
Chapter 291

It was as if the biggest prey would just walk up to Blaine with this look 'I am the biggest animal compared to your brother's prey, please kill me and take me home' this was because he had being on several hunting trips with Blaine and it seems the man doesn't move a muscle but he kills his prey.

“Finally” Elyrex said with a sigh of relief after half an hour chasing he was finally able to hit the target and it felt good. This was the pleasing feeling that comes with success. “Old man have you gotten anything yet?” he said creating a link between them just as he did before.

“Nothing yet,”

“That’s weird. You have never gone back home from a hunt without a prey. Look more closely there has to be something” Elyrex said, he made it sound more like an advice than an encouragement.

(Smirks) “It’s been so many years I had actually punched you in the face, I suddenly feel the urge to. I have missed the feeling I get anytime I give you a good punch”

(Laughing)” I suddenly feel very uneasy, so you can do both of us a favor and get your own target. If you don’t want to, you can just give up and we would share mine” he said nicely.

“That’s so kind of you, just give me 10 minutes and I will be done. And please shut the fuck up, stop blabbering” Blaine said and he immediately went silent

“Just as always you would never let me down” Elyrex said with a smile.

Back there at the foot of the cave, Clara and Beatrice were already so exhausted. They didn’t have enough energy to fight off the animal they had seen earlier. All they could do was create a strong shield which was now looking ineffective because the animal was already breaking in. This was one of the wild animals they were always away from, it is called ‘The Lone Wolf’. 

This was the scariest wild animal you could ever think off and history had it that it can never adapt to a master, meaning it can never be tamed. This wolf has terrible speed and it is above three times the size of an immortal in its true form just like the golden eagle. There were times where the golden eagle would battle with the lone wolf and it would get terribly injured. It will have no choice than to surrender to the lone wolf. It was given this name because this wolf has no pack, no one knew if it was Alpha of itself but it is said that it is stronger on its own. The Alpha wolf gets stronger with its pack but this is not the same for the lone wolf. It had no family, rumor had it that it gained so much strength after its own clan and kin were massacred right before his eyes, ever since it had been moving around with an extreme hate and killed any prey it sets its eyes on. And unfortunately for them, it had set its eyes on them; to stay alive they had to try to delay things further until their fathers got back from the hunt.

“I can feel an opening in the shield, this is bad” Clara said weakly, she wasn’t having any weapon with her, her sword had been long buried, she would have used it as an interface.

“Just try to hold on, I would try to get in touch with my dad” Beatrice said. 

Immediately after this statement she was shocked herself. Clara didn’t understand this fully because she also calls Blaine her Dad. But Beatrice knew exactly which dad she was talking about, it was her biological father. It would be easy to connect to him since they were highly related by blood. All she needed was to give out a signal of being in danger and that was it, it wouldn’t take much of her energy. If she was to connect to her other dad, she wouldn’t be able to use her blood as a transfer medium and it would take much of her energy and she would have to give total focus before it would work out. This is because she would have to find his location first before she can give him the message. Since the first option is better, that was what she would be going for. “Anything you are thinking of doing, do it now. I won’t be able to hold it off any longer” Clara shouted, she became much pressured trying to push it off and make the shield stronger.

“We are currently in danger, and we wouldn’t be able to keep on for long. So if you can hear me, get your old ass back here” Beatrice said, it sounded more like an order than a cry for help. But she was now certain he had gotten the signal because she felt it. And after a few minutes she got his response “Just hold on dear, I would be right there just a minute” he said. Hearing this Beatrice heave a sigh of relief, finally help was coming. “I have given the message to him and he gave a response”

“Wow that was quick,” Clara said, sounding quite surprised, sending just a signal would take a while and getting a response immediately was something very surprising, except that the person she contacted wasn’t the man in her thoughts.

“He said we should hold on he would be here in a minute”

“If it’s a minute then we can surely hold the shield up but Beatrice who did you actually contacted for help. From the way you spoke earlier I was thinking the SOS signal was to your Dad, Teresa’s father but from what you are saying now it means you actually sent the message to your own dad. Your real blood father, sorry I mean to your biological father”

(Speechless) “I would not want to risk our lives based on this kind of question. Who I contacted does not matter. What matters is that I got the help we need, “she said glaring at her. They were in danger and all Clara had to talk about is whose help she had asked for? That was indeed very childish.


Elyrex getting the signal became tensed "Old friend, I think I would be going back to check on the girls. They seem to be in Trouble, Elim just sent me a message, she said they are in danger" He said, sounding like he was in a hurry.

"If she did send you a message it means it's more dangerous than we can imagine. Hurry up I would meet you there" Blaine shouted. If she didn't seek his help then it only means she didn't have Enough the and energy. They were already so sick, they couldn't risk the children's safety.

Without wasting time, Elyrex paid his hunt on his shoulders and disappeared with full speed. The world was now at a standstill as he moved with the fastest speed you could ever think of, he had promised to be there in a minute. And geographically this was impossible because he was more than 120 kilometers away from the spot he had left the girls. But for him it was just as easy as pie, that's if he made use of the fastest speed he has.

Blaine on the other hand, felt taking up his Hunt would show him down so he transferred it into his private space storage. After he was done, he flew up the sky, this was technically the best method to observe the area. Flying up with full speed he appeared above the same spot they had left the girls. Coincidentally, he arrived at the same time Elyrex did. They girls were practically struggling. Bringing out a spade from tin air, Elyrex immediately launched an attack on the beast. This got the lone wolf so pissed that it didn't pay any attention to the shield the girls were in any more. It faced the old man looking at him with extreme anger. 

