
Chapter 284

Having to go from one hospital to another just for that sample that would be so tiring that just at the thought of it he couldn't bear it anymore. His body was already aching him badly and he just wished to go back home immediately for a good sleep and a nice lunch

"yes, it should. If it was hidden..then it should be let out immediately. Once I find it ..I won't take it easy on the one behind it all. The most important thing right now is finding the sample " Kent said walking back to his car whole his friends followed behind.

(Kent immediately enters the car, waiting for some seconds his friends were already in)

(Drives off immediately)

"Don't panic Kent.. we'll find it as you've said.But come to think of it...what if a woman is having it in her, like the child has already being developed in the womb?" Joey asked

"(laughing) How possible is that?Don't think about the impossible.I very well know that no woman is fit to hold any offspring of mine "Kent said trying to make them understand that somethings aren't possible. Though he and Lee had thought about the same thing but he took his mind odd it. If it was possible the woman who would be carrying his child is indeed very lucky

"Just a question you know.It could be the nurse who took the sample " Strings spoke up. He had this on his mind for so long he had watched the video and he couldn't get how a sample would be stolen without a trace.

"you have a point.ill check through the details of workers from each hospital and then carry out a thorough investigation.The guilty one amongst can't hide from me I'll fish her out" Adam said sounding very confident, , whole Kent nodded in approval. The culprit could be right under their nose and they had to know who it really is. 

"I have no reason to doubt your abilities..I can't doubt what you're capable of doing.But..how do all these sound to you? To me...it sounds rediculous.Infact...it irritates me . How.." Lee said looking up at his friends, they were all so confused because they didn't know what he meant by those words

"how? what do you mean?"Kent's asked 

"How on earth will you go about this investigation without making it public and without making the world know about it. Haven't you heard the saying 'news fly' ?"

"(smiles) leave that to me" Kent said with a warm smile on his face

"emmm...over there!"Joey pointed 

"that's the first hospital in town among the ones Lee listed "He continued

"What an Idoit, this is the biggest hospital in town they same one grandma had brought the sample " Lee said with a smirk

"oh...ok.. Guess we were lost in discussion and forgot all about but. The report over here could be different, this time Adams and Joey would handle it just as Lee and I did earlier"

(Kent immediately parks over)

Kent looked around the hospital which tends to look familiar.He couldn't tell how he came across a hospital he could barely recall which looked like a just a piece on his memories 

"is anything wrong?"Lee asked

"not really.The hospital just looks familiar snf I don't remember coming here by myself."

"(smiles),seems you forgot"

"forget what?"Kent questioned anxiously.He was indeed interested in knowing how he knew the hospital but never recalled.


"Those tears in your eyes make someone feel weird, you look like someone who is sending us forth to death. It's not as if we are going and would never return, you know. If I do find Tina I would drag her ass back here " Beatrice said hugging her tightly. She didn't want to go at all, she hadn't spent enough time with her kids but if she didn't the old man would drag her there.

(Laughing)Now you have the guts to think about the kids? That's weird, anyways I wasn't just tearing up for no reason I thought about it a lot and I was left with no choice than to let it out" Teresa said giving Beatrice a painful pinch. She had read her thoughts and couldn't believe it, Beatrice was thinking about the kids.

"I know, I just thought about them for a sec, didn't you see the look on Roselle's face when she knew I would be travelling? That brat didn't show any concern for me. Thank Goodness she not my only child I would have committed suicide" 

(Scoffs) "She's indeed your only child and you should be happy she's treating you that way cause you deserve it darling" Clara responded. They were at the secret spot where the portal between the heaven and the human realm was first established. Going to the heavenly realm doesn't mean one would just fly up higher to the sky. It wasn't that way at all, the dead whose souls are pure would appear exactly at this same portal and they would be channeled to the place they belong. Even the most well built Rocket still wouldn't take one to the heavenly realm even if it flies in the sky for weeks. 

Things were far more complicated than what a normal human being would think, the 1st and 2nd heaven, is where the bridge and spring Immortals reside. The 1st is close to the earth but many feets above the ground level, they belong to the spring Immortals and their generation. The 2nd heavens is further away from the 1st and just by that you would know it would be too distant from the human realm. The portal to the 2nd Heaven can never be found in the human realm, instead it is found in a sacred place in the Heavenly realm where Clara was going to. Each realm is ruled by an emperor. It is above the reach of spring Immortals except if there was an emergency. When the war between the heavenly realm and the Demon realm broke out, the 2nd heavenly realm didn't interfere in the fight because it would take about two days to pass such a message to them. In times of power and immorality, the 2nd was far greater than the first. If arranged based on power and authority the 1st heavenly realm of Immortality would be the lowest 7th in terms of ranking. 

It is said that the Supreme himself resides in the 7th heaven. This was the heavenly realm of Immortality with the First and highest rank of power and authority. It's not so weird to understand this because the supreme had created the whole universe. Teresa's home was called the 1st Heaven only because it was similar to the staircase and it was the realm more closer to the human realm. Just imagine a stair case when you're about to go up, the first step would take you to the second and the second takes you to the third and so on. If you observed clearly the first stair case is closer to the ground level making it the least. When coming down the stairs the first becomes the last..

Using this description was just for a better understanding but the Heavenly realm was far more complicated. The spring Immortals cannot easily access the second heavens because it has a higher source of energy and power but the Bridge Immortals can access theirs and it happens that the same way the spring Immortals are 100 times stronger than humans because of their powers so as the Bridge Immortals. They are far stronger than the spring Immortals 100 times. To the bridge Immortals they were more like humans, just as humans are to them. So if they come to the human realm you should know that they would be a thousand times more stronger than any human. So if this happens this way how strong do you think the Ancient Immortals are!

