
Chapter 294

Having the Devil's spare key was like winning a lottery from a casino owned by the devil. He never knew that such an idea would come in handy, maybe the supreme eemt had great plans, because then when he struck a deal with the devil he just thought about paying a surprise visit to him and challenging him for a drink, he never knew that something of such importance would take place.

Reaching the right spot, he placed the key in the air, but this wasn't visible. Immediately a gate fully appeared and the whole place immediately lit up, taking the key back he entered the mansion. He knew every spot and place in this place so it wasn't difficult to find his way to the garden. Just as he calculated, there would be some visitors who would run away but he had no time to entertain them. He brought out the book Elyrex had given him, this book had the exact picture of what the herb he was to get looked like. And there were also some precautions to take, he searched for it carefully and after finding it he studied it carefully to avoid making mistakes. He immediately plugged out two of the herbs. "Since this has been done, I will take my leave, '' Maciel said and he immediately disappeared. The whole place went dark at once, everyone would have it that the devil paid a brief visit and left. This would be the story that would be spread all around.

Now the agreement was that when this plant was obtained, they would all assemble themselves at the Holy Ice Mountain. So this was where he was going. Appearing there, he met them (Smiles) "Hope I didn't take a lot of time?" He asked

"You didn't, let's be on our way then I have a short cut" Elyrex said with a smile. All they did was to follow his lead. Finally they were out, Maciel handed over the part to Blaine "I would love to pay a visit to my grand godchild and my godchild Teresa but this isn't the right time yet. I would pay you a visit when the time is right, all I need to do is follow the scent" Without waiting for them to say a word, he disappeared.

Getting out of the Portal, Blaine shut it off and took them to the mansion. They had just spent five days but it was already a month due for Selom's delivery. Teresa was very happy to see them back home hit from their faces. She knew things didn't go well.

Elyrex and Blaine had no time to waste, they went to the pharmacy to get busy with making the drug. There were some crucial things which should be done, it took them two days before the drug was produced. Based on their calculation Selom would be due next week. So they had to feed the drug to her. 

"Selom darling take this" Clara said passing over a hot purple looking liquid. 

"What's this?" She asked

"Enough of the question, it was something your grandfather got you on his way back. Have it" Teresa said. Without wasting time, she drank it and it felt so strange, she felt as if her body was now being controlled by something totally different.


Three days later, all activities were going on as usual and as usual the old men were nowhere to be found. They didn't have to worry themselves about them, they knew exactly where they were. Clara and Beatrice explained their experience to Teresa and Steve, as for Lylic , Roselle, and the other girls they were so busy.

On getting home, Clara found out that Eva went on a tour which was sponsored by Roselle, she didn't understand why but whatever the reason was then she wouldn't worry about it. After all the whole issues had been left for them to handle.

"You can really be a pain in the ass, where on earth would I get a hot dog at this early hour?" Roselle said, sounding frustrated. They just had an all girls night yesterday, just because someone was too scared to sleep in her room all by herself which she found very weird.

"You could go to a supermarket, get a raw hot dog bring it back home and you could roast it or cook it anyhow you want to do it is fine" Lylic said looking at her.

(Speechless) "why don't you do it all by yourself since it's that easy"

(Smiles) "I would have, but the last time I checked I wasn't the one she gave the task to"

"I would be right back," Roselle said and immediately disappeared. She had no other option, it's hot dog Selom wanted so it's hot dog it is.

"So tell me Cecilla, Lylic told me all about your memories. Are you having problems settling them or recovering them? Do you need my help?" Selom said looking at her, though she wanted to teach the girl a lesson but it seems she had learnt a lot from her stay with them. And she knew Roselle well enough she would really teach her a lesson but it still not the same as being poisoned. Roselle would forgive her easily because all this was just a misunderstanding on her own part and Cecelia has gone through a lot of poisoning to begin with. So she had to earn their forgiveness.

"I recall my Dad wiping off my memories but I don't understand why he would do that. I don't remember having any kind of special memory that would be of so much value or that would put me in trouble" Cecelia said with a long sigh. She thought about confronting her father but on a second thought she didn't want to bring back the old wounds.

"You're afraid to ask him, I am sure he has the answers you are looking for. You just have to ask" Lylic said giving her a warm smile. 

"I could invite him for a cup of tea if you want. But if you don't want to them it's fine" Selom said

"It's okay, I wouldn't find answers by keeping it all to myself. Having him over would be best" she replied

"That man has been so obedient, he must love his daughter so much and the thought of her being tortured would have eaten him up" Lylic said laughing

"Thank you, I never expected you all to be so kind to me. You all are just like the big sisters I never heard"

(Laughing) "Not so darling, we are not like your big sisters but your new mothers. If I got married at the right age, my first child would be far older than you" Lylic said proudly. Their looks were deceiving; they were far older than they looked.

(Laughs) "And this is my first child and guess what I didn't even make this decision by myself. Roselle never asked me if I was ready to be a mom, she just perfected the whole thing "Selom said rubbing her belly in a few days she would about 9 months two days. So due but it all depends on the child, whenever he feel comfortable to come out into the world then that would be the day

Hearing this his Cecelia and Lylic Burst into Laughter. This was indeed very cruel"So how was your week? You've been with Roselle for quite a while and you've been away from the world. What have you learnt from her so far and What task did she give you?" 

