
Chapter 298

Seeing him with Grandpa Blaine and the closeness between them, we tried to do a memory throwback and it so happens that he wasn't in our memories, at least a different face was. Then at the Cave mansion, we overheard everything and how he was proud of changing his face and skin and then we realized, we've known him all this time, it's just that he changes his identity each time" Lylic explained

"Owh, and I was the one placed in the dark" Beatrice asked

"You are always in the dark" Roselle replied with a look of disdain


"Ok.. listen…I'm telling you this to know how special they are." Elyrex said continuing with his story, he didn't want a tense environment. He was aware of the children's curiosity and he knew they knew.

All: Go on

"Ok…after the joy and beautiful plans…they gave us a shock we never planned for, both had their eyes still closed..no movement..widely opened like they were some ancient humans who had planned to spend centuries in my wife's belly.It became too much,we both got scared, I thought it had something to do with the herbs, I even thought maybe I was tricked by the devil. You can't trust anything the devil gives you even if it's on a platter of Gold, my wife thought that It was like we both offended them.Our hands began to shake with fear in our eyes only to see them laugh out,it was indeed amazing, their smiles were indeed very beautiful as I remember. Bit something felt weird, during my wife's pregnancy, she has a problem with her pulse, it was barely ever normal."


"Mr Elyrex, I never knew you could talk this much"Beatrice called out

"I am a man of few words " he announced confidently and proudly, making Beatrice speechless.

"How few are your words now? You make a hell of noise"She continued

Everyone continued in laughter,they couldn't help the reaction on Beatrice's face.She felt it wasn't cool bringing that up even before his grandchildren, she suddenly regretted the words she had just said now because the old man started to reveal things which were more vital and delicate. It even included the first guy the both of time ever fought themselves for. How embarassing!


( The Door bell rings)


"Check who's at the door"The two old men ordered at once..it was as if something got connected that they themselves couldn't tell.

They both had this strange look at themselves over the present scene that happened.Such never occurred before, they barely recieve visitors and of the do, they were strictly on invite.

Teresa head towards the main door to peep through, she was also very curious 'Could it be Eva?' she couldn't help but ask herself this question, this was a very delicate moment her daughter had job st put to birth, and they all had to get very cautious. The upper door hole slide a bit so she could run check and know who it was but she didn't see anyone.With a nod of her head to avoid an unexpected attack she alerted everyone with a wave technique so they would all be on alert and then, she opened the door. Steve and Elyrex immediately approached her from behind standing beside the main door.

Opening up the door, there was this bright shining light that glittered and shine directly to their faces blinding them out, they didn't see anybody. This light was beyond magical.The light began to dim gradually till Teresa saw visible 3in1 necklaces right at the door step. This necklace were placed in a beautiful milky looking box with the shape of a heart. Just by looking at it you could tell who they were made for.

"Wow…"Teresa said in great awe as she picks it up. It seems someone had planned a surprise for her grandchildren. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of it being her husband but on a second thought, he wouldn't know it was triplets. Though Selom was already asleep from exhaustion but the babies were very much active. Picking it up, she heads back into the room.

Everyone was curious to know what was behind the shining light, they all went around Teresa to see what it was. Except Blaine of course who sat like an immovable statue.

"It's so beautiful…guess this is a gift for the triplets,this is beyond what I can imagine"Teresa said (Taking up the necklaces, so everyone could have a clear look) she felt like putting it on and Clara immediately saw through her.

"My dear,this is for the babies, so don't put it on"she continued

Teresa lifted up the necklaces for closer looks from everyone.It was extremely beautiful..

Everyone was amazedby it, at the center of each necklace is a diamond with a ring placed in it, gorgeous surrounded by glittering pearls.But it was surprising how the little babies will put on a necklace meant for adults, it was describe as for adults because every design was very detailed and exquisite and they were big as well.They were absent minded as to who provided such gift but focused on how the babies will put it on.

Cecelia raised the question…

"These necklaces are provided for adults..not this little babies..how will they put on such a necklace? Could it be that it was for them but at an older age?"

Immediately…the pearls on it spinned so fast pushing the diamond inward which caused the diamond to adjust the size of the necklaces by itself.

(Chuckling) "I think this answers your question" Teresa said with a smile. It was amazing but no one understood what was actually going on,But everyone could tell and admit that the scene is beyond what any kind of person could handle. Fir such a necklace it must have taken about almost a year if planning and design. If not a year, it would have taken several months.

The pearls on it couldn't be compared to that which is placed anywhere,not even the diamond itself.

Few minutes after transformation,(after it had changed from an adult size to the size of a little child)

The two old men had their mind cling to possible answers as to what kind necklaces they are and who they were from. All the could think about was Maciel, who knows maybe he was around them somewhere.

Elyrex couldn't believe the answers he got from his own derivation…

"The vowed necklaces of words? In the human world?" Elyrex said looking at a tiny written note which was beneath the box.

"The vowed Necklace? Is that what it's called" Teresa said turning the box over properly. The done who created this necklaces had a full right to name it whatever he or she feel like. But the word 'Vowed' sounded very strange.

"Could it be that it came from him" Blaine and Elyrex said at tye same time looking at themselves with disbelief.The two old men said in question with great surprise.They both understood themselves leaving others with no option than to stare awaiting some explanation, so everyone was placed on suspense.

Asking such question whose answer wasn't known to anyone but themselves was just like a mode of expressing ones anger to someone who won't help get rid of it.

"Who knows? Are you talking about the lone wolf"Clara asked 

"Hell no…..hell no. It's not Maciel"The two old men said

"And…what exactly is going on? If it isn't him then who? "Clara asked again

"That's why we are thinking about it"They both silenced her. It didn't seem like they were thinking to them, because they had just made a clear statement just now.

