
Chapter 296


Beatrice didn't want her daughter to come find her here, so she left immediately. The girl kept chatting till Roselle came back with enough hot dog. Selom happily git herself so busy with eating, the hot dog was exactly to her taste and Roselle had bought some already made noodles to go with it, it was just perfect. "Thank you" she said, sounding so sincere.

"Just eat up, make sure you finish everything, my effort shouldn't be in vain. I had to travel all the way to China to get all this at the right proportion"

They knew she wasn't joking, "WOW that's a lot of effort, you look more like the godmother than I do" Lylic said. Her own mouth was already filled with noodles, she had sliced her hot dog into the noodles while Selom ate hers whole. Roselle had really gotten enough, Lylic took advantage of her not watching and sneaked some plates into her bosom. Her Aunties would love this to. They only one who wasn't eating was Roselle, she enjoyed seeing them eat. "You're good right? Can I go back to work now?"

"Sure of course you can," Selom replied as she chewed her food. Gaining her permission, Roselle immediately disappeared.

Lily then happily left the room to go look for Teresa, Clara and Beatrice. Offering them the food she had a sheepish smile "Roselle travelled all the way to a Chinese restaurant to get this" after passing the unique message she went back to meet Selom. 


Half an hour later, Selom was done eating and felt so good. Though she had the best chefs in the house , there were sometimes you would need to eat street food to feel this good. And finally she had solved her craving, they long forgotten about inviting Jackson over, because Selom and Lylic never gave a direct order; they were now busy with some girly discussions about their experiences with guys.

"O my God, Selom darling your water just broke?" Lylic said pointing at Selom's things, the red gown she was wearing was already wet it seemed like she just peed on herself

"My water broke? What's that supposed to mean?" She said looking confused

"Lylic on the other hand was panicking, she couldn't believe it Selom was now about to go into labor. So all she needed was a hot dog to spice things up? "Roselle I think you should find your way over here, Selom's water just broke and she doesn't understand what this means" She said connecting through the mind link

"I think I would have to change my dress, why did my water break? What water? " She said about to get up

"No! Just sit down there" Lylic and Cecelia shouted. They also did not know what to do "You are not feeling any pain?" Lylic asked

"What! Pain? I am not feeling anything" she said looking so innocent it was as if it wasn't her who just got a broken water bud just now 

"WTF, darling stay seated" she said, focusing all her eyes on Selom, this was a sign that she shouldn't dare move an inch. "Aunties, Mom, Selom's water just broke" she conveyed the message to them. Roselle had just appeared into the room and placed her hands on Selom's belly taking her observations. "You don't feel any pain?" She asked

"No I don't, should I?" Selom asked back


"Don't look at me that way, I have never been like this before. Am I expected to feel pain?" She asked again

"Your water breaking means you are about to give birth and you would go through labor" Roselle explained. Suddenly Selom held a strong grip on Roselle's cloth (sweating) "Is this the pain? Hell Yes I feel pain, it's painful "

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Speechless ", "It's painful then why the hell are you smiling?" Lylic asked, tapping her she tried to check if she really felt pain all she need was a technique, Selom could be playing around. Touching her, she tapped through the source and immediately removed her hands "Hell Yeah, she is in pain, a huge one" Lylic said shaking her hands off as if she had just placed it in a fire.

By this time the old women appeared in the room, there were called old women now because their girls were far younger. Separating themselves on all ends, they took Selom and disappeared to the delivery ward. The whole mansion has everything you could ever think of, after all they were all doctors, so a hospital and a pharmacy in the house wouldn't draw any suspicion. "Dad, you would have to come over, Selom is in labor" Teresa said, passing a wave massage . Clara and Beatrice immediately busied themselves with changing Selom's dress and dressing her properly so as to accept the delivery. Selom held a tight grip on Lylic and also on her mom but she wasn't screaming in pain even though it was so painful. 

"When everything was set, Clara, Beatrice and Roselle changed into a doctor's robe. Now they realized that something or somebody was missing 'Steve' he was no longer with his powers so they wouldn't be able to connect to him. This was a big dilemma and calling him on the phone was a waste of time. "Darling could you go find Steve?" Clara said looking at Cecilla

"Okay Aunt, "she said and disappeared , in less than a minute they could hear haste footsteps. It seems he was running but if Cecelia wanted to help she would have transported him over but they knew she might have suggested it but he had turned it down. Steve immediately rushed into the room sweating, his eyes and Selom's came in direct contact "Hurry up, you wouldn't like to miss my delivery would you? Let's get this done and over it brother" she said with a smile. Ever since his powers were taken away they all noticed how distant he became, he isolated himself from everyone but they didn't want to bother him or make him feel bad so they left him to solve his own problems himself. "Steve dear, take this and out it on" Beatrice said passing him an overall with some hand gloves

Coming back to his senses, he immediately put the clothes on and moved closer to his mom to help her with the delivery. "Selom dear, now it time you would have to push at the count of three okay?"

(Selom's nod)

"1, 2, 3 push dear" Clara ordered 

Selom didn't understand what they meant by pushed but she made efforts and was sweating profusely from the pain.

“Darling you have to be strong, you can do this keep pushing don’t give up” Teresa said rubbing her daughter’s feet. “You can do it honey, you can do it”

“Aunt Stop hyping her up, if she likes she shouldn’t push the child out” Roselle said with a smirk on her face. Every mothers dream is to get her child into the world, so what were Aunt Teresa’s words for?





