said, she wouldn't give him any space for redemption.

(Laughs) "You both shouldn't start arguing, I can tell that your Dad is already repentant. He knows his wrong" Teresa cut in, if she didn't there would be a ceaseless mode of argument.

(Smirks) "Repentant my Ass, he can never be this good or close"

Elyrex was rendered speechless again, while the rest continued with their laughter. Today was indeed filled with the atmosphere of happiness and laughter.

"Mom, you don't fight evil with Evil but you fight evil with good" Lylic said, hooking her hands around Beatrice's arms.she could tell, that she was angry.

"He he Lass, grandfather was just playing around, I didn't mean any of this" he said looking at his granddaughter. It seems she took what he did very seriously, this was not what he wanted at all.

Selom had a priceless smile on her face but after a while it all faded away. She had many thoughts running through her mind, she hadn't chosen a name for her triplet yet and this was a difficult task. Another problem she had was all about the children's Future. What on earth would she tell them if they began to ask questions about who their father was? She had a lovely family and raising them all alone isn't a problem at all but she was the only parent.

"What are you thinking about?"Beatrice questioned Selom. She seemed lost in thought yet couldn't focus on their cause for being there. Beatrice had noticed the switch in her mood.

"(Yawns) I am sleepy already"Clara spoke out

"You're sleepy? It's barely evening? What the hell have you been doing since yesterday night?"

(Laughing) "You weren't the one who accepted Selom's delivery were you? No you ain't, so you wouldn't understand how stressful it is"

"Ha ha ha, so funny, I also got myself very busy taking care of them" Beatrice said glaring at her, she wasn't the only one who had accepted the delivery technically she did as well 

(Hmmph) " Accepting a delivery and cleaning up the children are two seperate things, they are far different from each other. One is strenuous and the other isn't" Clara said, sounding very serious.

"You… You.. that's clearly an Insult"

Elyrex seeing this heave a sigh of relief, he was grateful that all attention from him had been diverted.

"Not again, we all are tired and the least I expect from you two is some senseless argument. We all did something and that's what matters "

"Good, I hate arguing with her. Now can I go get some rest in peace?" Clara asked 

"Alright then…get some rest" Teresa said with a smile. These two were always arguing, she wondered how they both made it to the heavenly realm without having to tear each other apart.

“Selom darling it is getting late. Your mom and I will take our leave, we would be back by night fall. And yes, before I forget, Roselle, your meals were really good, I am proud of you,thanks for the lunch. " Beatrice said with a smile. The first statement git Clara's attention "Where are you two going at this time of the day?" She said looking at them strangely. They never told her they had any plans.

"I don't know how that is any of your business, ain't you feeling very sleepy? Go and get some rest" Beatrice replied

"My sleep can wait, you guys never told me you had plans to go out. Where are you going to?" She said facing Teresa but she got no reply as to where it was.

"As I said earlier it's none of your business"

"Then I am coming along" Clara had an old cloth on, so without wasting time she changed into something beautiful using her powers. Her son and the girls immediately burst into Laughter, their family was indeed filled with actors and clowns.

Beatrice and Teresa were speechless, a few moments again she was yawning and complaining about being turned and sleepy but now she was looking nothing close to it. When such things do happen the two old men never get involved in it. Elyrex would have said something but in a second thought it was better not to. It took so much time before his family had let his deeds slide, a word from him would bring it all back.

"Where the hell do you think we are going that you feel good to tag along?" Beatrice asked with a frown

"I don't know, and looking at me you should know that I don't care either, anywhere you go, I will go"


Since this is the case, there was nothing else they could do because Clara was worse than a leech, she couldn't be driven off, so it was wise to accept her company before she sucks out their blood.

"We have prepared some pudding for you and the babies.Heva some and also get some quality rest, you need it darling. We have to go” Teresa and Beatrice said while heading towards the door while Clara followed behind, she didn't need their permission before she could follow them.

Seeing their daughters leave, it was now time for Blaine and Elyrex to leave as well but they didn't want to. Not yet at least, they had to ensure that their grandchildren and the new born babies were safe and okay before leaving. 

"They are indeed amazing mothers, they took after there mothers."Blaine said with a warm smile on his face. "Little mistresses, do you need grandpa's help with anything?" He asked

"Yes grandpa, I haven't seen skeleton for a while now," Selom suddenly said. She had felt something was missing but she couldn't place her fingers on what it was.

"I would send him over, he has a lot of errands to run. He would be happy to know you've given birth"

Hearing this Lylic and Selom gave themselves a funny look. This was the old man they knew he rarely let things slide. Skeleton must be undergoing some punishment just because of what they made him do, now they felt guilty.

"Is there anything else you would like me to help you with?" Blaine asked

"No there isn't" Lylic and Selom said at the same thing. Then she was pregnant and successfully she had escaped his punishment but now she had now put to birth, Lylic as well was no less safe. If the old man wanted he would punish them as well.

“Ok..Guess we will have to be on our way too.We have some research to make which will need lots of commitment”Elyrex said giving Blaine a signal sounding stressed out when he never was.It seemed he put on a stressed out look so as to make his actions blend with his look.

" There's no need to rush things, Grandpa, I wouldn't let my question go unanswered, so you should know what I mean" Lylic said looking at Elyrex. He immediately shivered, there was one thing Elyrex was always afraid of and that thing is called 'pestering'

Blaine could understand the look on Elyrex's face which gave true interpretation of what he meant.

“yeah..it's also an urgency.We had an awesome time together, I am happy I had a taste of your meal. Thanks for the lunch(Smiles)”Blaine said

“You are all welcome.Common, it's just a meal…”Roselle said with a smile, she felt awkward and everyone kept thanking her like she did a very big deal.

(Elyrex and Blaine disappeared)

Indeed,there are issues before them to handle which will need lots of time and commitment which is way beyond mere words.Their actions ought to be carefully planned out.

They were off to begin research about who the father to the triplet is. They were old and they knew Selom's thought and knew what she was worried about. If they took this upon themselves, they would surely find all answers they needed.

Elyrex had it all figured out.He knew where and how to begin research. Though his curiosity was endless, but this same Curiousity had gave him connections with a lot of people who were not only reliable but also efficient.

 This particular research will cost them some source of transformation just as Selom and Lylic earlier did in order to hide their identities.This was planned by Elyrex himself he has foreseen it's outcome but couldn't carry it out all alone.He needs the help of Blaine to make it possible. These two were formidable as a pair, but it took a lot of time to convince Blaine to put on the face masks he had made. This was one of his collections , he had created every masks to look as real and detailed.