Clara, Beatrice, Teresa and Blaine has been at the special spot for a while now but Elyrex was no were to be found. Ever since his disappearance he didn't return. Only the old immortal could find the special portal back home, the were only two cause which are possible , it could be that it's because they were the ones who had specially built it Or this was the same part the had used to enter the human realm.

"Could it be that he couldn't find his way here?" Clara couldn't help but ask, she saw no other reason for his delayance except this.

(Laughing) "You don't have to worry about him, if you asked him to find his way to hell trust me, he would" 

"Beatrice, that's so rude of you" Teresa couldn't help but caution her.

"Rude of me? That's the truth"She knew what she was talking about, this was the man she knew too well.

"She is right, if I was given the challenge, sure I would find my way there" Elyrex said walking up to meet them. Seeing Clara he couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

(Smiles) "Dad, you don't have to be scared of me, come forward I won't pester you at least not now" Clara said 

Elyrex was very shocked with the name he had just been called. It has been centuries since he heard someone call him 'Dad' just the sound of it made him sweat. He had the look of panic on his face. 

"Enough of the Talking, it's now time, '' Blaine said, raising his unique seal. Going back to the heavenly realm would need a lot of Energy, and the old man was the one fit for the Job. Elyrex himself was enough, because both men were not spring Immortals at all; they were bridge Immortals. They had gotten married to two best friends from the 1st realm. But that wasn't the story at all, both women had attended a great feast in their own 2nd realm. That's why Elyrex could negotiate with the Devil himself. The Bridge Immortals were the second rank of Immortals were the supreme created. It was just that they were less stronger compared to the Ancient ones.

Beatrice and Clara immediately moved towards Blaine while Elyrex was left all alone. Thinking about it, Clara decided to hold on to Elyrex. Teresa just stood as she bid them farewell. In no time the portal immediately opened up after the old men had channeled their energy into it and After a while they all disappeared. Leaving Teresa behind, seeing that they were already gone, she created a technique and sealed the Portal off. No matter how strong you are, you wouldn't know that a portal exists here except of course if she had to deal with an Ancient one like the devil himself. But it was rare that an Ancient would like to pay a visit to the heavenly realm. The portal could close up by itself but that would take a lot of time and she couldn't risk leaving it open and going back home. If she made such a mistake someone could quickly get in, that was why she had to close it up.

She wasn't so sad about them leaving because she had talked to her father and he had promised to keep her in touch. Her father would get in touch with Ken that's if he doesn't get too busy to do so. Even if he doesn't, she had told Clara to pass in the news of her daughter's pregnancy to him and with him finding out that it was all Roselle's idea he would roast the earth as for Beatrice, Teresa felt there was actually a reason why her father had taken her along who knows maybe her sister Tina was in some kind of trouble. Her father always predicts everything, it seems he knew that Beatrice would be coming over. There were some things she couldn't ask him directly because she knew her father too well. If he was keeping something away from her then it means he was trying to protect her from getting hurt.

After she was done, she immediately disappeared leaving no trace. It was now her duty to take good care of the kids. She had totally forgotten about Eva, but luckily for her immediately she appeared no body was around at that time (sigh) "What a risk!"

Looking around at the empty mansion, she couldn't help twitch. These kids were becoming something else but anyways she couldn't just jump into conclusion just because the house is quiet doesn't mean they weren't around, they could be in their room sleeping or doing things quietly so it was better to run a full check around the house. Just as she was about to climb up the stairs she halted "Aunt, it's so nice to see you" Teresa didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "Why is the house so quiet?" 

"Aunt we all are having a heart attack "

"What happened?" Teresa said turning around to look at Lylic

"After we arrived home through grandpa's train, I and Steve didn't have enough time. We got whatever it was we were asked to bring and head back to the train. As you know the train took us back to grandpa's place and brought us back. Immediately it brought us into the mansion, it disappeared as expected but guess what?" Lylic said looking very serious

"What happened?" Teresa was already so tensed

"The whole guards, the servants and even Eva are all asleep we used our powers to wake them all up trying to break grandpa's spell but we all couldn't "

"What? Why didn't you guys find a way to reach out to us?"

"Aunt you know better No body would be able to trace the old man back to his place we all tried"

"That's not the worst part of it dear, if your grandfather cast a spell he would be the only person who would be able to evoke it and you know better that he isn't here " Teresa was already developing sweats on her forehead, she had totally forgotten about the whole stuff. 

"Even if we do wake your future daughter in law up, how do we explain the long term of being asleep?" Lylic couldn't help but ask

"Silly girl, we should try to know how to get her up first then we can think of something else. Where are your sisters?"

"Selom is asleep, Roselle is trying her best to bring out a solution and as for Steve he isn't doing anything, he doesn't have his powers with him anymore " 

"Yeah I remember, the old man took it away. So let's head to the initial soot he had used his energy. Mine is quite similar to his so I would try to break it off and till then you can think of something to tell her if it works "

"There's nothing to worry about Aunt, I could create some memories and place it in her mind that would do the trick " Lylic said with a smile. There was no need walking up the stress Eva was still asleep like snow white waiting for the prince charming to give her a love first kiss. Just thinking about it made Teresa chuckled. "Such a scene reminds me of Snow white and also her charming prince, has Steve tried giving her a love first kiss?" 

(Laughing) "He has just been so quiet and I am sure he didn't think of that at all"