(Sweating) Just thinking about it gives me the thrills. '' Cecelia said shivering, ever since the visit of Stephanie and Suzan she learned to mingle more with Selom, Lylic and Roselle more. Though to be frank she was somehow more closer to Lylic than any of them. The fact was that everybody was more closer to Lylic than Roselle and Selom. Lylic gives off the warm and calm feeling, just by looking at her you would know how caring she is and you could tell that she would go a lot of miles for you too. Lylic is just like a flower that could attract all kinds of insects, even bees. And guess what? She would accommodate them all with no complaints, that if what you really need is a shed and also support.

(Laughing) "How bad was it?"

"It isn't that bad, but I went through a lot. I would have loved a hard labor task or maybe better still cooking. She gave me a portrait to look at for days. I couldn't leave the room until I understood the image and I was able to explain it. That portrait was something I couldn't understand, I could see the head of a horse, a grassland, a beautiful young lady, a gun, statue of liberty, a split of rainbow and the country's map in just one portrait" She said sounding very depressed"And each time I told her what i saw, I was always wrong, so she lock me up for two good days. At first it was so confusing,I wondered why an artist would draw so many things which aren't even related to each other in just one portrait. But finally after a lot if thinking I understood what she wanted me to know "

"And what was that?" Selom asked, this was because if she hadn't gotten the answer right, she would still be locked into the room.

"The portrait was all about 'Choice' . I understood that the choice of everyone is vast, it's so different. That was why the portrait had a vast shape drawn. But all these different details were all labelled in a man's mind. That's where the choice is being fueled, the mind is so powerful that it can affect or affect anything, even our choices. And the statue of liberty in the portrait means that everyone has the freedom to choose what he or she feels is best. The country's map advices the choosers to choose wisely to avoid making the wrong choice that they would make them live in regret " she said sounding so deep

Selom and Lylic were very proud of her and they applauded her with smiles on their faces. This was the exact meaning of the portrait. "That's wonderful darling, you did great."

"Thank you" she said, sounding very sincere. All the times she had been with her father, all she ever thought about was reveny and nothing more. Now her stay here has made her realize how she has wasted a lot of time chasing the wrong things but luckily for her it isn't too late.

"So what was the next task she gave you, you have been with her for two weeks, since you've solved that puzzle there must be more" Lylic asked 

"The next was to read the tactics of war and planning, then a special book on strategy. She took me to a totally strange area and the task was that I kill the men on guard without having them detect my presence " she explained.

"So how did it go?"

"With every strike, I was easily detected and I got so many injuries. She was there but didn't help at all, she was invisible to them but I wasn't. I tried over and over again until I ran out of options, so I told her it wasn't possible to achieve such a result. Later she did the same strategy I had used and even different kinds of methods and no one could detect her at all, the men were all dead. It was more like a video game but I was the one always getting hurt" she said with a long sigh 

(Laughs) "It took you another two days to conquer this quest?" Lylic asked with a smile.

"(Sigh) "I took a long time, I spent almost five days thinking about a plan and recalling everything I read. To be sincere I had read those books without understanding them" she said, sounding a bit embarrassed. She was meant to read those books and understand them but she didn't even achieve that.

"That's the problem we are facing today, darling when you read, you should make it a duty to try to understand. That way if there are any parts you ain't clear with, you would know that immediately and this gives you more space to ask questions" Selom said giving her a warm smile.

"Yes, it's not all about reading, if you read without understanding there's a tendency of forgetting it all. The best part of understanding is that it becomes a part of you, and it help build up your own body of knowledge " Lylic explained 

(Chuckles) "And when I was asked if I understood what I read, I gave an affirmative answer 'Yes' (sigh) that's the biggest mistake on my part" Cecilla said sounding quite embarrassed.

Selom and Lylic understood this point and they couldn't control their laughter, when it comes to roselle she was more like a school teacher, the one which demands your understanding rather than reading. She's more like those strict looking professors when it comes to lecturing. They've been in that seat once and it wasn't funny, she wondered why she never made straight A's, but later they understood, she was trying her best to understand each subject rather than just reading it. So Viola, as always she gave the teachers the 'To my best understanding ' kind of quote. "Sure that the biggest mistake you made and sure my sister hates it when you say you understand when you know nothing about it"

All the three women spoke about Roselle. Roselle on the other hand had her ears on air, she could tell that she was the main topic they all spoke about. But she didn't care, what was more important was getting a hot dog for Selom to help deal with her craving. She went to the best supermarket and ordered the freshest hot dog, though it took a lot of time but it was worth it. After getting it, she had to roast it at the right temperature, so it wouldn't lose its flavor. Pregnant women have active taste buds and a change in taste could affect their whole appetite.

"Did you guys see Roselle anywhere?" Beatrice said entering the girls' room.

"Mom, what is it all about?"

"I don't really know but your aunt's want to speak with her urgently. We've been trying to connect to her but she isn't picking her calls and we could talk through the mind link earlier"

"Aunt, she went to get me a hot dog" Selom said

"That's not hygienic, you know that right?"




(Smiles) "If that's what you're craving for, you can eat as much as you like. Tell her to get me some as well" Beatrice said happily as she leaves the room 

"(Chuckles) Your mother is really something" Cecilla said

"You're Lucky you didn't grow up under such a mom, you would have been more than a spoilt brat" Lylic replied

"No way, I wouldn't be,you were raise by her but you turned out well"

(Sigh) "That was a narrow escape" Lylic said sounding very serious, it seems her good side was all thanks to luck and not her upbringing.

"Naughty girl, I haven't left yet and you're already talking badly about my upbringing"

"Mom, do and leave. If Roselle meets you here, you know what would happen next she would disappear"