Taking the distraction to his advantage, Blaine immediately created a shield for the girls. The fighting was going to be so intense. After placing him into this shield, he immediately opened up the cave and placed them inside when he was done, he shut it up with a large stone. It was now time to get himself busy "Can you handle it on your own or I should give you a helping hand?" He asked, looking at Elyrex who was so focused on fighting.

"No thanks, this good for nothing dares to attack my child! He hasn't gotten enough of me yet" Elyrex said, maximizing the full amount of damage. They all knew that the lone wolf belongs to a clan in the Demon realm, it's not just a wolf. It is a Demon with the ability to change its form to a wolf. There are Demons and also heavenly Immortals who can transform into great and giant animals. This is part of the clan and it's nothing but a gift. So if the Demon was here at this time, it only means it had the plan to visit the heavenly realm. The Demon realm and the heavenly realm were indeed far apart, many thousand miles apart. So being in this part of the world meant it was also a quarter pass through. "If you want to do me a favor, there's the hunt I got for the night. Make us a nice meal, as for him I would handle him all by myself" He instructed.

Blaine got busy with cooking and he really enjoyed it. Watching the live scene of an event in real life and not on TV feels so good. On his way while hunting, he had gotten some good herbs which would be good for seasoning and spice. He placed the big deer on a tree branch and placed it above the fire which he had supported for the purpose. Smooth and nicely, the meat was already had way through, Elyrex fire flame was indeed very massive and hot. He then sprinkled the herbs and spices he had found. The aroma immediately got so wild that the lone wolf became distracted. Taking this to an advantage, he stroked it hard and it cried out in pain. "You were hungry but unfortunately for you you picked the wrong target as your dinner" 

(Laughing) "I never pick a wrong Target, I am always very careful and you should know that by now" The lone wolf said, radiating a green spark of light from its eyes. This was the sign that it was about to change its form. They could all hear the cracking of bones and a naked man stood before them with a smile.

"Maciel!!!?" Elyrex and Blaine shouted at the same time. They couldn't believe it, "It is you? It was you all this time, all these years?" Elyrex said with his mouth widely opened. He couldn't believe it.

(Smiles) "It is indeed me, nice to see you guys. You both look terrible and so old" Maciel said walking up to meet Blaine who was busy with cooking. Blaine had never expected this at all. (Laughing) "Just when the fight was getting fun, you had to add spice and seasoning to the meat, that Cruel, I haven't eaten a cooked food for a thousand years now. All I have ever eaten is raw meat and if I do eat cooked food, it means they one I successfully stole" he said sitting beside him

The two old men didn't say a word, they had seen Maciel die right Infront of their eyes. He was killed by his very own Father,and he died. They watched the sword pass through his heart and how he lost his own life. This didn't make sense at all, they were suddenly so quiet. They couldn't say a word to him, they just listened to him as he spoke. "When I saw the fire, it somehow looked very familiar but I just couldn't place it. I never knew it was family" he said, helping Blaine roll the meat on the branch. "And about your children, I had no idea they were yours, just as I said I was so hungry and fresh Immortals like them would boost my energy and make me less weird. A good meal like those could last me a century " he said again. But all he got was silence, he was the one doing all the talking why they listened.

"Your girls are strong, how old are they?" He said looking at both men who were playing dumb.

"We saw you die, your own Father pierced a knife right through your heart and destroyed your immortality " Elyrex said looking blankly.

(Sigh) " I actually died that day, because the whole World had betrayed me , my own people betrayed me. You guys are the only true friends I had, I saw what happened and how good you were to me. So after I recovered, I couldn't face you guys at all. It was better to disappear than to bring more trouble " he replied

"How is that possible, the sword he had used was the Red Bone marrow sword, how could you have survived that?" Elyrex asked

"That's because my original being was in my world form not my body form. So the old man piercing through my heart was just a waste of time, I had suspected that such a thing would happen. So I used many decades practicing the forbidden technique, and when I successfully learnt it I transferred my original being into my wolf form. After I was killed, the heartless man had thrown my body into the cold night, after all he was sure I was dead, a good burial would have been nice, he would have been doing himself a favor"

"Because he would burn your body into ashes and give you the last respect " Blaine chipped in

"Yes, but he didn't do that. He fig his own grave all by himself, and led the road to it. I stayed in the cold for more than 72 hours, and when I woke up, I was so weak and needed energy "

"That's why you got into eating raw meat " Elyrex said

"Yes, that was how it went, it wasn't easy to heal and when I finally did it had already passed a hundred years. I thought about seeking you guys out but I felt it was better doing all this on my own without having to drag you down. And I knew you wouldn't like what I have become "

"You're right about that, we don't like what you've become "

"You can bring the girls over, introduce them to me. I am their God father "he said proudly

(Laughs) "I don't think they would take such an information lightly for someone who had just wanted to kill them, No way! They wouldn't take the news well." Elyrex said with a smile

"No hard feeling, so chill! Just as I said I never knew it was them you know? All I saw was fresh meat and I went for it. Call them out, I would like to apologize for my bad manners, first impression do matters, but too bad I have ruined mine "

(Laughing) "I almost dropped dead when I saw your face." Just the thought of what happened, made him want to crack his own ribs.