"Dad, what's this all about. You are scaring me, I feel like I made a mistake bringing it into the house "

Both men were suddenly quiet but they shouldn't be for long "It's the Vowed necklaces of words and future"They both sighed 

"Listen ..there are somethings done without plans,I knew this was beyond the ordinary,I knew something had connected us somehow,I perceivd it"Elyrex said explaining the strange look on his face earlier. He couldn't say more than this, because he wasn't sure.

No one could understand him, they felt he was talking in parables but on the other hand Blaine could understand what his friend was saying,they couldn't figure out what connected them rather but such a giftt alerted them of something special coming up and they had to be more prepared.

"The Vowed necklace of words and future is indeed a powerful necklace that can't be destroyed,it takes shapes,form and sized when necessary just to fit in it's ruler. It was more like accepting a master and dying for the master. When it chooses a master, it appears in it's fullest form. Now, this Vowed Necklace didn't appear as one but the were now three of them." Elyrex said while standing up to take a close look at the necklaces, he didn't want to make any mistakes at all, all they knew then according to history was that the 'Vowed necklace' existed bit it has never been seen before and all they thought was that it existed alone. Rumor had it that Lucifer had crafted it himself during the time he was still good, it was crafted on a very special day when he was less busy. He gave it so much of importance, and when he turned evil over night, he couldn't access the necklace because of its bright light.

Ut seemed they knew something of sort will come up.Taking a grib of the necklaces from Teresa..he felt nothing but a fully charged electron like substance passing through his veins after which he felt so filled despite giving out some energy to Selom.The force in which it passed through his veins were like electricity.It was like an energy booster, he could tell it was repelling but he was stronger to withstand it, it's shock to his body was more like a tickle 

"Elyrex..Are you ok?"Teresa asked

She could tell from his reaction that something happened.

No one saw a sudden action by him yet Teresa could tell that something came up.

"Take it easy ok?I'm fine,this necklaces is indeed very beautiful just as the legends had it"

Teresa wasn't going to force out words from the old man's mouth even though she sensed something strange. She felt her Dad and Elyrex knew exactly what was happening but they prefered keeping it to themselves. On a second thought, she was happy the necklace had found her grandchildren. Just by the look of it she could tell that it wasn't just a necklace, it would have protective properties as well.

Elyrex immediately stepped back to the initial spot where he sat earlier yet he was still staring at the necklaces. "I think he presented the gift to them" he whispered.

(Smirks) "That alone carried a lot of meaning that how you present it" Blaine replied.

Selom on the other hand watched them carry out every single action they did without any contribution or comment from her, she had been asleep but the little noise woke her up. She hadn't taken a full look at her babies, she needed a lot if strength to do that, since they were in their cribs, she didn't have to worry. It seems they understood the point that she was so tired, that's why they didn't caused trouble. But the noises wouldn't let her sleep peacefully. She had overheard everything and all she wanted to know was the person who had presented such amazing gift to her babies. But first things first she would have to gather Enough energy to do that "Mom, I want to sleep but the noise wouldn't let me" she complained

Hearing this Blaine immediately covered her and her babies in a cloud, which was more like a shield. Feeling the peace and quiet Selom drafted into her sleep, and nit only her her children immediately followed her lead.

Finally seeing her sleeping soundly, the topic about the necklace surfaced again. This was the problem with Curiousity, it was always curious.

They all couldn't set their eyes off the necklaces,it was beyond what anyone could address as "beautiful"

With the necklace in her hands .. Teresa walked towards the shield her father had just created towards the babies direction to make her choice of which will suit the princess amongst them and luckily took the purposed one which had some red glitters sparsely spread around the diamond which gave her the cause to determine which was for whom. 

There was the little princess who happened to be the only girl,she had this puffy cheeks filled with smile and looked exactly like her own mother Trisha.Its obvious that a baby at such stage(some minutes after birth)Could actually smile this much.The baby kept smiling while Teresa moved closer It seems like she was waiting for Terasa to put the necklace on her.The one she placed on the girl glowed a red beautiful light, it seems to be suited for a girl child. 

"What exactly is this necklace?"Cecelia questioned. Though Teresa would not be able to hear her since she was already inside the shield. But those outside could see things very clearly 

"This,this is the vowed necklace of words that have been in the immortal treasures for decades.It is said that such comes as a gift to its own ruler"Blaine explained, it seems Elyrex explanation was blunt 

"If I understood what you said, the vowed necklaces of words is gifted to its rulers which means it only goes to those who will rule over it right ?"Cecilia asked

"Exactly you got the point anyone who purchases world necklace of words is indeed a ruler not only ruler but also a Savior" Elyrex said nodding with a smile, just by the look on his face Beatrice was disappointed. "That's the face he has when he is up to no good" Beatrice whispered this words to Clara.

(Chuckles) "He doesn't know what is coming, your Dad has gotten himself into a big mess" 

"Hmm…that's nice indeed,so…this little ones becomes a ruler then " the conversation between Cecilla and Elyrex continued. She was familiar with the old man after all he was her physician ever since she was a child then she treated him more like a servant doctor but now she treated him with more respect. 


"I'll be here to watch you grow little ones"Teresa said with a warm smile on her face. She had successfully wore them the necklace and it suit them prefectly.

Selom turned to look at her mother in silence,she haven't said a word. It seemed like she became speechless due to the joy flowing in her. They were all carried away by the presented gift that they didn't notice that Selom has been silent all through,she had a lot going through her mind. Though she was very exhausted but this was not a valid reason but such things of importance wouldn't escape Lylic's eyes. After Teresa had excused herself from the barrier, Lylic walked right in.

"(Clears throat) This is unlike you Selom. You look lost and carried away in thought, I can tell that you ain't sleeping"Lylic said while moving closer to have a one on one talk with her.