Everybody hearing this was immediately speechless including Selom herself. Who got her into this mess in the first place? She didn’t wish to be here. But there was no time for this, it was so painful that she felt like screaming but she couldn’t. She had to be strong for her child. Selom had a strong soft material in between her mouth that she could bite the pain off. It blocked even the tiniest sound from proceeding from her mouth. All she could do for now was to give Roselle a deadly glare. This particular room was well designed for her sake it had about three Air conditioner in it, on a normal day if she gets into the room, its freezing cold, she felt she would die from the cold, but now she felt it was not enough. She was sweating her skin out. It was so hot that she felt she was on a rock which was about to erupt volcano.

(Shaking) “I don’t think it’s just a child, darlings it seems they are two” Clara said a smile on her face as she held the crying baby in her arms and handed him over to her son Steve. She could still see another child inside “Selom darling, you would have to keep pushing its twins” she shouted with joy. Now all was beginning to make sense, luckily for them they had gotten the right medicine she needed.

Lylic on the other hand wasn’t surprised at all; she had none this before anybody else. 

“Steve let me have the child” she said stretching fought her arms.

“It’s a boy, he looks so cute” Steve couldn’t help praising the good looking child

“I know, just hand him over. Baby darling come to god mother” Lylic said with a warm smile

Teresa was also there to help with the delivery, but as a mother she was so tensed to do so, since the person in question is her daughter. This was the reason why they said it was impossible for the best surgeon to perform surgery on his own family. Based on medical rules no matter how good a doctor he is, he would have to hand over everything to another doctor. She couldn’t hold her first grandchild for now, her daughter needs her the most. She stood beside Selom holding her hand, still on this process she was passing some of her internal energy to her, that would help boost the energy Selom had left. “Be strong darling, as soon as the baby is out you would feel better”

Teresa was overjoyed with the news, the whole room was filled to the brim, and Roselle, Lylic, Beatrice, Clara, Steve and Cecilia were all present in the room. The remaining family members such as the old man Elyrex and Selom’s grandfather were outside the door waiting and praying as well. Hearing the sound of the baby crying they were about rushing in “There’s still another one, don’t come in yet” Clara shouted, she could read the old man like a book even though they were out of her sight.

Hearing this news they couldn’t stop smiling “Congratulations my friend you are now, a great grandfather” Elyrex said stretching his hands for a handshake but just as always he was bounced out. 

“That’s rude of you” he complained. Looking at him his friend didn’t look so surprised as he had expected. “You don’t look surprised? It seems you are well informed about it all?” he said but as always he got no reply.

“The first child is out honey, you can do this. It would be smooth and easy this time” Clara said waiting for the arrival of the second child. Hearing this Selom pushed with all her might, she felt the pain but the joy in her heart was something she couldn’t describe at all. She wasn’t expecting too children, it seems this was the kind of surprise she wanted since she refused undergoing a scan to know the gender of the child.

Clara had been a gynecologist for years and had collected many deliveries here on earth and also a few when she was still a medical student in the heavenly realm. 

Teresa was no less an expert like she was, everyone knew Teresa was more qualified than her in the field of medicine, it was clearly obvious her father was the best physician the heavenly realm could ever have. They kind of predicted this outcome but it was very rare for an immortal to give birth to two children at once, it does happen but they cases were more like five in a thousand birth cases in the heavenly realm. 

Twins were considered special; Beatrice and Tina were a very good example, though these were just their earthly names. They are given an immediate high level rank after birth. This is because they possess a special kind of power and their learning speed is higher and stronger. There were cases were after been born the female parent would have to sleep for more than a hundred years or even more than a thousand years before she wakes up. The labor process eats up a lot of energy, and the children being an immortal would absorb a lot of energy from their mother and also from the surrounding. A child takes a lot of energy, so imagine the amount of energy two children would consume.

And it happens that after giving birth to this special children her powers are increased ten times more. This is how special the twin birth is in the heavenly realm but this power would come to existence after she is awoken. Nobody knows where these women go to, but its believe that the travel to a more secure and private space. That is why to avoid the ‘sleeping beauty syndrome’ a special herb is concocted. But these herbs are terribly rare to a point where they are hardly seen in random places. It is said that the rare herb grows naturally once in 500 years and later it stopped but a thousand years later it was seen on the holy ice mountain, this was a mountain in between the borders of heaven and hell. It was called holy ice mountain, because there was always snow and only the saint could go up the mountain and come back alive. But the devil himself suddenly grew interest in plants, and he started growing these same special herbs in his garden. Who says the devil isn’t wise? He happens to be the wisest of all ancient immortals ever created. The news and evidences of him growing these herbs himself travelled far and wide that the demon realm at that time would be filled with visitors from all over the seven realms. And for this rare herbs the devil makes a contract each time and he goes away with it because saving the life of a love one was worth it. This herb could not only cure the sleeping beauty syndrome, it could as well heal and save immortals even at the point of death. Though immortals couldn’t die but their immortality can be destroyed. It could cure even the unimaginable but after the devil disappeared, it was said that no one had access to his field not even his own children.

And not only in the heavenly realm, such importance is also held in the human realm as well. And even being mortals, they do possess supernatural powers and also they are telepathic if they really take the time to nurture their skills well and in the right way. Being humans they are also not ordinary.

Clara collected the second child and she couldn’t believe her eyes at all “There’s still another one” she shouted. This was so surprising to her that she staggers a few steps backwards, she could take it any longer “Teresa come take this delivery” she said sweating, looking at the crying child in her hands and the one in Lylic’s hand she couldn’t stop crying. The child Lylic held had already stopped crying a long time ago, he only cried just a few minute after birth, same as the second child. 

Hearing what Clara said, Lylic was dumbfounded “AUNT HURRY UP! “Lylic said looking at Teresa, she was in a total daze, everyone was.

****Author's Note

Hellomy Lovely readers, from today henceforth, I would be posting as early as possible. So please comment this effort of mine, it's all for you guys. Thank you